SF19PB1 answers to homework

Thursday, November 21, 2019


Indent line 16 by four spaces, just like line 12.

Reverse a string using a generator.

import sys

def reverseString(testString):
    "Yield the characters of the string in reverse order."
    for c in reversed(str(testString)):
        yield c

for char in reverseString("Google"):

Reverse a string using recursion.

import sys

def reverse(s):
    "Return the string reversed."
    return s if len(s) < 2 else reverse(s[1:]) + s[0]


Thursday, November 14, 2019


Simplify lines 85–86 from

                self.day = Date.lengths[self.month - 1]
                self.month -= 1
                self.month -= 1
                self.day = Date.lengths[self.month]

Line 28 should be the only place in the program where the length of December is written. Change the 31 hardcoded into line 88 to Date.lengths[-1]. And while you’re at it, change the 12 hardcoded into line 89 to Date.monthsInYear().

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Indent with groups of four spaces. A non-interactive program (i.e., one that does not call input) should send its error messages to sys.stderr. The error message should include the exception that was raised, because maybe the exception will tel you precisely what went wrong. Read the URLs from a file. Call urlparse between try and except.

If the netloc was equal to "www.", would the original program print it?

Remove trash before and after any given URL e.g. https//,www,http
as well as removing duplicate URLs.
Currently pulls domains.

import sys
from urllib.parse import urlparse

URLS = [
    "Print Only",

for url in URLS:
        parsed_object = urlparse(url)
    except BaseException as error:
        print(f"Something went wrong when trying to parse URLS: {error}", file = sys.stderr)

    netloc = parsed_object.netloc
    if netloc.startswith('www.'):
    elif netloc != '':


Simpler with regular expressions:

import re   #regular expressions
    netloc = parsed_object.netloc
    if netloc != "":
        netloc = re.sub(r"^www\.", "", netloc)   #remove leading "www."

Remove duplicates. netlocs is a set of strings created with a set comprehension. Unfortunately, the set comprehension has to call urlparse twice during each iteration.

netlocs = {
    re.sub(r"^www\.", "", urlparse(url).netloc)
    for url in URLS
    if urlparse(url).netloc != ""

for netloc in netlocs:

Python 3.8 example. Once again, netlocs is a set of strings. But now the set comprehension can get away with calling urlparse only once per iteration thanks to the walrus operator :=.

netlocs = {
    re.sub(r"^www\.", "", netloc)
    for url in URLS
    if (netloc := urlparse(url).netloc) != ""

for netloc in netlocs:


Suppose we had a Date object containing December 1, 2019. The prevDay method in lines 99–110 should change this Date to November 30, 2019. Let’s see what actually happens.

Line 105 changes self.month from 12 to 11. Then line 106 puts Date.lengths[10] into self.day. But Date.lengths[10] is 31, so the Date object ends up holding the illegal value November 31, 2019.

Also: simplify lines 108–109 from

                self.month = len(Date.lengths) - 1
                self.day = Date.lengths[len(Date.lengths) - 1]
                self.month = len(Date.lengths) - 1
                self.day = Date.lengths[self.month]
or to
                self.month = len(Date.lengths) - 1
                self.day = Date.lengths[-1]

Thursday, November 5, 2019


Make lines 25–39 easier to check:

states = [
    ['New York',1626],
    ['Rhode Island',1636],
    ['New Hampshire',1638],
    ['North Carolina',1653],
    ['South Carolina',1663],
    ['New Jersey',1664],
Easier to see that the years are in chronological order. Makes Georgia stand out:
states = [
    [1607, 'Virginia'],
    [1626, 'New York'],
    [1630, 'Massachusetts'],
    [1633, 'Maryland'],
    [1636, 'Rhode Island'],
    [1636, 'Connecticut'],
    [1638, 'New Hampshire'],
    [1638, 'Delaware'],
    [1653, 'North Carolina'],
    [1663, 'South Carolina'],
    [1664, 'New Jersey'],
    [1682, 'Pennsylvania'],
    [1732, 'Georgia']         #Wikipedia says 1733
Then change 0 to 1 in line 41, and add reversed to line 45:
    states = [StateFacts(*reversed(state)) for state in states]

Change the message in line 13 to "state name must be string" to match the other message in line 18. When a function complains about an argument, it should specify which argument.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


It wastes space and time to print a space at the end of a line in lines 47 and 49.

Misleading varable names. The verifyingList in line 38 is a string, not a list. The verifyingList in line 39 is a set, not a list.

The dictionary in line 42 should be a (two-dimensional) list because we merely loop through it. We never look up any key. Even better, combine the three strings in line 42 with the three expressions in line 41 into the following listOftests.


Report whether each input ingredient belongs to one or neither
of two disjoint sets.

import sys
import urllib.request

instructions = """\
Check list of ingredients against internal ingredient database
for possible allergic reaction.  Please enter list of ingredients
in lowercase, separated by a comma and a space. """

safeIngredients = {
    "talc",               #dior
    "barium sulfate",
    "phenyl trimethicone",
    "caprylyl glycol",
    "titanium dioxide"

potentialAllergens = {
    "kaolin",             #kvd
    "magnesium myristate",
    "boron nitride",
    "isoamyl laurate",
    "zinc stearate",
    "oryza sativa hull powder",
    "iron oxide"

#assert len(safeIngredients & potentialAllergens) == 0  #Must be disjoint.
assert safeIngredients.isdisjoint(potentialAllergens)   #A simpler way to do the same thing.

def hasWiki(ingredient):
    "Return True if this ingredient has a Wikipedia article."
    ingredient = ingredient.replace(" ", "_").capitalize()
    url = f"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/{ingredient}"
        infile = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
    except urllib.error.URLError:
        return False
        return True

#In the following lambda functions, s is a set of strings that are ingredients.
#Each lambda function returns a subset of s.

listOfTests = [
    ["safe",                 lambda s: s & safeIngredients],
    ["potentially allergic", lambda s: s & potentialAllergens],
    ["unknown",              lambda s: s - safeIngredients - potentialAllergens],
    ["possibly misspelled",  lambda s: {ingredient for ingredient in s if not hasWiki(ingredient)}]

def convert(string):
    "Split the argument into a set of names of ingredients."
    return set(string.split(", "))

stringOfIngredients = input(instructions)
setOfIngredients = convert(stringOfIngredients)

for description, test in listOfTests:   #description is a str, test is a function
    subsetOfIngredients = test(setOfIngredients)
    if len(subsetOfIngredients) != 0:
        singular = len(subsetOfIngredients) == 1   #singular is True or False.
        verb = "is" if singular else "are"
        suffix = "" if singular else "s"
        print(f"There {verb} {len(subsetOfIngredients)} {description} ingredient{suffix}:")
        for i, ingredient in enumerate(subsetOfIngredients, start = 1):
            print(f"{i:2}. {ingredient}")

Check list of ingredients against internal ingredient database
for possible allergic reaction.  Please enter list of ingredients
in lowercase, separated by a comma and a space. talc, iron oxide, mica, tin

