CRN 90200 iPhone Application Development

  1. Homework for Fall 2014
  2. Swift apps for Fall 2014
  3. Catalog description in the Pace website
  4. Webex recordings were erased from Pace website to save space.
  5. Blackboard has some of the Webex recodings.
  6. CRN 90762 Advanced iOS Application Development
    1. Catalog description
    2. Website
    3. Instructor (Robert R. Pascazio)
  7. Objective-C apps from semesters when the course was given in that language at Pace.
  8. Semesters
    1. Fall 2014: class photo and GitHub accounts.

Pace University, 163 William Street (between Ann and Beekman), room 336. 6:00 to 8:30 pm, with a 10-minute intermission starting at 7:15.

Fall 2014 Homework

We meet on 24 Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are also three optional Saturday labs (10:00 am to 1:00 pm) on December 6, January 10, and January 24th.

  1. Tuesday, October 21, 2014: up to for loops in the Swift Language. Study the Swift Language, read Apple’s Swift Tour, and start dipping into the Language Guide. (Many of the links in the Swift Language point into the Language Guide.) Create bookmarks in your browser for NS (NextStep), UI (User Interface), and CG (Core Geometry; look under CGGeometry for the simple data type CGFloat and the structure data types CGPoint, CGSize, and CGRect. Play with Swift in a playground. For example, type in
    //Find the midpoint between point a and point b.
    let a: CGPoint = CGPointMake(10.0, 20.0);
    let b: CGPoint = CGPointMake(30.0, 40.0);
    let midpoint: CGPoint = CGPointMake((a.x + b.x) / 2.0, (a.y + b.y) / 2.0);
    print("The midpoint is \(midpoint).");
    Read ahead to Class and Hello.

    Admire our class photo. Put Xcode on your Mac if you don’t already have it. Create a free personal GitHub account. Look at the accounts of the other students in the class.

    Your instructor would be happy to invite you to join the team for this class, thus saving you $99, if you give him ( your name, email address, the name of your GitHub account, and the 40-hex-character identifier of your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. This identifier is called the “Device ID” or “UDID”. Instructions for finding it are in Register your device. Apple will send you an invitation to join and will send you an Apple ID. After you have joined the team, go here to see who else has joined the team (click on People), and go here to see your device and App ID (on the left, click on Devices and App IDs). This offer is good from 8:30 p.m. EST on Tuesday, October 21 until 6:00 p.m. EST on Thursday, October 23, 2014.

  2. Thursday, October 23, 2014: up to the end of the Swift Language. Use a playground to see if this stuff actually works. Read ahead to Class and Hello. After you’ve looked at Hello and its Swift source code files AppDelegate.swift, ViewController.swift, and View.swift, visit my GitHub account and see if you can find those three files. Hint: go to the repository named Hello. Further hint: open the folder named Hello.

    If you’re brave, you can try creating the Class and Hello projects in Xcode. Just follow the “create the project” directions. I believe these instructions for uploading an Xcode project to your GitHub site are now correct. If you’re really brave, you can try to upload the Hello project to your GitHub site after you create the project in Xcode. Good luck!

    Admire our new class photo; it has ten students.

    On Thursday night, October 23, I asked Apple to email invitations to the six students who sent me their 40-character identifiers. Accept the invitation to join the group of people who will not have to pay the $99 fee to copy their apps from their Macintosh to their iPhone. As of October 25, four out of six have accepted.

  3. Tuesday, October 28, 2014: up to Hello. Run the Date example. Then add the following two methods to class Date, and write some code to demonstrate them. Assume that there are no leap years. [Due November 4, 2014.]
    1. a method named prev, with no parameters. It should be exactly like the existing method named next with no parameters, except that it moves the object 1 day back in time instead of 1 day forward,
    2. a method named prev, with one Int parameter. It should be exactly like the existing method named next with one Int parameter, except that it moves the object n days back in time instead of n days forward.
    Do the Hello exercises and have a good time, but don’t hand them in. One of the students posted the Objective-C version of this project. Read ahead to Icon, Internationalization, GitHub, and Japan.
  4. Thursday, October 30, 2014: up to Icon. Read the GitHub instructions. Then upload two Xcode projects to your GitHub account. [Due November 4th.] First, the Date project with the two new member functions named prev. Second, a project named Oct30, loosely based on Hello and its exercises. (Maybe an app that flashes “Emergency Destruct” in a font that gets bigger and bigger? Or a Times Square-style ticker with a crawling message?) The Oct30 project should have at least one icon. (My 120 × 120 pixel yellow square is totally adequate, but remember how proud your instructor was of the handsome icon he created for this project.) Check out these icons! The Oct30 project should have a launch image that has the same background color as your app. Get rid of the launch image’s title and copyright notice.

