in the
Python Standard Library
when the columns are of equal length,
when the columns are of unequal lengths.
We saw
Only POTUS POTUS & VP Only VP ---------- ---------- ------- Abraham Lincoln Andrew Johnson Aaron Burr Andrew Jackson Calvin Coolidge Adlai Stevenson Barack Obama Chester A. Arthur Al Gore Benjamin Harrison George H. W. Bush Alben W. Barkley Bill Clinton Gerald Ford Charles Curtis Donald Trump Harry S. Truman Charles G. Dawes Dwight D. Eisenhower John Adams Charles W. Fairbanks Franklin D. Roosevelt John Tyler Dan Quayle Franklin Pierce Lyndon B. Johnson Daniel D. Tompkins George W. Bush Martin Van Buren Dick Cheney George Washington Millard Fillmore Elbridge Gerry Grover Cleveland Richard Nixon Garret Hobart Herbert Hoover Theodore Roosevelt George Clinton James A. Garfield Thomas Jefferson George M. Dallas James Buchanan Hannibal Hamlin James K. Polk Henry A. Wallace James Madison Henry Wilson James Monroe Hubert Humphrey Jimmy Carter James S. Sherman John F. Kennedy Joe Biden John Quincy Adams John C. Breckinridge Ronald Reagan John C. Calhoun Rutherford B. Hayes John N. Garner Ulysses S. Grant Levi P. Morton Warren G. Harding Mike Pence William Henry Harrison Nelson Rockefeller William Howard Taft Richard M. Johnson William McKinley Schuyler Colfax Woodrow Wilson Spiro Agnew Zachary Taylor Thomas A. Hendricks Thomas R. Marshall Walter Mondale William A. Wheeler William R. King
can’t be a
because it is called in more than one place.
def score(name): """ Return the name with the last name moved to the front. For example, "Lyndon B. Johnson" becomes "Johnson Lyndon B.". """ restOfName, lastName = name.rsplit(maxsplit = 1) return f"{lastName} {restOfName}" threeColumns = itertools.zip_longest( sorted(onlyPresidents, key = score), sorted(intersection, key = score), sorted(onlyVicePresidents, key = score), fillvalue = "" )
Only POTUS POTUS & VP Only VP ---------- ---------- ------- John Quincy Adams John Adams Spiro Agnew James Buchanan Chester A. Arthur Alben W. Barkley George W. Bush Martin Van Buren Joe Biden Jimmy Carter George H. W. Bush John C. Breckinridge Grover Cleveland Calvin Coolidge Aaron Burr Bill Clinton Millard Fillmore John C. Calhoun Dwight D. Eisenhower Gerald Ford Dick Cheney James A. Garfield Thomas Jefferson George Clinton Ulysses S. Grant Andrew Johnson Schuyler Colfax Warren G. Harding Lyndon B. Johnson Charles Curtis Benjamin Harrison Richard Nixon George M. Dallas William Henry Harrison Theodore Roosevelt Charles G. Dawes Rutherford B. Hayes Harry S. Truman Charles W. Fairbanks Herbert Hoover John Tyler John N. Garner Andrew Jackson Elbridge Gerry John F. Kennedy Al Gore Abraham Lincoln Hannibal Hamlin James Madison Thomas A. Hendricks William McKinley Garret Hobart James Monroe Hubert Humphrey Barack Obama Richard M. Johnson Franklin Pierce William R. King James K. Polk Thomas R. Marshall Ronald Reagan Walter Mondale Franklin D. Roosevelt Levi P. Morton William Howard Taft Mike Pence Zachary Taylor Dan Quayle Donald Trump Nelson Rockefeller George Washington James S. Sherman Woodrow Wilson Adlai Stevenson Daniel D. Tompkins Henry A. Wallace William A. Wheeler Henry WilsonWould
be simpler than
now contains five pairs of curly braces,
so each call to
now takes five arguments.
See “nested replacement fields”
String Syntax.
maxlen = max([len(name) for name in union]) #list comprehension maxlen = len(max(union, key = len)) #simpler way to get the same answer f = "{:{}} {:{}} {}" print(f.format("Only POTUS", maxlen, "POTUS & VP", maxlen, "Only VP")) print(f.format("----------", maxlen, "----------", maxlen, "-------")) for left, middle, right in threeColumns: print(f.format(left, maxlen, middle, maxlen, right))
""" List the letters that are missing from the string. """ import sys import string s = "Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs." #pangram #Prep the patient for surgery. listOfLetters = [c for c in s if c.isalpha()] #listOfLetters is a list of one-character strings. stringOfLetters = "".join(listOfLetters) #stringOfLetters is a string. s = stringOfLetters.lower() setOfMissingLetters = set(string.ascii_lowercase) - set(s) #or setOfMissingLetters = set(string.ascii_lowercase).difference(s) listOfMissingLetters = sorted(setOfMissingLetters) stringOfMissingLetters = "".join(listOfMissingLetters) if stringOfMissingLetters: #true if the stringOfMissingLetters contains at least one character print(f'The following letters are missing: "{stringOfMissingLetters}"') sys.exit(1) else: print("No letters are missing.") sys.exit(0)
No letters are missing.
files that have never been served by the web server on
import os
#Create a set of the names of all the /~meretzkm/python/ files #on the server filenames = set() #Start with an empty set. for dir in os.walk("/home/m/meretzkm/public_html/python"): dirname = dir[0] for filename in dir[2]: filenames.add("/~meretzkm/" + os.path.join(dirname, filename)) for filename in filenames: print(filename)Then subtract from this set (as in lines 121–125 of
all the files that have been served
by the web server.
Also, replace the
with the
we saw in