There are 2 safe ingredients:
 1. talc
 2. mica

There is 1 potentially allergic ingredient:
 1. iron oxide

There is 1 unknown ingredient:
 1. tin


A class where most of the attributes are optional.

import sys

# Create class
class State:
    "An instance of this class contains 1 required and 4 optional attributes."

    def __init__(self, name, governor = None,
        ltGovernor = None, capital = None, largestCity = None):
        "Instantiate a new object of class State.  Only the name is required."
        self.name = name
        self.governor = governor
        self.ltGovernor = ltGovernor
        self.capital = capital
        self.largestCity = largestCity

def __str__(theState):
    "Return a str showing all the information in theState."
    s = theState.name
    optionalAttributes = ["governor", "ltGovernor", "capital", "largestCity"]
    for optionalAttribute in optionalAttributes:
        value = getattr(theState, optionalAttribute)
        if value is not None:
            s += f", {optionalAttribute} = {value}"
    return s

#Create and print two objects.

ny = State("New York", governor = "Cuomo", ltGovernor = "Hochul",
    capital = "Albany", largestCity = "New York City")

nj = State("New Jersey", capital = "Trenton", largestCity = "Newark")


#Mass produce many instances of class State.  Store them in a list.

stateInfos = [
    ["Alabama",    {"capital": "Montgomery", "largestCity": "Birmingham"}],
    ["Alaska",     {"capital": "Juneau", "largestCity": "Anchorage"}],
    ["Arizona",    {"largestCity": "Phoenix"}],
    ["Arkansas",   {}],   #empty dictionary
    ["California", {"capital": "Sacramento"}]

listOfStates = [State(name, **d) for name, d in stateInfos]

for state in listOfStates:

New York, governor = Cuomo, ltGovernor = Hochul, capital = Albany, largestCity = New York City
New Jersey, capital = Trenton, largestCity = Newark

Alabama, capital = Montgomery, largestCity = Birmingham
Alaska, capital = Juneau, largestCity = Anchorage
Arizona, largestCity = Phoenix
California, capital = Sacramento

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


E-mail Address
1: 'BritanyTalley@gmail.com'
2: 'LulaBrandt@outlook.com'
3: 'WoodyHodges@outlook.com'
4: 'DeonPark@yahoo.com'
5: 'LawsonMedrano@gmail.com'
Hide E-mail Address
1: 'B***********y@gmail.com'
2: 'L********t@outlook.com'
3: 'W*********s@outlook.com'
4: 'D******k@yahoo.com'
5: 'L***********o@gmail.com'

No reason to search for the @ twice in each email address. Remove line 16 and change the idx to i in line 20.

It’s a waste of time for the for loop in lines 17–19 to keep iterating after it has found the "@". Insert a break statement under line 19, indented the same distance as line 19.

Parentheses unnecessary in lines 18 and 20. The 0, is unnecessary in line 17.

A plain old list is simpler than a dictionary whose keys are consecutive integers. Simpler to use a formatted string instead of the format method. No reason to call repr; see !r in Format String Syntax.

Function to hide e-mail address.

import sys

listOfAddresses = [

def hideEmail(address):
    'Disembowel the username of an email address. Return unchanged if wrong number of "@"s.'
    if address.count("@") != 1:
        return address
    i = address.index("@")
    return address[0] + (i-2) * "*" + address[i-1:]

listOfHiddenAddresses = [hideEmail(address) for address in listOfAddresses]

print('E-mail Address')
for i, address in enumerate(listOfAddresses, start = 1):
    print(f"{i}: '{address}'")

print('Hide E-mail Address')
for i, hiddenAddress in enumerate(listOfHiddenAddresses, start = 1):
    print(f"{i}: '{hiddenAddress}'")


Substitute using regular expressions. match is a Match object.

import re   #regular expressions
def hideEmail(address):
    'Disembowel the username of an email address. Return unchanged if wrong number of "@"s.'
    if address.count("@") != 1:
        return address
    return re.sub("(?<=.)(.*)(?=.@)", lambda match: len(match[1]) * "*", address)


At 8:00 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, October 29, 2019, I got the following KeyError because at that time the dictionary bigDictionary["Time Series (Daily)"] did not have the key "2019-10-29".

Microsoft (MSFT) High/Low:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/myname/python/junk.py", line 77, in <module>
    print(f'Today\'s High:    $ {bigDictionary["Time Series (Daily)"][today]["2. high"]}')
KeyError: '2019-10-29'

Simpler way to compute yest instead of lines 43–47:

#Stock market is open only weekdays.

if tod.weekday() == 0:  #if today is Monday
    days = 3            #go back 3 days to the previous Friday
    days = 1

delta = datetime.timedelta(days = days)
yest = (tod - delta).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

Reads JSON file and prints today's, yesterday's and avg stock prices for MSFT.

import sys
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
import json
import datetime
import statistics
import pandas as pd

query = {
    "apikey":   "demo",
    "symbol":   "MSFT"   #Microsoft

params = urllib.parse.urlencode(query)
url = f"https://www.alphavantage.co/query?{params}"

#Read in JSON file
    infile = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
except urllib.error.URLError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

sequenceOfBytes = infile.read()         #Read the entire input file.

    s = sequenceOfBytes.decode("utf-8") #s is a string.
except UnicodeError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

    bigDictionary = json.loads(s)          #bigDictionary is a dict
except json.JSONDecodeError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

    dailyDict = bigDictionary['Time Series (Daily)']
except KeyError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

#Get the two most recent dates in the time series.

dates = dailyDict.keys()
dates = sorted(dates, key = lambda d: datetime.datetime.strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%d")) #chronological order
today = dates[-1]   #The latest date is at the very end.
yest  = dates[-2]   #Next-to-latest date.  Can combine to yest, today = dates[-2:]

#Compute the average high and low using Python.

hiList = [float(value["2. high"]) for value in dailyDict.values()]
loList = [float(value["3. low"])  for value in dailyDict.values()]

hiAvg = statistics.mean(hiList)
loAvg = statistics.mean(loList)

print(f"hiAvg = $ {hiAvg:.4f}")
print(f"loAvg = $ {loAvg:.4f}")

#Compute the average high and low using pandas.

df = pd.DataFrame(dailyDict)

avg_hi = df.loc['2. high'].astype(float).mean()
avg_lo = df.loc['3. low' ].astype(float).mean()

print("Microsoft (MSFT) High/Low:")

print(f"today = {today}")
todaysPrices = dailyDict[today]
print(f'Today\'s High:    $ {todaysPrices["2. high"]}')
print(f'Today\'s Low:     $ {todaysPrices["3. low"]}')

#Previous Day's PRICES
print(f"yesterday = {yest}")
yesterdaysPrices = dailyDict[yest]
print(f'Prev Day\'s High: $ {yesterdaysPrices["2. high"]}')
print(f'Prev Day\'s Low:  $ {yesterdaysPrices["3. low"]}')

#Average high/low from entire JSON file: includes roughly ~40 weekdays or 2 months
print(f'2 Mo. High Avg:  $ {avg_hi:.4f}')
print(f'2 Mo. Low Avg:   $ {avg_lo:.4f}')