    Read ahead to Internationalization, Download and Japan. We’ll have a brief talk about downloading on November 4th.

  5. Tuesday, November 4, 2014: up to Japan. Play with all the Japan examples; I added a new example showing the Red Cross with overlapping colors. I also fixed the bug we discovered in the Pythagorean example. Write (and upload to GitHub) an app named Nov4 that draws text and graphics in the drawRect(_:) method of its view. How about a rocket made of one triangle and one rectangle that moves up the screen and says “Boom!” when it reaches a certain altitude? You could also play with line join and line cap; see Parameters That Affect Stroking. Internationalize the app for English and at least one other language (Spanish is fine). You might be interested in seeing Japan in the Objective-C language; at least look at the pictures. Anything you can do in Objective-C, you can also do in Swift.

    Watch the YouTube video about icons. See the icon templates and many other tutorials here.

    As usual, please read ahead. Please email me that link to the tutorial about how you made that great-looking icon. Also, somebody please email me a link to where I can hear the recordings of the lectures.
    No class November 6 (instructor teaching iOS and Android in San Francisco).

  6. Tuesday, November 11, 2014: up to Touch. Run the apps we did in class today (Manhattan, America, Set, Touch) and do their exercises but don’t hand them in. Sine will show you how to make an app that launches itself in landscape orientation.

    Homework due Tuesday, November 18th: first run Touch and do at least its exercise #1 (which I added on November 11th at 10:00pm). Then write (and upload to GitHub) an app named Nov11 written in Swift that will do something interesting with the stuff we did in class today. How about an app that displays the face of your favorite politician, and creates a subview displaying a splattered cream pie at each point where you touch the screen? Or a map of New Jersey that displays a little red brick at each point where you touch, indicating a case of Ebola?

  7. Thursday, November 13, 2014: up to Etch, but we haven’t done Puzzle yet. Run Touch, Animate, Hit, and Etch, and do all their exercises, but don’t hand them in. I fixed all the typos in Animate. Remember that you’re uploading a Swift app named Nov11 in time for the November 18th class. Make it do something interesting involving touch-sensitivity and/or animation.

    On November 13th, I registered four devices under the names Sharafasli, elena-dare, AviPogrow, and aperfectempire80. I created certificates for the two people who requested certificates (Sharafasli and AviPogrow). Good luck with the downloading instructions.

    Avi Pogrow says this online course has a very good entry level iOS Swift curriculum. He built an app in Swift based on their lessons, “FunFacts”, which is in his GitHub account.

    Here are two answers to a question I couldn’t answer in class on November 13th: how to make the app’s biggest (or only) UIView occupy the entire window except for the status bar. Short answer: put the following statement in the applicationDidBecomeActive method of the application delegate:

    		//Defaults to black, which would make the black text in the status bar
    		window!.backgroundColor = UIColor.orangeColor();
    Put the following statement into the init method of your big View (your only UIView, or the superview of all your UIViews):
    		//to verify that your View covers the whole window except the status bar
    		backgroundColor = UIColor.yellowColor();
    Put the following statements at the start of the drawRect method of your big View (your only UIView, or the superview of all your UIViews):
    		let screen: UIScreen = UIScreen.mainScreen();
    		frame = screen.applicationFrame;
    		"Hello, world!".drawAtPoint(bounds.origin, withAttributes: nil);

    Long answer: it might slow the app down if we change the value of the frame property every time we call drawRect, as we did in the short answer. (Remember, drawRect might be called up to 60 times per second.) A workaround is to have your View (which occupies the entire window) create a subview of class View1 (which occupies the entire window except for the status bar).

    	//This is the init method of class View in View.swift.
    	required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
    		super.init(coder: aDecoder);
    		backgroundColor = UIColor.orangeColor();
    		let screen: UIScreen = UIScreen.mainScreen();
    		let view1: View1 = View1(frame: screen.applicationFrame);
    	//Add these methods to your class View1 in View1.swift.
    	override init(frame: CGRect) {
    		super.init(frame: frame);
    		backgroundColor = UIColor.yellowColor();
    	//never called, but needed anyway to get View1.swift to compile
    	required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
    		super.init(coder: aDecoder);
    	override func touchesBegan(touches: NSSet, withEvent event: UIEvent) {

