Homework for CISC-1600-E01 and CISC-1610-E01

  1. Thursday, August 29, 2024. Bookmark the home page for this course, https://markmeretzky.com/fordham/1600/, on your computer. Read the course syllabus, including the links about attendance and plagiarism. Admire the public_html directory of each student.

    Write down your login name and secret password for our Fedora Linux server storm.cis.fordham.edu in a safe place. If you have already forgotten or lost your password, you can request a new password with this form. Log into storm during the week.

    Practice downloading files from the web into your home directory. For example,

    jsmith@storm:~$ date           (Make sure that storm.cis.fordham.edu can hear you and is responding.)
    jsmith@storm:~$ cal
    jsmith@storm:~$ cd             (Go to your own home directory.)
    jsmith@storm:~$ pwd            (Make sure you arrived there.)
    jsmith@storm:~$ ls -l          (See what's in your own home directory.)
    jsmith@storm:~$ wget https://markmeretzky.com/fordham/1600/src/dime/dime1.C
    jsmith@storm:~$ ls -l          (Did the new file actually arrive?)

    Practice using vi (the “visual editor”) to modify a file. For example,

    jsmith@storm:~$ cd
    jsmith@storm:~$ pwd
    jsmith@storm:~$ ls -l
    jsmith@storm:~$ wget https://markmeretzky.com/fordham/1600/src/xanadu.txt
    jsmith@storm:~$ ls -l
    jsmith@storm:~$ vi xanadu.txt

    Practice using the “compiler” (i.e., translator) c++ to “compile” (i.e., translate) a C++ program into terms that storm.cis.fordham.edu can understand and execute. (The full name of the compiler is /usr/bin/c++.)

    jsmith@storm:~$ cd
    jsmith@storm:~$ pwd
    jsmith@storm:~$ ls -l
    jsmith@storm:~$ c++ dime1.C
    jsmith@storm:~$ ls -l           (See if c++ created a new file named "a.out".)
    jsmith@storm:~$ ./a.out         (Execute the program and send its output to the screen.)
    jsmith@storm:~$ echo $?         (If you're interested, see the invisible "exit status" number produced by the program.)
    jsmith@storm:~$ ./a.out > dime1.txt         (Execute the program and deposit its output into a new file "dime1.txt".)
    jsmith@storm:~$ ls -l           (See if you created the file dime1.txt.)

    Practice copying files into your public_html directory so you can see them with a web browser.

    jsmith@storm:~$ cd
    jsmith@storm:~$ pwd
    jsmith@storm:~$ ls -l
    jsmith@storm:~$ cp dime1.C public_html
    jsmith@storm:~$ cp dime1.txt public_html
    jsmith@storm:~$ cd public_html
    jsmith@storm:~$ pwd
    jsmith@storm:~$ ls -l        (See if the copies are actually there in your public_html directory.)

    Then see the files in your public_html directory by pointing your web browser at

    Study the C++ programs dime1.C through dime6.C. Now make two changes to the C++ program flag.C.

    Execute your changed flag.C and deposit its output into a new file named flag.txt. Copy your changed flag.C and its file of output flag.txt into your public_html directory. Next week, our web server should be configured so that you can see these two files by pointing your web browser at
    Until then, you can see your files here.

    If you have time: I heard three beeps when I executed a C++ program including the following statement while connected to storm.cis.fordham.edu from my Macintosh. Can you hear the beeps? Turn up the volume.

    	std::cout << "\a\a\a\n";       //the ASCII "alarm" character

    For the two students who could not log into storm.cis.fordham.edu:

  2. Thursday, September 5, 2024. If storm.cis.fordham.edu is rejecting your password, you can request another password by filling out this form.

    Study the programs we looked at in class today, and download and execute some of them. Try new combinations of data types. For example, could you store input from cin into a double variable the way we stored input into an int variable here? Could you find the maximum (and minimum) values we could store into a double variable the way we found the maximum (and minimum) values we could store into an int variable here? (Expect the maximum double value to be a humongous number around 1.8 × 10308.)

    Why do the possible values for an int go from -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647? I tried to write out the answer here more neatly than I did on the whiteboard in class on September 5.

    Also look at the table of operator precedence and associativity, starting with lines 5 and 6. On September 12, we’ll also look at lines 2, 7, 16. Does C++ have a dismaying number of operators?

    Do you get the same unpredictable garbage each time you execute the following code? Run it three or four times. (“nan” means “not a number”; “inf” means “infinity”.)