#Tried to do a 30 day average instead of the whole JSON file but too advanced, couldn't figure it out
#print(f'30 day High Avg: $ {hiAvg:.4f}')
#print(f'30 day Low Avg:  $ {loAvg:.4f}')

hiAvg = $ 138.2282
loAvg = $ 136.0418

Microsoft (MSFT) High/Low:

today = 2019-10-28
Today's High:    $ 145.6700
Today's Low:     $ 143.5100

yesterday = 2019-10-25
Prev Day's High: $ 141.1400
Prev Day's Low:  $ 139.2000

2 Mo. High Avg:  $ 138.2282
2 Mo. Low Avg:   $ 136.0418

By 10:15 a.m. an entry for "2019-10-29" had appeared:

hiAvg = $ 138.3507
loAvg = $ 136.1957

Microsoft (MSFT) High/Low:

today = 2019-10-29
Today's High:    $ 144.5000
Today's Low:     $ 143.6433

yesterday = 2019-10-28
Prev Day's High: $ 145.6700
Prev Day's Low:  $ 143.5100

2 Mo. High Avg:  $ 138.3507
2 Mo. Low Avg:   $ 136.1957

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Lucky that each movie name is a single word. The program produces no output becuase we never print the return value of the function get_movie_data in line 32.

The for loop in line 17 iterates only once because of the return in line 29. Never write a loop that always iterates exectly once.

import sys
import requests
import pandas as pd

import tkinter
import PIL.ImageTk #Python Imaging Library: pip3 install pillow
import urllib.request

def get_movie_data(listOfNames):
    "Return a list containing dictionaries of information about movies."
    listofmovies = []
    for name in listOfNames:
        url = f"http://projects.bobbelderbos.com/pcc/omdb/{name}.json"
        with requests.Session() as session:  #will close the session when done with it
                response = session.get(url)
            except BaseException as error:
                print(error, file = sys.stderr)
            dict_object = response.json()
    return listofmovies

stringOfNames = 'bladerunner2049 fightclub glengary horrible-bosses terminator'
listOfNames = stringOfNames.split()
listOfDictionaries = get_movie_data(listOfNames)

for movie in listOfDictionaries:

#Display the information in a pandas DataFrame.

columns = ["Title", "Year", "Rated", "Runtime", "Genre"]

dictionaryOfColumns = {
    column: [movie[column] for movie in listOfDictionaries]
    for column in columns

df = pd.DataFrame(data = dictionaryOfColumns)

#Display the posters in a tkinter interface.

root = tkinter.Tk()
root.title("Movie Posters")

for movie in listOfDictionaries:
    url = movie["Poster"]
        infile = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
    except urllib.error.URLError as error:
        if error.msg == "Not Found":
        print(error, file = sys.stderr)
    sequenceOfBytes = infile.read()

        image = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(data = sequenceOfBytes)
    except tkinter.TclError as error:
        print(error, file = sys.stderr)

    label = tkinter.Label(root, image = image)
    label.image = image             #Strange that you need this too.
    label.pack(side = tkinter.LEFT) #Fill the root from left to right.

{'Title': 'Blade Runner 2049', 'Year': '2017', 'Rated': 'R', 'Released': '06 Oct 2017', 'Runtime': '164 min', 'Genre': 'Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller', 'Director': 'Denis Villeneuve', 'Writer': 'Hampton Fancher (screenplay by), Michael Green (screenplay by), Hampton Fancher (story by), Philip K. Dick (based on characters from the novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?")', 'Actors': 'Ryan Gosling, Dave Bautista, Robin Wright, Mark Arnold', 'Plot': "A young blade runner's discovery of a long-buried secret leads him to track down former blade runner Rick Deckard, who's been missing for thirty years.", 'Language': 'English, Finnish, Japanese, Hungarian, Russian, Somali, Spanish', 'Country': 'USA, UK, Hungary, Canada', 'Awards': '6 wins & 13 nominations.', 'Poster': 'https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzA1Njg4NzYxOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODk5NjU3MzI@._V1_SX300.jpg', 'Ratings': [{'Source': 'Internet Movie Database', 'Value': '8.4/10'}, {'Source': 'Rotten Tomatoes', 'Value': '87%'}, {'Source': 'Metacritic', 'Value': '81/100'}], 'Metascore': '81', 'imdbRating': '8.4', 'imdbVotes': '156,246', 'imdbID': 'tt1856101', 'Type': 'movie', 'DVD': 'N/A', 'BoxOffice': '$89,276,502', 'Production': 'Warner Bros. Pictures', 'Website': 'http://bladerunnermovie.com', 'Response': 'True'}

{'Title': 'Fight Club', 'Year': '1999', 'Rated': 'R', 'Released': '15 Oct 1999', 'Runtime': '139 min', 'Genre': 'Drama', 'Director': 'David Fincher', 'Writer': 'Chuck Palahniuk (novel), Jim Uhls (screenplay)', 'Actors': 'Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, Meat Loaf, Zach Grenier', 'Plot': 'An insomniac office worker, looking for a way to change his life, crosses paths with a devil-may-care soap maker, forming an underground fight club that evolves into something much, much more.', 'Language': 'English', 'Country': 'USA, Germany', 'Awards': 'Nominated for 1 Oscar. Another 10 wins & 32 nominations.', 'Poster': 'https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZGY5Y2RjMmItNDg5Yy00NjUwLThjMTEtNDc2OGUzNTBiYmM1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjU0OTQ0OTY@._V1_SX300.jpg', 'Ratings': [{'Source': 'Internet Movie Database', 'Value': '8.8/10'}, {'Source': 'Rotten Tomatoes', 'Value': '79%'}, {'Source': 'Metacritic', 'Value': '66/100'}], 'Metascore': '66', 'imdbRating': '8.8', 'imdbVotes': '1,508,138', 'imdbID': 'tt0137523', 'Type': 'movie', 'DVD': '06 Jun 2000', 'BoxOffice': 'N/A', 'Production': '20th Century Fox', 'Website': 'http://www.foxmovies.com/fightclub/', 'Response': 'True'}

{'Title': 'Glengarry Glen Ross', 'Year': '1992', 'Rated': 'R', 'Released': '02 Oct 1992', 'Runtime': '100 min', 'Genre': 'Crime, Drama, Mystery', 'Director': 'James Foley', 'Writer': 'David Mamet (play), David Mamet (screenplay)', 'Actors': 'Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Alec Baldwin, Alan Arkin', 'Plot': 'An examination of the machinations behind the scenes at a real estate office.', 'Language': 'English', 'Country': 'USA', 'Awards': 'Nominated for 1 Oscar. Another 6 wins & 10 nominations.', 'Poster': 'https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNTYzN2MxODMtMDBhOC00Y2M0LTgzMTItMzQ4NDIyYWIwMDEzL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTc1NTQxODI@._V1_SX300.jpg', 'Ratings': [{'Source': 'Internet Movie Database', 'Value': '7.8/10'}, {'Source': 'Rotten Tomatoes', 'Value': '94%'}, {'Source': 'Metacritic', 'Value': '80/100'}], 'Metascore': '80', 'imdbRating': '7.8', 'imdbVotes': '83,208', 'imdbID': 'tt0104348', 'Type': 'movie', 'DVD': '20 Feb 2007', 'BoxOffice': 'N/A', 'Production': 'Artisan Home Entertainment', 'Website': 'http://www.artisanent.com/glengarryglenross', 'Response': 'True'}