    Simpler version of code in method snowing in class View that used to be at

    		let h: CGFloat = bounds.size.height;	//short name
    		//An array of thirteen tuples, like the one in Manhattan.
    		let tuples: [(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat)] = [
    			(-50, snowYAxis),
    			(-bounds.size.width + 2 * bounds.origin.x, snowYAxis),
    			(-150, snowYYAxis + h * 67 / 22),
    			(-100, snowYAxis + h / 4),
    			(-200, snowYYAxis + h / 6),
    			(-0.5, snowYAxis + h / 4),
    			(-250, snowYAxis + h / 9),
    			(-330, snowYYAxis / 6),
    			(-210, snowYYAxis / 2),	//slower
    			(-130, snowYAxis / 8),	//same as above, but slower
    			(-330, snowYAxis + h / 4),
    			(-250, snowYYAxis + h / 2.8),
    			(-370, snowYYAxis + h / 2.3)
    		for tuple in tuples {
    			let p: CGPoint = CGPointMake(
    				bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width + tuple.x,
    				tuple.y % h);
    			snowflake.drawAtPoint(p, withAttributes: snowAttributes);
  8. Tuesday, November 18, 2014: up to Gone. Run the apps and do the exercises, but don’t hand them in. I think you’ll be entertained by the first Puzzle exercise.

    Write a Swift app named Nov18 and upload it to GitHub by 6:00pm on Tuesday, November 25th. It should display a series of two or more screen-filling views, like Flip. How about a photo album with a cover page, or a series of pages displaying the current prices of different stocks, or a series of pages with different animations?

  9. Thursday, November 20, 2014: up to Swipe. For a very simple shrinking transformation, see Star Wars and make sure your Mac’s sound is on. Jackye: I added a third exercise to Swipe showing a gesture recognizer that calls a method of the view controller when a swipe occurs.

    Please add background music (or speech, or sound) to your Nov18 app (due November 25th). See Gone for background music.

    If you have bugs you can’t figure out, upload the project to GitHub where we can all see it and send me email describing the symptom(s). Admire the output of my first Python program: a continuously updated chronological list of all the projects the class has uploaded to GitHub, with the most recent at the top. Warning: you can click on this link only a limited number of times per 24 hours.

    Answer to a question about Zhanna’s Madagascar app that I couldn’t answer in class on November 11. To make the green ground touch-sensitive and the blue water touch-insensitive, draw the coastline by building up a CGMutablePathRef as we did in the last triangle example in Japan. Add the following property to the class View of Madagascar.

    	let coastline: CGMutablePathRef = CGPathCreateMutable();
    In the drawRect method of class View,
    		//Create three transformation objects.
    		//We saw our first transformation object in exercise 8 of Animate.
    		let translate1: CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(bounds.size.width / 2, bounds.size.height / 2);
    		let scale1: CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(scale * CGFloat(cos(radians)), -scale);
    		let translate2: CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(-longitude, -latitude);
    		//Concatenate the three transformation objects
    		//into one big transformation object.
    		let t1: CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransformConcat(translate2, scale1);
    		var bigTransform: CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransformConcat(t1, translate1);
    		//Build up the coastline, applying the bigTransform at each step.
    		CGPathMoveToPoint(coastline, &bigTransform, a[0].longitude, a[0].latitude);
    		for var i = 1; i < a.count; ++i {
    			CGPathAddLineToPoint(coastline, &bigTransform, a[i].longitude, a[i].latitude);
    		//Paint the land mass on the screen (very simple).
    		let c: CGContextRef = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
    		CGContextAddPath(c, coastline);
    		CGContextSetRGBFillColor(c, 0, 1, 0, 1);	//green, opaque
    The touchesBegan method of class View contains the punchline:
    		let point: CGPoint = touch.locationInView(self);
    		if CGPathContainsPoint(coastline, nil, point, true) {
    			let f: CGRect = CGRectMake(point.x - 30, point.y - 30, 60, 60);
    			addSubview(LittleView(frame: f));

  10. Tuesday, November 25, 2014: up to Button. The following is not a homework, but you should do it anyway to entertain the class and to learn how to make apps. Write an app named Nov25, and upload it to GitHub in time for the December 2nd class. The app should recognize one or more gestures using a gesture recognizer, and should have one or more buttons that call methods.

    Here is a link to the audio/visual file of the November 25th lecture. The name of the meeting is "iOS 11/25/2014" and its meeting number is 734 621 634. Can somebody please tell me how to play the file?

    Link to cancer project. No class November 27th (Thanksgiving).

    Here is an answer to a question I couldn’t answer in class on November 25th. In this project, the init method of View gives the dimensions 90 × 40 to each of the two little subviews. And these dimensions just happen to work correctly: they are just barely big enough for the two subviews to display “Hello, ” and “World!”. How could we eliminate the guesswork and let the app compute the actual dimensions needed for the two texts?