    //Remember to compile with c++ -std=c++20 programname.C
    #include <format>     //for format.  Remember the other #include's
    using namespace std;
    	int i;      //unpredictable garbage
    	double d;   //unpredictable garbage
    	cout << i << "\n";
    	cout << d << "\n";
    	cout << format("{:15}", d) << "\n";

    Write a little C++ program that inputs (using cin) one or more values into one or more int or double variables, does some arithmetic with these variables in an expression, and outputs (using cout) the result. Invent something interesting. Some suggestions:

    Copy your C++ program into your public_html directory. For inspiration, see what the other students have done here.

  3. Thursday, September 12, 2024. By now, you should have writen at least one C++ program that receives input from cin and stores the input into a variable, checks to make sure that the input was successful, computes a value (the final answer) by means of an expression, stores that value into another variable, and outputs the value of that other variable. Write a program that does int arithmetic with / % to compute the quotient and remainder resulting from an int division. This quotient and remainder could be dollars and cents, hours and minutes, gallons and quarts, etc.)

    Also play with while and for loops. (I updated the embarrasing, obsolete initialization of the variable in for2.C and beer.C.) Can you store the output of stylesheet1.C into a file (named stylesheet1.html) and see it in your web browser? Could you write a for loop that computes the sum of all the integers from 1 to 100 inclusive? (The sum is 5,050.)

  4. Thursday, September 19, 2024. The C++ program product3.C has three numbers already built into it: the initial investment ($1,000.00), the number of years (10), and the annual rate of interest (6 percent). Make a more flexible version of the program that asks the user three questions, so that her or she can input their own choice for these three numbers. Put the resulting program into your public_html directory by Sunday night, September 22, 2024. If you have no idea how to do this, take a peek at product4.C. Our first example of how to do input was variable5.C.

    The C++ program graph3.C always makes little boxes that are the same size and shape. That’s because it has two numbers already built into it: the number of rows of blanks in each box (1), and the number of columns of blanks in each box (4). Make a more flexible version of the program that asks the user two additional questions, so that her or she can input their own choice for these two numbers. See the two pictures here. [Hint: we used a for loop in line.C to output 36 X’s in a row. Now instead of the

    		cout << "+----";
    that we currently have in graph3.C, could you output a plus sign, and then write a for loop to output 4 dashes in a row? And instead of looping 4 times, could you loop the number of times that the user asked for?] Put the resulting program into your public_html directory by Thursday afternoon, September 26, 2024.

    Also pick a color, any color. The recipe for a color is three numbers, telling how much red, green, and blue light to mix in. The minimum amount for each ingredient is 0, the maximum amount is 255. For example,

    255   0   0 red   
      0 255   0 green 
      0   0 255 blue  
    255 215   0 gold  
    192 192 192 silver
    184 115  51 copper
    128 128   0 olive 
      0 255 255 aqua  

    Put the three numbers of your color into solid.C, replacing my blue color 0 0 255. Run the program, together with the other program /usr/bin/pnmtopng, following the instructions here. Then can you see a little 20 × 30 image file of your chosen color in your web browser?

    The eaiest way to begin to think about nested loops is to think about traveling through a two-dimensional space, e.g., the rows and columns of pixels that make up a rectangular image. For a non-spacial example of nested loops, see if you can figure out how factor.C works.

    To give you a head start on any C++ program that you write from scratch, please help yourself to a copy of this little file, boilerplate.C. It will save you some typing.

    jsmith@storm:~$ cd
    jsmith@storm:~$ pwd
    jsmith@storm:~$ wget https://markmeretzky.com/fordham/1600/src/dime/boilerplate.C
    jsmith@storm:~$ ls -l                            (There should be a new file named boilerplate.C)
    jsmith@storm:~$ mv boilerplate.C bettername.C    (Rename the file.)
    jsmith@storm:~$ ls -l                            (Did the file get renamed?)
    jsmith@storm:~$ vi bettername.C                  (Now write the C++ program.)
  5. Thursday, September 26, 2024. I discovered and corrected a bug in morning.C when I woke up on Friday morning, September 27. (It turns out that the 12-hour clock needed a three-way if instead of a remainder; sorry about that.) You’ll have to download a fresh morning.C with another wget, and then insert the “Good morning/afternoon/evening” code again. Then run the program at various hours of the day and see what it outputs. You can also run and2.C, but it will remain silent until next Thursday evening.