{'Title': 'Horrible Bosses', 'Year': '2011', 'Rated': 'R', 'Released': '08 Jul 2011', 'Runtime': '98 min', 'Genre': 'Comedy, Crime', 'Director': 'Seth Gordon', 'Writer': 'Michael Markowitz (screenplay), John Francis Daley (screenplay), Jonathan Goldstein (screenplay), Michael Markowitz (story)', 'Actors': 'Jason Bateman, Steve Wiebe, Kevin Spacey, Charlie Day', 'Plot': 'Three friends conspire to murder their awful bosses when they realize they are standing in the way of their happiness.', 'Language': 'English', 'Country': 'USA', 'Awards': '3 wins & 11 nominations.', 'Poster': 'https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzYxNDI5Njc5NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDUxODE1NQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg', 'Ratings': [{'Source': 'Internet Movie Database', 'Value': '6.9/10'}, {'Source': 'Rotten Tomatoes', 'Value': '69%'}, {'Source': 'Metacritic', 'Value': '57/100'}], 'Metascore': '57', 'imdbRating': '6.9', 'imdbVotes': '378,076', 'imdbID': 'tt1499658', 'Type': 'movie', 'DVD': '11 Oct 2011', 'BoxOffice': '$116,900,000', 'Production': 'Warner Bros. Pictures', 'Website': 'http://horriblebossesmovie.warnerbros.com/index.html', 'Response': 'True'}

{'Title': 'The Terminator', 'Year': '1984', 'Rated': 'R', 'Released': '26 Oct 1984', 'Runtime': '107 min', 'Genre': 'Action, Sci-Fi', 'Director': 'James Cameron', 'Writer': 'James Cameron, Gale Anne Hurd, William Wisher (additional dialogue)', 'Actors': 'Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Biehn, Linda Hamilton, Paul Winfield', 'Plot': 'A seemingly indestructible humanoid cyborg is sent from 2029 to 1984 to assassinate a waitress, whose unborn son will lead humanity in a war against the machines, while a soldier from that war is sent to protect her at all costs.', 'Language': 'English, Spanish', 'Country': 'UK, USA', 'Awards': '6 wins & 6 nominations.', 'Poster': 'https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BODE1MDczNTUxOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTA0NDQyNA@@._V1_SX300.jpg', 'Ratings': [{'Source': 'Internet Movie Database', 'Value': '8.0/10'}, {'Source': 'Rotten Tomatoes', 'Value': '100%'}, {'Source': 'Metacritic', 'Value': '83/100'}], 'Metascore': '83', 'imdbRating': '8.0', 'imdbVotes': '665,460', 'imdbID': 'tt0088247', 'Type': 'movie', 'DVD': '03 Sep 1997', 'BoxOffice': 'N/A', 'Production': 'Orion Pictures Corporation', 'Website': 'http://www.terminator1.com/', 'Response': 'True'}

                 Title  Year Rated  Runtime                      Genre
0    Blade Runner 2049  2017     R  164 min  Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
1           Fight Club  1999     R  139 min                      Drama
2  Glengarry Glen Ross  1992     R  100 min      Crime, Drama, Mystery
3      Horrible Bosses  2011     R   98 min              Comedy, Crime
4       The Terminator  1984     R  107 min             Action, Sci-Fi

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


groupby does nothing here, because each group is of size 1. For example, the combination "Porto", "Portugal" occurs in only one row.


Don’t print an empty first line:

Council Members
Adams Adrienne
Maisel Alan
Ampry-Samuel Alicka
Cohen Andrew
King Andy

No need to score each line twice (lines 29 and 33). Either print the names with the last name last,

import sys
import pandas as pd

url = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/uvw5-9znb/rows.csv"

    df = pd.read_csv(url)
except BaseException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

# Create list from df
nameList = df['NAME'].tolist()

def score(name):
    Return the name with the last name moved to the front.
    For example, "Lyndon B. Johnson" becomes "Johnson Lyndon B.".
    t = name.rpartition(" ")   #t is a tuple containing 3 strings.
    return f"{t[2]} {t[0]}"

print("Council Members:")
print(*sorted(nameList, key = score), sep = "\n")
Council Members:
Adrienne Adams
Alicka Ampry-Samuel
Diana Ayala
Inez Barron
Joseph Borelli
or print the names with the last name first, followed by a comma:
import sys
import pandas as pd

url = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/uvw5-9znb/rows.csv"

    df = pd.read_csv(url)
except BaseException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

def score(name):
    Return the name with the last name moved to the front.
    For example, "Lyndon B. Johnson" becomes "Johnson Lyndon B.".
    t = name.rpartition(" ")   #t is a tuple containing 3 strings.
    return f"{t[2]}, {t[0]}"

# Create list from df
nameList = df['NAME'].tolist()
nameList = [score(name) for name in nameList]

print("Council Members:")
print(*sorted(nameList), sep = "\n")
Council Members:
Adams, Adrienne
Ampry-Samuel, Alicka
Ayala, Diana
Barron, Inez
Borelli, Joseph
Do all the work in pandas:
Read list of names and sort by last name.

import sys
import pandas as pd

url = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/uvw5-9znb/rows.csv"

    df = pd.read_csv(url)
except BaseException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

#Remove every column except the "NAME" column.
df = df[["NAME"]]

def score(name):
    Return the name with the last name moved to the front.
    For example, "Lyndon B. Johnson" becomes "Johnson Lyndon B.".
    t = name.rpartition(" ")   #t is a tuple containing 3 strings.
    return f"{t[2]} {t[0]}"

#Temporarily add a column named "score".  Delete the column when no longer needed.
df["score"] = df["NAME"].apply(score)
df.sort_values(by = "score", inplace = True)
del df["score"]

s = df.to_string(header = False, index = False)
How to left-justify?
       Adrienne Adams
  Alicka Ampry-Samuel
          Diana Ayala
          Inez Barron
       Joseph Borelli

Thursday, October 17, 2019


The XML data is shaped like a family tree. Unfortunately, American Psycho is classified as a 1990s thriller even though it was released in 2000.