    1. Add the following two properties to class LittleView. They go right after the { at the top of the LittleView.swift file.
      	let s: String = "Hello, ";
      	let attributes: [NSObject: AnyObject] = [NSFontAttributeName: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(32)];
      You can then remove the local variables s, font, and attributes from the drawRect(_:) method of class LittleView. In fact, you can also remove the variables size, screen, appplicationFrame, and f from drawRect(_:), since they are never used.
    2. Remove the init method whose parameter is a CGRect from class LittleView. Replace it with the following init method that accepts no parameters at all.
      	//Give the newborn LittleView a size,
      	//but don't try to give it a position yet.
      	override init() {
      		let size: CGSize = s.sizeWithAttributes(attributes);
      		let frame: CGRect = CGRectMake(
      		super.init(frame: frame)
      		// Initialization code
      		backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor();	//just so we can see it
    3. Make the same changes to class LittleView2: two new properties, no-parameter init. Let its background color be orange.
    4. In the init method of View, create the two subviews by calling the no-param inits you just wrote:
      		//Create the two subviews and give them their correct sizes,
      		//but don't try to give them positions yet.
      		littleView = LittleView();
      		littleView2 = LittleView2();
      You can then remove the local variables f and f2 from the init method of View, since they are no longer used.
    5. Add the following method to class View. We saw layoutSubviews in Rotate.
      	override func layoutSubviews() {
      		let screen: UIScreen = UIScreen.mainScreen();
      		let applicationFrame: CGRect = screen.applicationFrame;
      		//Put upper left corner of LittleView at upper left corner of applicationFrame.
      		littleView.frame.origin = applicationFrame.origin;
      		//Put upper right corner of LittleView2 at upper right corner of applicationFrame.
      		littleView2.frame.origin = CGPointMake(
      			applicationFrame.origin.x + applicationFrame.width - littleView2.bounds.width,
    6. In the touchesBegan method of class View, banish all mention of the number 40. Change
      point.x - 40
      point.x - littleView.bounds.size.width / 2
      and change
      point.x + 40
      point.x + littleView2.bounds.size.width / 2
    Here is an answer to another question I couldn’t answer in class on November 25th. In the underwater project, let’s use a UITextView to display a screenfull of text.
    1. Let the superclass of class TextView be UITextView.
      class TextView: UITextView {
    2. Change the no-parameter init method of class TextView to the following.
      	override init() {
      		super.init(frame: CGRectZero, textContainer: nil);
      		//If this view is touched, do not pop up a keyboard.
      		editable = false;
      		//If this view is touched, do not let this view react to the touch.
      		//This view's superview object (i.e., the View in View.swift)
      		//will be the one that reacts to the touch.
      		userInteractionEnabled = false;
      		text =
      			"\n" +
      			"\n" +
      			"\t Somewhere beyond the sea \n" +
      			"\n" +
      		"\t Frank Sinatra - Somewhere beyond the sea";
    3. Remove the drawRect(_:) method from class TextView.
  11. Tuesday, December 2, 2014: up to Video. I created a new file, and updated the “Create the project” instructions in Video. Please let me know if it doesn’t play the silent movie. Run Button on an real iPhone or iPad and listen to the sound; then uncomment its vibration line and run it again. Do the exercises in Button and Notify, but don’t hand them in. Read “The big picture” in Notify.

    The coolest man who ever lived was Derek Flint. For example, he was the first person to have a ringtone. (Number Six in The Prisoner was cool too, and so is Mr. Bond.) Write a Swift app named Dec2 that simulates a device for Mr. Flint (or any one of his friends—or enemies) to carry in his pocket, with background music or a brief sound effect. Video would definitely be a plus, not to mention vibration. And you certainly want lots of buttons, and maybe a swinging or peeling door. It’s okay if some of the buttons do nothing at all—just make it look good. They should have impressive labels: Kilotons/Megatons or Moscow/Peking/London/Washington or Autodestruct. Upload the app to your GitHub account by 6:00pm on December 9, 2014. “This has 82 different functions… 83 if you want to light a cigar.”