    Study two examples of nested loops: the small but subtile example in factor.C and the triply nested loops in graph4.C. Review the steps by which I changed graph3.C into graph4.C in class. For example, code fragment (a) is hardwired to always output exactly 4 dashes. It evolves into code fragment (d), which is flexible enough to output the number of dashes that the user requested.

    1. 			cout << "+----";
    2. 			cout << "+";
      			cout << "----";
    3. 			cout << "+";
      			for (int cb {0}; cb < 4; ++cb) {
      				cout << "-";
    4. 			cout << "+";
      			for (int cb {0}; cb < ncolsb; ++cb) {
      				cout << "-";

    Could you figure out how to close the right and bottom edges of the graph paper instead of leaving it ragged? For example,

    How many rows of boxes (e.g., 10)? 2
    How many columns of boxes (e.g., 10)? 4
    How many rows of blanks in each box (e.g., 1)? 1
    How many columns of blanks in each box (e.g., 3)? 4
    +----+----+----+----     (ragged)
    |    |    |    |
    |    |    |    |
    How many rows of boxes (e.g., 10)? 2
    How many columns of boxes (e.g., 10)? 4
    How many rows of blanks in each box (e.g., 1)? 1
    How many columns of blanks in each box (e.g., 3)? 4
    +----+----+----+----+    (closed)
    |    |    |    |    |
    |    |    |    |    |

    You didn’t seem very happy with the four-way if in leap.C. So here’s the Wikipedia article about our “Gregorian” calendar. (That’s the calendar we use every day.) Look at the quote from the United States Naval Observatory that begins “Every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year, except for years that are…”. Please satisfy yourselves that my if statements do exactly what this quote says.

    Also study the examples of if statements inside of for loops, starting with product4.C (which is merely product3.C with an added if statment). By now, you should understand how the if/else in ukraine.C works (see ukraine.png). Can you make the Ukrainian flag bigger? Can you figure out how the if/else if/else in france.C works (see france.png)?

  6. Thursday, October 3, 2024. graph5.C is just like graph4.C, except it closes up the ragged right and bottom edges of the graph paper.

    You can run toolow.C again: it now picks a random number in the range 1 to 100 each time you run it. Observe that if you follow the best strategy (divide and conquer: your first guess should be 50, your second should be 25 or 75) it will never take more than 7 guesses. That’s because log2 100 is approximately 7. toolow2.C is the same program, but it uses a new variable named tries to count how many guesses it took.

    In class on October 3, we unsnarled morning1.C into morning3.C, and I was pleasantly surprised to see so much interest in this issue. In the same way, unsnarl morning2.C and put the resulting program into your public_html directory by Sunday night, October 6, 2024.

    Write a C++ to output a flag like the examples we saw here (ukraine.png, france.png, japan.png, usa.png, etc.) Use the same nested for loops that we saw in ukraine.C: the outer loop counts through the rows, the inner loop counts through the columns. It would be really convenient if I could resize your flag just by changing the values of the two variables nrows and ncols. (That’s what we did in class on October 3 to ukraine.C and france.C.) To have more than one color, you will need an if statement inside of the nested for loops, as in ukraine.C and france.C. That’s the whole point of this assignment: to provide yet another example of writing an if statement, or an if/else statement (or even a chain of else/ifs) inside of a loop (in this case, inside of nested loops). Put your C++ program and the resulting .png image file into your public_html directory by Thursday afternoon, October 10, 2024. For example, check out the lovely essay in papayawhip, peachpuff, pink, and lightcoral at flaghw2.C and flaghw2.png. Or the flag of Ireland at ireland.C and ireland.png.

    The midterm exam will be on Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. Arrays will not be on the midterm, since we haven’t covered them yet.

    https://print.fordham.edu/user says “This site can’t be reached”.

  7. Thursday, October 10, 2024. When we go over the midterm on October 17, we will begin by reviewing for2.C, so make sure you understand how this program works.
    1. How many times does for2.C loop?
    2. What does it output during the first loop?
    3. What does it output during the second loop?
    4. What does it output during the last loop?