  1. collection
    1. Action
      1. 1980s
        1. Indiana Jones
        2. The Karate Kid
        3. Back to the Future
      2. 1990s
        1. X-Men
        2. Batman Returns
        3. Reservoir Dogs
    2. Thriller
      1. 1970s
        1. Alien
      2. 1980s
        1. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
        2. American Psycho

The code in lines 20–21 does not pretty print the XML. The downloaded XML was printed prettily because the file of XML in line 10 just happened to be typed prettily. To pretty print, see lines 47–56 in XML.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf8'?>
    <genre category="Action">
        <decade years="1980s">
            <movie favorite="True" title="Indiana Jones: The raiders of the lost Ark">
                <format multiple="No">DVD</format>
                'Archaeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones
                is hired by the U.S. government to find the Ark of the
                Covenant before the Nazis.'
               <movie favorite="True" title="THE KARATE KID">
               <format multiple="Yes">DVD,Online</format>
               <description>None provided.</description>
            <movie favorite="False" title="Back 2 the Future">
               <format multiple="False">Blu-ray</format>
               <description>Marty McFly</description>
        <decade years="1990s">
            <movie favorite="False" title="X-Men">
               <format multiple="Yes">dvd, digital</format>
               <description>Two mutants come to a private academy for their kind whose resident superhero team must
               oppose a terrorist organization with similar powers.</description>
            <movie favorite="True" title="Batman Returns">
               <format multiple="No">VHS</format>
               <movie favorite="False" title="Reservoir Dogs">
               <format multiple="No">Online</format>
               <description>WhAtEvER I Want!!!?!</description>
    <genre category="Thriller">
        <decade years="1970s">
            <movie favorite="False" title="ALIEN">
                <format multiple="Yes">DVD</format>
        <decade years="1980s">
            <movie favorite="True" title="Ferris Bueller's Day Off">
                <format multiple="No">DVD</format>
                <description>Funny movie about a funny guy</description>
            <movie favorite="FALSE" title="American Psycho">
                <format multiple="No">blue-ray</format>
                <description>psychopathic Bateman</description>

Movies Released in Year 2000
{'favorite': 'False', 'title': 'X-Men'}
{'favorite': 'FALSE', 'title': 'American Psycho'}
Read XML and return movies released in a given year.
Created: 2019-10-16

import sys
import requests
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SF19PB1-k1chan/hw19/master/movies.xml'

    response = requests.get(url)
except BaseException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

#decode sequence of bytes into a string
    s = response.content.decode(encoding = "utf-8")
except UnicodeError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

    tree = ET.fromstring(s)
except ET.ParseError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

year = 2000   #or try 1979, 1981, 1984, 1985, 1986
print(f"Movies Released in Year {year}")

for movie in tree.findall(f"genre/decade/movie/[year='{year}']"):
    print(70 * "-")
    title = movie.attrib["title"]

    #Sort the attributes alphabetically, but with the title first.
    for attribute in sorted(movie.attrib,
        key = lambda attribute: "AAAAA" if attribute == "title" else attribute):
        print(f'{attribute + ":":12} {movie.attrib[attribute]}')

    for child in movie:
        print(f'{child.tag + ":":12} {child.text}')

    genre = tree.find(f"genre/decade/movie/[@title='{title}']../..") #Go up 2 levels.
    print(f'{"category:":12} {genre.attrib["category"]}')

Movies Released in Year 2000

title:       X-Men
favorite:    False

Thursday, October 17, 2019


The XML data is shaped like a family tree. Unfortunately, American Psycho is classified as a 1990s thriller even though it was released in 2000.

  1. collection
    1. Action
      1. 1980s
        1. Indiana Jones
        2. The Karate Kid
        3. Back to the Future
      2. 1990s
        1. X-Men
        2. Batman Returns
        3. Reservoir Dogs
    2. Thriller
      1. 1970s
        1. Alien
      2. 1980s
        1. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
        2. American Psycho

The code in lines 20–21 does not pretty print the XML. The downloaded XML was printed prettily because the file of XML in line 10 just happened to be typed prettily. To pretty print, see lines 47–56 in XML.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf8'?>
    <genre category="Action">
        <decade years="1980s">
            <movie favorite="True" title="Indiana Jones: The raiders of the lost Ark">
                <format multiple="No">DVD</format>
                'Archaeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones
                is hired by the U.S. government to find the Ark of the
                Covenant before the Nazis.'
               <movie favorite="True" title="THE KARATE KID">
               <format multiple="Yes">DVD,Online</format>
               <description>None provided.</description>
            <movie favorite="False" title="Back 2 the Future">
               <format multiple="False">Blu-ray</format>
               <description>Marty McFly</description>
        <decade years="1990s">
            <movie favorite="False" title="X-Men">
               <format multiple="Yes">dvd, digital</format>
               <description>Two mutants come to a private academy for their kind whose resident superhero team must
               oppose a terrorist organization with similar powers.</description>
            <movie favorite="True" title="Batman Returns">
               <format multiple="No">VHS</format>
               <movie favorite="False" title="Reservoir Dogs">
               <format multiple="No">Online</format>
               <description>WhAtEvER I Want!!!?!</description>
    <genre category="Thriller">
        <decade years="1970s">
            <movie favorite="False" title="ALIEN">
                <format multiple="Yes">DVD</format>
        <decade years="1980s">
            <movie favorite="True" title="Ferris Bueller's Day Off">
                <format multiple="No">DVD</format>
                <description>Funny movie about a funny guy</description>
            <movie favorite="FALSE" title="American Psycho">
                <format multiple="No">blue-ray</format>
                <description>psychopathic Bateman</description>

Movies Released in Year 2000
{'favorite': 'False', 'title': 'X-Men'}
{'favorite': 'FALSE', 'title': 'American Psycho'}
Read XML and return movies released in a given year.
Created: 2019-10-16

import sys
import requests
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SF19PB1-k1chan/hw19/master/movies.xml'

    response = requests.get(url)
except BaseException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

#decode sequence of bytes into a string
    s = response.content.decode(encoding = "utf-8")
except UnicodeError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

    tree = ET.fromstring(s)
except ET.ParseError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

year = 2000   #or try 1979, 1981, 1984, 1985, 1986
print(f"Movies Released in Year {year}")

for movie in tree.findall(f"genre/decade/movie/[year='{year}']"):
    print(70 * "-")
    title = movie.attrib["title"]

    #Sort the attributes alphabetically, but with the title first.
    for attribute in sorted(movie.attrib,
        key = lambda attribute: "AAAAA" if attribute == "title" else attribute):
        print(f'{attribute + ":":12} {movie.attrib[attribute]}')

    for child in movie:
        print(f'{child.tag + ":":12} {child.text}')

    genre = tree.find(f"genre/decade/movie/[@title='{title}']../..") #Go up 2 levels.
    print(f'{"category:":12} {genre.attrib["category"]}')

Movies Released in Year 2000

title:       X-Men
favorite:    False
format:      dvd, digital
year:        2000
rating:      PG-13
description: Two mutants come to a private academy for their kind whose resident superhero team must
               oppose a terrorist organization with similar powers.
category:    Action

title:       American Psycho
favorite:    FALSE
format:      blue-ray
year:        2000
rating:      Unrated
description: psychopathic Bateman
category:    Thriller

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Imitate the pandas code in defaultdict.py. df["Borough"] is a pandas Series. So are df["Borough"].value_counts() and df["Borough"].value_counts().sort_index().