    Here is the View.swift file in the Three Cat Project I edited in class on December 2nd. I made the smallest possible modification to the existing code that would allow all three cats to appear.

    import UIKit
    import GLKit;
    class View: UIView {
    	var previousScale: CGFloat = 0;
    	var index: Int = 0;
    	override init(frame: CGRect) {
    		super.init(frame: frame);
    		backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor();
    		let names: [String] = [
    		let image: UIImage? = UIImage(named: "/(names[index])");
    		// Image
    		let image: UIImage? = UIImage(named: "1");
    		if image == nil {
    			A HREF =
    "">print("could not create image");
    		var imageView: UIImageView = UIImageView(image: image); = center;
    		// Pinch
    		let recognizer: UIPinchGestureRecognizer =
    			UIPinchGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: "pinch:");
    		previousScale = recognizer.scale;
    		// Rotate
    		let recognizer2: UIRotationGestureRecognizer =
    			UIRotationGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: "rotate:");
    		let recognizer3: UITapGestureRecognizer =
    			UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: "swichPhoto:");
    		recognizer3.numberOfTapsRequired = 2;
    	required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
    		super.init(coder: aDecoder)
    	func pinch(recognizer: UIPinchGestureRecognizer) -> Void {
    		let currentScale: CGFloat = recognizer.scale;
    		if abs(currentScale - previousScale) <= 0.1 {
    			let imageView: UIImageView = subviews[subviews.count - 1] as UIImageView;
    			let factor: CGFloat = currentScale / previousScale;
    			let newSize: CGSize = CGSizeMake(
    				factor * imageView.frame.size.width,
    				factor * imageView.frame.size.height);
    			imageView.frame = CGRectMake(
    				(frame.size.width - newSize.width) / 2,
    				(frame.size.height - newSize.height) / 2,
    			previousScale = currentScale;
    	func rotate(recognizer2: UIRotationGestureRecognizer) {
    		let radians: Float = Float(recognizer2.rotation);
    		let degrees: Float = GLKMathRadiansToDegrees(radians);
    		print("recognizer.rotation = \(degrees)");
    		let imageView: UIImageView = subviews[subviews.count - 1] as UIImageView;
    		imageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(recognizer2.rotation);
    	func swichPhoto(recognizer3: UITapGestureRecognizer) -> Void {
    		if index < 2  {
    		index = index + 1;
    		} else {
    		index = 0;
    		let imageView: UIImageView = subviews[subviews.count - 1] as UIImageView; = center;
    		imageView.image = UIImage(named: "\(index + 1)");
    		imageView.frame.size = imageView.image!.size;
    	override func layoutSubviews() {
    		let imageView: UIImageView = subviews[subviews.count - 1] as UIImageView; = center;
  12. Thursday, December 4, 2014: up to Slider. Uncomment the vibration code in Button and see what happens when you run it on a real iPhone. Run Video, Switch, and Slider, and do their exercises, but don’t hand them in. The most important exercises are the delegate one (exercise #2 of Switch) and the silent movie subtitle (exercise #3 of Video, added late on December 4, 2014).

    To hear the recorded lectures, see the Webex instructions at the top of this page. In the future, I’ll try to speak in a deeper, more resonant voice, and not say “um” so often. Should we ask Pace for a higher-fidelity microphone that handles the sound “s” better?

  13. Tuesday, December 9, 2014: up to Slider. We also looked at Star Wars. Here is the app we wrote in class on December 9 that moves a slider as an audio file plays, with a few improvements. What happens if you let it play all the way to the end of the audio file? How could you correct it?

    Write a Swift app named Dec9 and upload it to GitHub by 6:00pm on Tuesday, December 16. It should do something interesting, probably involving sliders, subviews, and audio recording and playback.

    Here is the View.swift file I modified in class on December 9 in this Dec2 project:

    //  View.swift
    //  Dec2
    //  Created by Jacqueline Caraballo on 12/9/14.
    //  Copyright (c) 2014 JacquelineCaraballo. All rights reserved.
    import UIKit
    class View: UIView {
    	//Called from the loadView method of the ViewController.
    	let fontSize: CGFloat = UIFont.buttonFontSize();
    	required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
    		// Initialization code
    		super.init(frame: CGRectZero);
    		backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor();
    		let application: UIApplication = UIApplication.sharedApplication();
    		let appDelegate: AppDelegate = application.delegate! as AppDelegate;
    		let window: UIWindow = appDelegate.window!;
    		let viewController: ViewController = window.rootViewController! as ViewController;
    		let screen: UIScreen = UIScreen.mainScreen();
    		let applicationFrame: CGRect = screen.applicationFrame;
    		let text: String = "CIA Clandestine Resources";
    		let font: UIFont = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(25);
    		let fontColor: UIColor = UIColor.blackColor();
    		let attributes: [NSObject: AnyObject] = [NSFontAttributeName: font, NSForegroundColorAttributeName: fontColor];
    		let size: CGSize = text.sizeWithAttributes(attributes);
    		let f: CGRect = CGRectMake(
    			applicationFrame.origin.x ,
    		let label: UILabel = UILabel(frame: f);
    		label.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor();
    		label.font = font;
    		label.text = text;
    		//Put the button in the center of this View and keep it there.
    		let videoButton: UIButton = UIButton.buttonWithType(UIButtonType.System) as UIButton;
    		videoButton.bounds.size = CGSizeMake(250, 40);
  = center;
    		videoButton.autoresizingMask =
    		| UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleRightMargin
    		| UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleTopMargin
    		| UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleBottomMargin;
    		videoButton.backgroundColor = UIColor.grayColor();
    		videoButton.layer.borderWidth = 0.5;	//0.5 pairs of pixels = 1 pixel
    		videoButton.layer.borderColor = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor;
    		videoButton.setTitleColor(UIColor.blackColor(), forState: UIControlState.Normal);
    		videoButton.setTitle("Emergency Alert System", forState: UIControlState.Normal);
    			action: "touchUpInsideVideo:",
    			forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside);
    		/***AUDIO BUTTON 1***/
    		let audioButton1: UIButton = UIButton.buttonWithType(UIButtonType.System) as UIButton;
    		audioButton1.bounds.size = CGSizeMake(250,40);
    		//Put the button at the center of the bottom edge of this View = CGPointMake(
    			bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width / 2,
    			bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height - audioButton1.frame.size.height / 2
    		//keep the button at the center of this view
    		//even if the size of this View changes
    		audioButton1.autoresizingMask =
    			|	UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleRightMargin
    			| 	UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleTopMargin
    //			| 	UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleBottomMargin;
    		audioButton1.backgroundColor = UIColor.grayColor();
    		audioButton1.layer.borderWidth = 0.5; // 0.5 pairs of pixels = 1 pixel
    		audioButton1.layer.borderColor = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor;
    		audioButton1.setTitleColor(UIColor.blackColor(), forState: UIControlState.Normal);
    		audioButton1.setTitle("Connect to Agent Smith", forState: UIControlState.Normal);
    		audioButton1.titleLabel!.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(fontSize);
    			action: "touchUpInside:",
    			forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside);
    		/***AUDIO BUTTON 2***/
    		let audioButton2: UIButton = UIButton.buttonWithType(UIButtonType.System) as UIButton;
    		audioButton2.bounds.size = CGSizeMake(250,40);
    		//Put the button at the center of the top edge of this View = CGPointMake(
    			bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width / 2,
    			bounds.origin.y + audioButton2.frame.size.height / 2
    		//keep the button at the center of this view
    		//even if the size of this View changes
    		audioButton2.autoresizingMask =
    			|	UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleRightMargin
    //			| 	UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleTopMargin
    			| 	UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleBottomMargin;
    		audioButton2.backgroundColor = UIColor.grayColor();
    		audioButton2.layer.borderWidth = 0.5; // 0.5 pairs of pixels = 1 pixel
    		audioButton2.layer.borderColor = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor;
    		audioButton2.setTitleColor(UIColor.blackColor(), forState: UIControlState.Normal);
    		audioButton2.setTitle("City Hall Live Audio", forState: UIControlState.Normal);
    		audioButton2.titleLabel!.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(fontSize);
    			action: "touchUpInside:",
    			forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside);
    //	//Never called.
    //	required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
    //		super.init(coder: aDecoder);
    //	}
    	// Only override drawRect: if you perform custom drawing.
    	// An empty implementation adversely affects performance during animation.
    	override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
    	// Drawing code

    And here is your instructor with his new iPod Touch. Thank you!

  14. Thursday, December 11, 2014: up to Segmented. I corrected the typos in Subviews and Segmented. Do exercises 1 (autoresizingMask) and 2 (constraints) of Subviews, and exercise 2 (the dictionary exercise) of Segmented, but don’t hand them in. (You could also do the dictionary in exercise 3 of Switch.) Please email me the rgb answer to exercise 5 of Segmented. It would be very educational to study the constraints in the init and addViewControllerConstraint methods of class View in Date Picker.

    In the weather project copied from Pasan Premaratne’s weather app, lines 39–42 of ViewController.swift and lines 21–22 of File.swift use Objective-C dictionaries. See exercise 13 of Hello for a rewrite using Swift dictionaries. In File.swift replace the weatherIconFromString method in lines 46–74 with the following Swift dictionary and method.