    Improve monkey1.C so that it outputs the correct tense of the verb “to be”:

    1. If the user asks about a past year, it will say that that year was the year of the (whatever animal).
    2. If the user asks about the current year, it will say that that year is the year of the (whatever animal).
    3. If the user asks about a future year, it will say that that year will be the year of the (whatever animal).
    You will need to compare the current year with the year the user asked about. Here’s how to get the current year. (It’s very similar to how we got the current weekday in switch4.C and the current hour in and2.C.)

            time_t t {time(nullptr)};            //remember to #include <ctime>
            tm *p {localtime(&t)};
            int currentYear {p->tm_year + 1900}; //the current year

    Speaking of three-way if statements, check out

    1. the three vertical stripes in Italy.png
    2. the three vertical stripes in mexico.png
    3. the three vertical stripes in mexico.png
    4. the three vertical stripes in ireland.C and ireland.png. Too bad he or she said int row = 0; instead of int row {0};, and int col = 0; instead of int col {0};. Let’s party like it’s 2011!
    5. the three horizontal stripes in colombia.png, and compare them with the real flag of Colombia. I wish we could see the C++ program that created this flag, but the author did not copy the C++ program into his or her public_html directory. Is there an easy way to make the top stripe wider?
  8. Thursday, October 17, 2024. I’ll give you another chance at the midterm, for those who want it, at 8:45 p.m. on Thursday, October 24, 2024.

    Please do the remedial exercises. You can hand in the answers on paper, or put them in one big file (call it remedial.txt) in your public_html directory on storm.cis.fordham.edu.

    I added two more nested loop examples, triangle.C and parallelogram.C, to line.C and rectangle.C. In triangle.C, why do the lines become longer and longer? In parallelogram.C, why are there more and more spaces in front of each line?

    On October 24, we will decide if we want to have class on October 31 (Hallowe’en).

  9. Thursday, October 24, 2024. No class on Thursday, October 31, 2024. The next time we meet will be on Thursday, November 7, 2024.

    I repeat the main idea of the October 24th class: the data in a C++ program (i.e., the lists of numbers and strings) belong up in a data structure (such as an array or a “map”) at the top of the program, not down in the statements (such as the if statements or the cout statements) at the bottom of the program. For example, compare

    Good Bad
    switch4.C switch1.C
    carmodel2.C carmodel1.C
    verticalstripes.C flaghw2.C

    Use nested loops to output the lyrics to a song whose verses get longer and longer. First see how the nested loops in triangle.C produce lines of output that get longer and longer. Then contemplate the lyrics to the song The Twelve Days of Christmas, and see how the nested loops in christmashint.C produce paragraphs of output that get longer and longer. You can pick a different song (such as Green Grow the Rushes, O, There’s a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea, or There Was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly), but I would be most interested in seeing a song in a foreign language.

    Make sure you understand the day/month/year logic in the body of the for loop in date.C. (You can assume that there are no leap years.) If the user wanted to go a distance of 1000 days into the future, the loop would iterate 1000 times. Let’s take this number 1000 as an example. Is there a way we could get to our destination with fewer than 1000 iterations? Do you already know of an easy way to break 1000 days into two smaller numbers, namely 2 years and 270 additional days? Then is there an easy way to leap 2 years into the future (say, from 24 Oct 2024 directly to 24 Oct 2026) in a single bound? (Hint: something like year += 2;) If that were the case, then you would only need to iterate 270 times to get to the final destination. So change date.C so that no matter what distance the user requests, even if it’s up in the thousands, you can get there with at most 364 iterations of the for loop. Extra credit: can you change the loop so that it advances one month into the future, instead of just one day into the future, with each iteration?

  10. Thursday, October 31, 2024 (Hallowe’en). No class.
  11. Thursday, November 7, 2024. I corrected my mistake in christmas.C. You should no longer get an error message from the c++ command. Sorry.

    My attempt to output three Chinese characters that you can see in your web browser (上下川): chinese.C.
    If that works, you can try the Chinese for loop (上 下 丌 不 与 丏 丐 丑 丒 专 且 丕 世 丗 丘 丙) in this chinese.C.

    I repeat some of the main ideas of the November 7th class. In date2.C, think of the three variables year, month, day as a team that collectively represent a date. On November 14th, we will learn to actually package these three variables into one big variable called a “structure”, and in the Spring 2025 CISC-2000-E01, we will learn to package these three variables into one big variable called an “object” (as in “object oriented programing”).

    In two programs, we used the operators / and % to get a quotient, and a remainder of a limited size.

    1. In date2.C, we divided distance by 365 and got a remainder limited to the range 0 to 364 inclusive. We then used this remainder to limit the for loop to at most 364 iterations.
    2. In queue.C (which we did not attempt to read in class), we had an array of n elements, whose subscripts therefore had to be limited to the range 0 to n-1 inclusive. When we had a subscript that was outside of this legal range, we divided the subscript by n and used the remainder instead. For example, when we had a subscript of n+1, which was a little bit beyond the end of the array, we divided the subscript by n and got a remainder of 1, which was safely within the array.