Print number of dog bites in each borough.

import sys
import pandas as pd

url = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/rsgh-akpg/rows.csv"

    df = pd.read_csv(url)   #df is a pandas DataFrame.
except BaseException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

series = df["Borough"].value_counts().sort_index()   #alphabetical order
Bronx            1757
Brooklyn         2281
Manhattan        2354
Other             437
Queens           2520
Staten Island     931
Name: Borough, dtype: int64


Try to damage the URL in these three ways:

CAR_DATA = 'xhttps://bit.ly/2Ov65SJ'
CAR_DATA = 'https://xbit.ly/2Ov65SJ'
CAR_DATA = 'https://bit.ly/x2Ov65SJ'

The docstring says that the function most_prolific_automaker returns a string, but the function actually returns None.

Print the name of the most prolific automaker for a given year, if any.

import sys
import requests
from collections import Counter

CAR_DATA = 'https://bit.ly/2Ov65SJ'

with requests.Session() as session:   #will close the session when done with it
        response = session.get(CAR_DATA)
    except BaseException as error:
        print("get", type(error), error, file = sys.stderr)

    except BaseException as error:
        print("status", type(error), error, file = sys.stderr)

        data = response.json()   #data should be a big list of 1000 dictionaries
    except BaseException as error:
        print("json", type(error), error, file = sys.stderr)

    assert isinstance(data, list)

def most_prolific_automaker(year):
    """Given int year, return name of automaker that released
       the highest number of new car models.  If none, raise an exception."""
    automakers = [item['automaker'] for item in data if item['year'] == year]
    counter = Counter(automakers)
    listOfTuples = counter.most_common(1)
        firstTuple = listOfTuples[0]
    except IndexError:
        raise ValueError(f"Sorry, no automakers for the year {year}.")
    name, count = firstTuple
    return name

year = 2007   #also try 1961

    name = most_prolific_automaker(year)
except ValueError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

print(f"The most prolific automaker of {year} was {name}.")
The most prolific automaker of 2007 was Pontiac.
Sorry, no automakers for the year 1961.

Do the work in pandas. df is a pandas DataFrame; df[mask] is a much shorter pandas DataFrame. seriesOfStrings is a pandas Series; seriesOfInts is a much shorter pandas Series.

Print the name of the most prolific automaker for a given year, if any.

import sys
import pandas as pd

url = 'https://bit.ly/2Ov65SJ'

    df = pd.read_json(url)   #df is a pandas DataFrame.
except BaseException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

def most_prolific_automaker(year):
    """Given int year, return name of automaker that released
       the highest number of new car models.  If none, raise an exception."""
    mask = df["year"] == year
    seriesOfStrings = df[mask]["automaker"]       #index is ints
    seriesOfInts = seriesOfStrings.value_counts() #index is strings
        return seriesOfInts.index[0]   #Get the first string in the index.
    except IndexError:
        raise ValueError(f"Sorry, no automakers for the year {year}.")

year = 2007   #also try 1961

    name = most_prolific_automaker(year)
except ValueError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

print(f"The most prolific automaker of {year} was {name}.")


Where did the URL
come from? It contains a list of 1000 dictionaries. Each dictionary contains 41 key/value pairs. Why are Queens ("QN") and Staten Island ("SI") missing?

Lines 18–20 do nothing because the return value of each call to unique is discarded.

2019 - 2020 School Type Counts by Borough
nta        location_category_description
Brooklyn   Early Childhood                      3
           Elementary                         253
           High school                        166
           Junior High-Intermediate-Middle    137
           K-12 all grades                     23
           K-8                                 80
           Secondary School                    33
Bronx      K-12 all grades                      1
Manhattan  Early Childhood                      1
           Elementary                         113
           High school                         47
           Junior High-Intermediate-Middle     64
           K-12 all grades                     15
           K-8                                 42
           Secondary School                    20
           Ungraded                             2
dtype: int64
Print the two relevant columns of the pandas DataFrame.

import sys
import pandas as pd

url = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/resource/wg9x-4ke6.json"

    df = pd.read_json(url)   #df is a pandas DataFrame.
except BaseException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

#for i, name in enumerate(df.columns):   #Print the name of each column.
#    print(i, name)

print(f"len(df) = {len(df)}")

columns = ["nta", "location_category_description"]
s = df[:3].to_string(columns = columns, header = True, index = True) #first 3 rows

s = df[-3:].to_string(columns = columns, header = True, index = True) #last 3 rows

len(df) = 1000

    nta    location_category_description
0  BK32                       Elementary
1  BK60  Junior High-Intermediate-Middle
2  BK69                       Elementary

      nta    location_category_description
997  MN21                      High school
998  MN12  Junior High-Intermediate-Middle
999  MN13                 Secondary School

Get the same output without using pandas.

How many schools of each category does each borough have?

import sys
import urllib.request
import json
import collections

url = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/resource/wg9x-4ke6.json"

    infile = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
except urllib.error.URLError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

sequenceOfBytes = infile.read()         #Read the entire input file.

    s = sequenceOfBytes.decode("utf-8") #s is a string.
except UnicodeError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

    bigList = json.loads(s)   #bigList is a list of dictionaries.
except json.JSONDecodeError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

#Each key will be a two-character string; each value will be a collections.Counter.
d = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)

for school in bigList: #Each school is a dictionary containing 41 key/value pairs.
    borough = school["nta"][:2]
    category = school["location_category_description"]
    d[borough][category] += 1

newNames = {
    "BK": "Brooklyn",
    "BX": "Bronx",
    "MN": "Manhattan",
    "QN": "Queens",
    "SI": "Staten Island"   #13 characters; n = len(max(newNames.values(), key = len))

#Dictionary comprehension: rename the keys.
d = {newNames[key]: value for key, value in d.items()}

for borough in sorted(d):                          #boroughs in alphabetical order
    print(f"{borough:13}", end = "")
    counter = d[borough]
    for i, category in enumerate(sorted(counter)): #categories in alphabetical order
        indent = 13 * " " if i > 0 else ""
        print(f"{indent}{counter[category]:4} {category}")

total = sum([n for counter in d.values() for n in counter.values()])
Bronx           1 K-12 all grades

Brooklyn        3 Early Childhood
              253 Elementary
              166 High school
              137 Junior High-Intermediate-Middle
               23 K-12 all grades
               80 K-8
               33 Secondary School

Manhattan       1 Early Childhood
              113 Elementary
               47 High school
               64 Junior High-Intermediate-Middle
               15 K-12 all grades
               42 K-8
               20 Secondary School
                2 Ungraded

total        1000

Thursday, October 10, 2019


The for loop in lines 25–28 will iterate through the verses in the correct order only in versions 3.7 and newer of Python. To get the correct order in every version, use a list or a tuple instead of the dictionary in lines 12–21. And now that we have a list or tuple, we can add a second column as in Old MacDonald.

Append each verse to s using the += operator.