    	//This Swift dictionary is a property of struct Current.
    	let icons: [String: String] = [
    		"clear-day":           "clear-day",
    		"clear-night":         "clear-night",
    		"rain":                "rain",
    		"snow":                "snow",
    		"sleet":               "sleet",
    		"wind":                "wind",
    		"fog":                 "fog",
    		"cloudy":              "cloudy",
    		"partly-cloudy-day":   "partly-cloudy",
    		"partly-cloudy-night": "cloudy-night"
    	func weatherIconFromString(stringIcon: String) -> UIImage {
    		var imageName: String? = icons[stringIcon];
    		if imageName == nil {
    			imageName = "default";
    		return UIImage(named: imageName!)!;
  15. Tuesday, December 16, 2014: up to Pearl. I fixed the bug in exercise 5 of Date Picker, and, upon Elena’s advice, I started and stopped the expensive CADisplayLink animation in the application delegate in Pong and Pearl. Do the exercises, but don’t hand them in. For a good time, I really think you ought to do the accelerometer exercise in Pearl.

    Write a Swift app named Dec16 and upload it to GitHub by 6:00p.m. on Tuesday, January 6, 2015. It should do something interesting, probably with date pickers, text fields, and/or animation with CADisplayLink—and why not the accelerometer? It should definitely have a tab bar controller or a navigation controller.

  16. Thursday, December 18, 2014: up to Modal. I changed the Tab Bar project to make its exercise 2 work. Run the apps and do the exercises, but don’t hand them in. Exercises 3 and 4 of Modal are important; look at their screenshots.

    Before you even think about trying to make an app that has both a tab bar controller and a navigation controller, you should practice each one separately. When you’re ready to try both, you can put navigation controllers into the array of view controllers under a tab bar controller. (The Clock app on my iPod Touch has an array of four navigation controllers under a tab bar controller. Each navigation controller has an array of one view controller under it. I know the navigation controllers are there, because because otherwise the navigation bars would not be visible.) Don’t put a tab bar controller in the array of view controllers under a navigation controller.

    Version 6.1.1 (6A2008a) of Xcode was released on December 2, 2014. I’m putting it on my Mac at home. No class December 23 to January 1 (Christmas and New Year’s).

    This project is copied from p. 549 of Beginning iPhone Development with Swift: Exploring the iOS SDK by David Mark, Jack Nutting, Kim Topley, Fredrik Olsson, Jeff LaMarche. Its Swift files are AppDelegate.swift, ViewController.swift, QuartzFun.swift. Here is a simpler version of the method changeColor in ViewController.swift:

    	//This method of the view controller is called
    	//when the user presses a button in a segmented control.
    	@IBAction func changeColor(sender: UISegmentedControl) {
    		let colors: [UIColor] = [      //an array of color objects
    			UIColor.redColor(),    //button 0 (leftmost) in segmented control
    			UIColor.blueColor(),   //button 1 in segmented control
    			UIColor.yellowColor(), //button 2 in segmented control
    			UIColor.greenColor()   //button 3 in segmented control
    		let funView = view as QuartzFunView;
    		let i: Int = sender.selectedSegmentIndex;
    		funView.useRandomColor = i == colors.count;
    		if i < colors.count {
    			funView.currentColor = colors[i];
  17. Tuesday, January 6, 2015: up to States. The textLabel and imageView properties of class UITableViewCell are non-optional in Xcode 6.1 (and in Apple’s online documentation), but are optional in Xcode 6.1.1. You will therefore have to remove the exclamation points to get these properties to compile. Run the apps and do the exercises, but don’t hand them in. Write a Swift app named Jan13 and upload it to your GitHub account by 6:00pm on January 13. Make it do something interesting, propably with a UITableViewController, etc.
  18. Thursday, January 8, 2015: up to Goner. My advice to you: make apps that have either a UITabBarController or a UINavigationController but not both, before you even think about writing an app that has both. And make tables whose cells are of Apple’s built-in styles UITableViewCellStyle.Default, UITableViewCellStyle.Subtitle, UITableViewCellStyle.Value1, etc. (States exercise 3) before you even think about designing your own custom style of cell.
  19. Tuesday, January 13, 2015: up to Insert. Do the reordering controls disappear from some of the cells when you run Insert on an actual device? Here is Jacqueline Caraballo’s Write and upload a Swift app named Jan13, probably with several UITableViews.
  20. Thursday, January 15, 2015: we reviewed IndexPath and got up to Tree. On January 20th we will start class UIWebView, so one of the reasons you should run Tree is because it creates web views.

    Both of the bugs I looked at in the classroom on January 15th were caused by methods that we thought were being executed but which actually weren’t. If you think your code is not doing what it is supposed to do, insert a statement such as

    		print("Arrived at point A.");
    at the start of the code to make sure it is actually being executed.

    Tips for reading Apple’s iOS Documentation. How to read iOS or Mac OS Programming Documentation.

  21. Tuesday, January 20, 2015: up to Html. Three apps we wrote or modified in clas on January 20 are,, and Write and upload a Swift app named Jan20 that does something interesting, probably with one or more UIWebViews.