    Study the logic of two programs:

    1. Suppose date3.C wants to go 1000 days into the future from November 7, 2024. 1000 days is 2 years and 270 days. (That’s what the / and % tell you.) If we add 2 years and 270 days directly to November 7, 2024, we get November 277, 2026. In some sense this surprising answer is correct, but it needs a series of minor adjustments. Here are other ways of writing the same date, each one slightly more reasonable than the previous one:
      November 277, 2026
      December 247, 2026
      January 216, 2027
      February 185, 2027
      March 157, 2027
      April 126, 2027
      May 96, 2027
      June 65, 2027
      July 35, 2027
      August 4, 2027
      The for loop in date3.C performs the above 9 adjustments with only 9 iterations, instead of the 1000 iterations that date.C would have taken, or the 270 iterations that date2.C would have taken. This is called programming. Knowing how to program will get you big bucks.
    2. stack.C, as an example of a program that changes the values in the array as it runs. On November 14, we will divide the main function of this program into several separate functions.

    If you haven’t yet done the homework where you write a C++ program that outputs the lyrics to a song that gets longer and longer, do it.

    Write another C++ program that outputs the lyrics to a song made of verses and a chorus. The chorus should be output by a function named chorus. Imitate function1.C and function2.C. Remember to write a function declaration above the main function as well as the function definition below the main function.

  12. Thursday, November 14, 2024.

    Study minimumint.C. Then observe that sortint.C has the same logic, repeated over and over again. (Or if you prefer strings, you can study minimumstring.C. Then observe that sortstring.C has the same logic, repeated over and over again.)

    I added a separate example, swap.C, to illustrate how to swap the values of two variables. This logic is employed in bubblesortint.C and bubblesortstring.C.

    structure2.C has two columns of data. Give it a third column, listing the average 2023 temperature in Fahrenheit in New York City for each month. Get the temperatures from the last complete row in this table. You will have to make three changes to structure2.C:

    1. Add a third field
      	double temperature;   //2023 New York City average, in fahrenheit
      to the blueprint for the data type month, after the two existing fields name and length.
    2. Add a third value to the initialization of each structure. For example,
      		{"January",   31,  43.5},
      		{"February",  28,  41.1},
    3. Also output the temperature of each month.

    Run the C++ program wav.C, creating the output file sine.wav. (Follow the directions in the array examples.) Then change the array of structures to play a different melody. For example,

           note a[] {
                    {E, 0.5},  //Three
                    {D, 0.5},  //blind
                    {C, 1.0},  //mice,
                    {E, 0.5},  //Three
                    {D, 0.5},  //blind
                    {C, 1.0},  //mice,
                    {G, 0.5},  //See
                    {F, 0.25}, //how
                    {F, 0.25}, //they
                    {E, 1.0}   //run,
                    {G, 0.5},  //See
                    {F, 0.25}, //how
                    {F, 0.25}, //they
                    {E, 1.0}   //run.

    The array of structures already has two double columns, named pitch and length. Add a third double column named volume, giving the loudness of each note. 1.0 will be the maximum volume, 0.0 will be the minimum volume (complete silence), and 0.1 or 0.05 will be a very soft volume. To make it work, change the value of the variable y to

    			double y {a[i].volume * numeric_limits<int16_t>::max() * sin(x)};

    Fordham says, “Please remind your students that the Tutor room in Rose Hill (John Mulcahy Hall 310) is now open 10-3:45 M-F. (Exception - Monday opens at 10:30). We now have a PhD student working the 10-11:15 shift T-F. No reservations needed!”

  13. Thursday, November 21, 2024. Nothing to hand in. Please show maze.C (and its output) to your friends and relatives during Thanksgiving. (“This is what we’re doing in our C++ class at Fordham!”) Let them make their own maze by modifying the rows and columns of characters in the two-dimensional array a in maze.C. To make the output more vivid, you can put in the color control codes here. Here’s how this program relates to what we did in class on November 21, 2024. maze.C is divided into two functions, the main function and the f function. Note that we created the three variables a, nrows, and nrows up above the main function. This allows us to mention these three variables in both fuctions. All the other variables were created inside of a function. Each of these other variables can therefore be mentioned only within the function in which they were created.
  14. Thursday, December 5, 2024.
  15. Thursday, December 12, 2024. The final exam is on Thursday, December 19, 2024.