Demonstrate a tuple of tuples to output song lyrics and then speak them.

import sys
import tempfile
import playsound
import gtts   #Google Text-To-Speech

verses = (                         #verses is a tuple containing 8 tuples
    ("wheels",  "round and round"),
    ("wipers",  "swish swish swish"),
    ("horn",    "beep beep beep"),
    ("doors",   "open and shut"),
    ("driver",  "move on back"),
    ("babies",  "wah wah wah"),
    ("mommies", "shush shush shush"),
    ("muggers", "bang bang bang")

f = """\
The {} on the bus {} {},
{}, {}.
The {} on the bus {} {},
All through the town.


song = ""

for verse in verses:   #Each verse is a tuple containing 2 strings.
    noun = verse[0]
    verb = verse[1]
    go = "go" if noun.endswith("s") else "goes"   #plural vs. singular
    song += f.format(noun, go, verb, verb.capitalize(), verb, noun, go, verb)

print(song, end = "")

    textToSpeech = gtts.gTTS(text = song, lang = "en-us", slow = False)
except BaseException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

# Save the audio in a temporary file with a name.
temporaryFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()

# Play and erase the temporary file.
    playsound.playsound(temporaryFile.name, True)   #Requires a filename or URL.
except OSError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)
    temporaryFile.close()   #Erase the temporary file.


Here’s a simpler to create noun and verb, combined with another way to create each verse. You can see which expression goes into which pocket, but it’s harder to see that the body of the for loop is indented.

song = ""

for noun, verb in verses:   #Each verse is a tuple containing 2 strings.
    go = "go" if noun.endswith("s") else "goes"   #plural vs. singular

    song += f"""\
The {noun} on the bus {go} {verb},
{verb.capitalize()}, {verb}.
The {noun} on the bus {go} {verb},
All through the town.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town.

The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish,
Swish swish swish, swish swish swish.
The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish,
All through the town.

The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep,
Beep beep beep, beep beep beep.
The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep,
All through the town.

The doors on the bus go open and shut,
Open and shut, open and shut.
The doors on the bus go open and shut,
All through the town.

The driver on the bus goes move on back,
Move on back, move on back.
The driver on the bus goes move on back,
All through the town.

The babies on the bus go wah wah wah,
Wah wah wah, wah wah wah.
The babies on the bus go wah wah wah,
All through the town.

The mommies on the bus go shush shush shush,
Shush shush shush, shush shush shush.
The mommies on the bus go shush shush shush,
All through the town.

The muggers on the bus go bang bang bang,
Bang bang bang, bang bang bang.
The muggers on the bus go bang bang bang,
All through the town.


The file you feed into a csv.reader must be a CSV file, not a JSON file.

Reported number of dog bites in each borough of NYC from 2015 to 2017.

import sys
import urllib.request
import csv
import collections

url = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/rsgh-akpg/rows.csv"

    infile = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
except urllib.error.URLError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

readbytes = infile.read()    #Read whole file into one big sequence of bytes.

    s = readbytes.decode("utf-8")
except UnicodeError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

lines = csv.reader(s.splitlines()[1:])   #Skip the first line.

#list of names of boroughs
listOfStrings = [line[7] for line in lines if "DOG" in line[2]]

counter = collections.Counter(listOfStrings)

print("Number of dog bites in each borough from 2015-2017:")

#Alphabetical order, except that "Other" comes last.

for borough in sorted(counter, key = lambda borough: "ZZZZZ" if borough == "Other" else borough):
    print(f"{counter[borough]:5,} {borough}")


Output is alphabetical, except that “Other” comes last.

Number of dog bites in each borough from 2015-2017:

1,757 Bronx
2,281 Brooklyn
2,354 Manhattan
2,520 Queens
  931 Staten Island
  437 Other


If all you want to do is count, it’s simpler to use a collections.Counter instead of a collections.defaultdict. Instead of changing "M" to "Manhattan" 413 times, change it only once.

Use a collections.Counter to count the crimes by borough.
Created: 2019-10-09
Dataset: https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Education/2017-2018-Schools-NYPD-Crime-Data-Report/kwvk-z7i9/data

import sys
import collections
import pandas as pd

url = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/kwvk-z7i9/rows.csv"

    df = pd.read_csv(url)   #df is a pandas DataFrame.
except BaseException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

#d is a dictionary containing 5 keys and 5 values.
#Each key is a one-character string, and each value is an int.
d = collections.Counter(df["Borough"])

newNames = {
    "K": "Brooklyn",
    "M": "Manhattan",
    "Q": "Queens",
    "R": "Staten Island",
    "X": "Bronx"

#Dictionary comprehension: the new dictionary newd has the same content as d,
#except that each key is a name instead of just an initial.
newd = {newNames[key]: value for key, value in d.items()}

2017 - 2018 Schools NYPD Crime Data Report

Counts by Borough

for boro in sorted(newd):   #alphabetical order
    print(f"{newd[boro]:3} {boro}")

2017 - 2018 Schools NYPD Crime Data Report

Counts by Borough

455 Bronx
621 Brooklyn
413 Manhattan
348 Queens
 82 Staten Island

Do all the work in pandas:

Use a collections.Counter to count the crimes by borough.
Created: 2019-10-09
Dataset: https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Education/2017-2018-Schools-NYPD-Crime-Data-Report/kwvk-z7i9/data

import sys
import collections
import pandas as pd

url = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/kwvk-z7i9/rows.csv"

    df = pd.read_csv(url)   #df is a pandas DataFrame.
except BaseException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

newNames = {
    "K": "Brooklyn",
    "M": "Manhattan",
    "Q": "Queens",
    "R": "Staten Island",
    "X": "Bronx"


print("df = (showing only the first 5 rows)")

print('df["Borough"] = (showing only the first 5 rows)')
print(df["Borough"][:5])   #df["Borough"] is a pandas Series

print('df["Borough"].value_counts() = ')

print('df["Borough"].value_counts().rename(newNames) = ')

print('df["Borough"].value_counts().rename(newNames).sort_index() = ')

print("Print with a Python for loop:")
for key, value in dict(df["Borough"].value_counts().rename(newNames).sort_index()).items():
    print(f"{value:3} {key}")

Bronx            455
Brooklyn         621
Manhattan        413
Queens           348
Staten Island     82
Name: Borough, dtype: int64

df = (showing only the first 5 rows)
    ID Building Code  ... City Council Districts Police Precincts
0  288          K247  ...                    NaN              NaN
1  335          K281  ...                    NaN              NaN
2  359          K298  ...                   37.0             46.0
3  390          K318  ...                    NaN              NaN
4  400          K327  ...                    NaN              NaN

[5 rows x 30 columns]

df["Borough"] = (showing only the first 5 rows)
0    K
1    K
2    K
3    K
4    K
Name: Borough, dtype: object

df["Borough"].value_counts() =
K    621
X    455
M    413
Q    348
R     82
Name: Borough, dtype: int64

df["Borough"].value_counts().rename(newNames) =
Brooklyn         621
Bronx            455
Manhattan        413
Queens           348
Staten Island     82
Name: Borough, dtype: int64

df["Borough"].value_counts().rename(newNames).sort_index() =
Bronx            455
Brooklyn         621
Manhattan        413
Queens           348
Staten Island     82
Name: Borough, dtype: int64

Print with a Python for loop:
455 Bronx
621 Brooklyn
413 Manhattan
348 Queens
 82 Staten Island

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Can create the dictionary with the dictionary comprehension we saw here. Code after root.mainloop() is never executed.