    The following if statement is always false in any language, because it could be true only if 2 equals 3.

    		if x == 2 && x == 3 {

  22. Thursday, January 22, 2015: up to JavaScript. Run the UIWebViews examples and do the exercises in HTML, Generate, and JavaScript, but don’t hand them in. If we wanted to follow up the Google Maps example in JavaScript, we could do the GPS example in Map. We definitely have to do the comparatively minor subclasses of class UIView: UIPickerView and the views displayed by a UIAlertController. If I have time, I’ll try to find out how an app can create a photo album, or at least store an image into an album other than the Camera Roll.
  23. Tuesday, January 27, 2015: no class due to blizzard. Instructor is now sleeping on cot at Calvary Hospital in the Bronx.
  24. Thursday, January 29, 2015: The subclasses of class UIView that we do on February 3 will include classes UIActivityIndicatorView, UIProgressView, UIPickerView, and the class of the view displayed by a UIAlertController. Maybe we’ll also have time for the GPS in Map.
  25. Tuesday, February 3, 2015: we did Activity, Progress, Picker, Alert, and Map. I added an exercise to the end of Activity.

Objective-C apps

CRN 90200 was taught in the language Objective-C in Fall 2013 and Summer 2014. The entire course consisted of three apps. They’re in the following dropboxes.

  1. Fall 2013
  2. Summer 2014

For your convenience, I made links to every file of Objective-C source code in these apps for the most recent semester, Summer 2014. The course consisted of three apps: firstsample, messagesample, and universalSample.

1. firstsample

  1. 06242014
  2. 06262014
  3. 07082014
  4. 07112014 source code in
    1. main.m
    2. Class AppDelegate
    3. Class ViewController
    4. Class SecondViewController
    5. Class ArithmeticOperations
    6. firstsampleTests.m
  5. 07152014 source code in
    1. main.m
    2. Class AppDelegate
    3. Class ViewController
    4. Class SecondViewController
    5. Class ArithmeticOperations
    6. firstsampleTests.m
  6. 07222014 source code in
    1. main.m
    2. Class AppDelegate
    3. Class ViewController
    4. Class SecondViewController
    5. Class ArithmeticOperations
    6. firstsampleTests.m
  7. 07292014 source code in
    1. main.m
    2. Class AppDelegate
    3. Class ViewController
    4. Class SecondViewController
    5. Class ArithmeticOperations
    6. firstsampleTests.m
  8. 07302014 source code in
    1. main.m
    2. Class AppDelegate
    3. Class ViewController
    4. Class SecondViewController
    5. Class ArithmeticOperations
    6. Class CustomTableViewCell
    7. firstsampleTests.m
  9. 07312014 source code in
    1. main.m
    2. Class AppDelegate
    3. Class ViewController
    4. Class SecondViewController
    5. Class ArithmeticOperations
    6. Class CustomTableViewCell
    7. firstsampleTests.m
  10. 08052014 source code in
    1. main.m
    2. Class AppDelegate
    3. Class ViewController
    4. Class SecondViewController
    5. Class ArithmeticOperations
    6. Class CustomTableViewCell
    7. firstsampleTests.m
  11. 08072014 source code in
    1. main.m
    2. Class AppDelegate
    3. Class ViewController
    4. Class SecondViewController
    5. Class SqliteViewController
    6. Class ArithmeticOperations
    7. Class CustomTableViewCell
    8. Class Student
    9. firstsampleTests.m
  12. 09042014 source code in
    1. main.m
    2. Class AppDelegate
    3. Class ViewController
    4. Class SecondViewController
    5. Class DetailViewController
    6. Class MapViewController
    7. Class MediaViewController
    8. Class SqliteViewController
    9. Class WebServiceViewController
    10. Class ArithmeticOperations
    11. Class CustomTableViewCell
    12. Class PinPlaceMark
    13. Class Student
    14. Class XmlReader
    15. firstsampleTests.m

2. messagesample

  1. 09092014 source code in
    1. main.m
    2. Class AppDelegate
    3. Class ViewController
    4. messagesampleTests.m
  2. 09152014 source code in
    1. main.m
    2. Class AppDelegate
    3. Class ViewController
    4. messagesampleTests.m

3. universalSample

  1. 09192014 source code in
    1. main.m
    2. Class AppDelegate
    3. Class ViewController
    4. Class SecondViewController
    5. universalSampleTests.m
  2. 09232014 source code in
    1. main.m
    2. Class AppDelegate
    3. Class ViewController
    4. Class SecondViewController
    5. Class MKStoreManager
    6. Class MKStoreHandler
    7. universalSampleTests.m