The zip function

Two lists of equal length

states = [   #a list of strings

capitals = [
    "Montgomery",  #Alabama
    "Juneau",      #Alaska
    "Phoenix",     #Arizona
    "Little Rock", #Arkansas
    "Sacramento"   #California

assert len(states) == len(capitals), "The lists must be of equal length."

#Does the same thing as the assert statement.
#if len(states) != len(capitals):
#    raise AssertionError("The lists must be of equal length.")

for i in range(len(states)):
    print(f"{states[i]:10} {capitals[i]}")


for state, capital in zip(states, capitals):
    print(f"{state:10} {capital}")
Alabama    Montgomery
Alaska     Juneau
Arizona    Phoenix
Arkansas   Little Rock
California Sacramento

Alabama    Montgomery
Alaska     Juneau
Arizona    Phoenix
Arkansas   Little Rock
California Sacramento

Of course, it would have been better to make a list of lists to avoid the need for a zip:

states = [
    ["Alabama",    "Montgomery"],
    ["Alaska",     "Juneau"],
    ["Arizona",    "Phoenix"],
    ["Arkansas",   "Little Rock"],
    ["California", "Sacramento"]

for state in states:
    print(f"{state[0]:10} {state[1]}")
Alabama    Montgomery
Alaska     Juneau
Arizona    Phoenix
Arkansas   Little Rock
California Sacramento

Three lists of equal length

states = [   #a list of strings

capitals = [
    "Montgomery",  #Alabama
    "Juneau",      #Alaska
    "Phoenix",     #Arizona
    "Little Rock", #Arkansas
    "Sacramento"   #California

nicknames = [
    "The Yellowhammer State", #Alabama
    "The Last Frontier",      #Alaska"
    "The Grand Canyon State", #Arizona"
    "The Natural State",      #Arkansas"
    "The Golden State"        #California

assert len(states) == len(capitals) == len(nicknames), "The lists must be of equal length."

for i in range(len(states)):
    print(f"{states[i]:10} {capitals[i]:11} {nicknames[i]}")


for state, capital, nickname in zip(states, capitals, nicknames):
    print(f"{state:10} {capital:11} {nickname}")
Alabama    Montgomery  The Yellowhammer State
Alaska     Juneau      The Last Frontier
Arizona    Phoenix     The Grand Canyon State
Arkansas   Little Rock The Natural State
California Sacramento  The Golden State

Alabama    Montgomery  The Yellowhammer State
Alaska     Juneau      The Last Frontier
Arizona    Phoenix     The Grand Canyon State
Arkansas   Little Rock The Natural State
California Sacramento  The Golden State

Things to try

  1. The arguments of zip must be iterable objects. (See For.) Three examples of iterable objects are the following list of strings, string of characters, and range of ints.
    lastNames = [                #a list of 5 strings
        "Bush",    #2000
        "Bush",    #2004
        "Obama",   #2008
        "Obama",   #2012
        "Trump"    #2016
    firstInitials = "GGBBD"      #a string of 5 characters
    years = range(2000, 2020, 4) #a range of 5 ints
    assert len(lastNames) == len(firstInitials) == len(years), \
        "The iterables must be of equal length."
    for lastName, firstInitial, year in zip(lastNames, firstInitials, years):
        print(f"{year} {firstInitial}. {lastName}")
    2000 G. Bush
    2004 G. Bush
    2008 B. Obama
    2012 B. Obama
    2016 D. Trump
  2. If the iterables are of unequal lengths, you must use itertools.zip_longest instead of plain old zip.
    import itertools
    pleasures = [
        "new car",
        "vacation in Florida",
        "greasy chow fun in a basement dive on Mott Street",
        "hot dog in Central Park",
        "view from the top of the Palisades",
        "a baby's smile"
    prices = [
    for pleasure, price in itertools.zip_longest(pleasures, prices, fillvalue = 0.00):
        print(f"${price:9,.2f} {pleasure}")
    $35,000.00 new car
    $ 3,000.00 vacation in Florida
    $    14.00 greasy chow fun in a basement dive on Mott Street
    $     2.75 hot dog in Central Park
    $     0.00 view from the top of the Palisades
    $     0.00 a baby's smile
  3. We usually have two variables in a for loop that loops through the return value of a zip:
    states = [
    capitals = [
        "Montgomery",  #Alabama
        "Juneau",      #Alaska
        "Phoenix",     #Arizona
    for state, capital in zip(states, capitals):
        print(f"{state:10} {capital}")
    Alabama    Montgomery
    Alaska     Juneau
    Arizona    Phoenix

    But we can also have one variable. The one variable will be a tuple.

    states = [
    capitals = [
        "Montgomery",  #Alabama
        "Juneau",      #Alaska
        "Phoenix",     #Arizona
    for t in zip(states, capitals):   #t is a tuple containing two strings.
        print(f"{t[0]:10} {t[1]}")
    Alabama    Montgomery
    Alaska     Juneau
    Arizona    Phoenix
  4. The following call to zip receives numberOfColumns arguments. Each of these arguments is a list of height ints.
    Print a long list in columns.
    import sys
    n = 100
    longList = range(n)
    numberOfColumns = 5
    height = n // numberOfColumns   #of each column
    #listOfColumns will be a list of numberOfColumns smaller lists.
    #Each smaller list will contain height ints.
    listOfColumns = []
    for i in range(numberOfColumns):
        column = longList[i * height: (i + 1) * height]
    for t in zip(*listOfColumns):      #t is a tuple containing numberOfColumns ints.
        for i, number in enumerate(t): #Since t is a tuple, we can loop through it.
            print(f"{number:2}", end = "")
            if i == numberOfColumns - 1:
                print(5 * " ", end = "")
     0     20     40     60     80
     1     21     41     61     81
     2     22     42     62     82
     3     23     43     63     83
     4     24     44     64     84
     5     25     45     65     85
     6     26     46     66     86
     7     27     47     67     87
     8     28     48     68     88
     9     29     49     69     89
    10     30     50     70     90
    11     31     51     71     91
    12     32     52     72     92
    13     33     53     73     93
    14     34     54     74     94
    15     35     55     75     95
    16     36     56     76     96
    17     37     57     77     97
    18     38     58     78     98
    19     39     59     79     99

    We can create the listOfColumns more simply with a list comprehension:

    listOfColumns = [longList[i * height: (i + 1) * height] for i in range(numberOfColumns)]
  5. Swap the rows and columns:
    import sys
    people = [
        ["John", "Doe"],
        ["Mary", "Jones"],
        ["Mike", "Smith"]
    reflected = zip(*people)   #Pass 3 arguments to zip.
    for row in reflected:
        for name in row:
            print(f"{name:5}", end = " ")

    reflected contains two rows and three columns. "John" is still in the upper right corner, "Smith" is still in the lower left corner:

    John  Mary  Mike
    Doe   Jones Smith