Create dictionary from European countries and capitals csv.
Created: 2019-10-07

import sys
import urllib.request
import csv
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk

url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SF19PB1-k1chan/hw16/master/euro_capitals.csv"

    infile = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
except urllib.error.URLError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

sequenceOfBytes = infile.read() #Read whole file into one big sequenceOfBytes.

    s = sequenceOfBytes.decode("utf-8")    #s is a string
except UnicodeError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

#Dictionary comprehension.  line[0] is the country, line[1] is the capital.
euroDict = {line[0]: line[1] for line in csv.reader(s.splitlines())}

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("European Capitals")
instructions = tk.Label(root, text = "Select country:", anchor = "w", padx = 5)
instructions.grid(row = 0, column = 0)

countryName = tk.StringVar()

capitalName = ttk.Combobox(
    values = sorted(euroDict),
    justify = "center",
    textvariable = countryName

    lambda event: answer.config(text =
        f"The capital of {countryName.get()} is {euroDict[countryName.get()]}.")

capitalName.grid(row = 0, column = 1)

answer = tk.Label(root, anchor = "w", padx = 5)
answer.grid(row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "ew")


Before attempting a grouped bar chart, make sure you can create a single bar chart.

NYC infant mortality rate from 2007-2016 from
Barchart modeled after

import sys
import urllib.request
import csv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import collections

url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jhjhjhsu/InfantMortality/master/InfantMortality.csv"

#access data

    infile = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
except urllib.error.URLError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

sequenceOfBytes = infile.read() #Read whole file into one big sequenceOfBytes.

    s = sequenceOfBytes.decode("utf-8")    #s is a string
except UnicodeError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

#The keys in this dictionary will be years.
#The default value for each key will be an empty dictionary created by the dict function.
#The keys in the empty dictionary will eventually be races.
#The values in the empty dictionary will eventually be rates.
d = collections.defaultdict(dict)

#[1:] because the first line in the CSV file is a line of titles.
for line in csv.reader(s.splitlines()[1:]): #Each line is a list of 9 strings.
        rate = float(line[2])
    except ValueError as error:
        continue   #Skip this line if it has no rate.

    year = int(line[0])
    race = line[1]
    d[year][race] = rate   #d[year] is a little dictionary

figure, axes = plt.subplots(figsize = (10, 5))   #inches
figure.canvas.set_window_title("Infant Mortality")
axes.set_title("New York City Infant Mortality Rates")
axes.set_ylabel("Infant deaths per 1000 live births")

years = sorted(d) #years is a list of the keys of d in increasing numeric order
x = np.arange(len(years))   #the label locations

#Set comprehension.  Each value is a little dictionary, each race is a string.
#races is a list of strings (no duplicates) in alphabetical order.
races = sorted({race for value in d.values() for race in value})

n = len(races)
width = .8 / n   #the width of each bar

for i, race in enumerate(races):
    rates = [d[year][race] for year in years] #rates is a list of floats
    barContainer = axes.bar(
        x + (i - n / 2) * width,
        align = "edge",
        label = race

    #Print a number on top of each bar belonging to this race.
    for bar in barContainer:
        height = bar.get_height()
            height,   #the number to be printed
            xy = (bar.get_x() + bar.get_width() / 2, height),
            xytext = (0, 1.5),  #1.5 points vertical offset
            textcoords = "offset points",
            ha = "center",
            va = "bottom",
            size = 6



pip3 install feedparser

Simplify lines 25–28

                if len(url.split('>')) <= 1:
                    game_list.append(Game((url.split('>')[1]), url[6:47]))

                if len(url.split('>')) > 1:
                    game_list.append(Game(url.split('>')[1], url[6:47]))


                if len(url.split('>')) > 1:
                    title = url.split('>')[1]
                    link = url[6:47]
                    game = Game(title, link)

Give get_games an argument and a return value. Build the game_list with a list comprehension? Easier and safer to parse the link with a regular expression or with Beautiful Soup instead of with three calls to index.

Take items from a given URL
and return the title and URL of each item as a namedtuple of type Game.

import sys
from collections import namedtuple
import feedparser

def get_games(url):
    """Parse Steam's RSS feed and return a list of Game namedtuples."""
    content = feedparser.parse(url)
    if content.bozo != 0:
        print(type(content.bozo_exception), content.bozo_exception, file = sys.stderr)
    game_list = []

    for entry in content.entries:
        summary = entry.summary
            i = summary.index("<a href='")   #Look for a 9-character substring.
            j = summary.index("'>")
            k = summary.index("</a>")
        except ValueError:  #A call to index didn't find what it was looking for.
            continue        #Go on to the next entry.

        if 0 == i < j < k:
            title = summary[j+2:k]
            link = summary[9:j]
            game = Game(title, link)

    return game_list

Game = namedtuple("Game", ["title", "link"]) #Create a new type of tuple containing 2 items.

# cached version to have predictable results for testing
FEED_URL = "http://bit.ly/2IkFe9B"

for game in get_games(FEED_URL):
    print(f"{game.link} {game.title}")

http://store.steampowered.com/app/535520/ Nidhogg 2
http://store.steampowered.com/app/467660/ Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul
http://store.steampowered.com/app/514900/ &gt;observer_
http://store.steampowered.com/app/304530/ Agents of Mayhem
http://store.steampowered.com/app/597220/ West of Loathing
http://store.steampowered.com/app/495050/ Mega Man Legacy Collection 2
http://store.steampowered.com/app/606730/ Sine Mora EX
http://store.steampowered.com/app/675260/ Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series
http://store.steampowered.com/app/414340/ Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
http://store.steampowered.com/app/350280/ LawBreakers
http://store.steampowered.com/app/501320/ The Shrouded Isle
http://store.steampowered.com/app/573170/ Fidel Dungeon Rescue
http://store.steampowered.com/app/553880/ Archangel
http://store.steampowered.com/app/343860/ Tacoma
http://store.steampowered.com/app/404680/ Hob
http://store.steampowered.com/app/433340/ Slime Rancher
http://store.steampowered.com/app/447290/ Redeemer
http://store.steampowered.com/app/305620/ The Long Dark
http://store.steampowered.com/app/215280/ Secret World Legends
http://store.steampowered.com/app/505460/ Foxhole
http://store.steampowered.com/app/487120/ Citadel: Forged with Fire
http://store.steampowered.com/app/586950/ The Wizards
http://store.steampowered.com/app/570420/ X Rebirth VR Edition
http://store.steampowered.com/app/535480/ Sundered
http://store.steampowered.com/app/645630/ Car Mechanic Simulator 2018
http://store.steampowered.com/app/550650/ Black Squad
http://store.steampowered.com/app/671260/ GOKEN
http://store.steampowered.com/app/667800/ Loco Dojo

Thursday, October 3, 2019


pip3 install easymoney
Please type a Bond Movie (e.g., Skyfall): Skyfall
adjusted for inflation grossed:

Warning (from warnings module):
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/easymoney/money.py", line 213
    warn(warn_msg % (year, natural_region_name, str(fall_back_year)))
Inflation (CPI) data for 2019 in 'Canada' could not be obtained from the
International Monetary Fund database currently cached.
Falling back to 2018.
251,959,737.06 USD

Line 59 asked for Canada because this example asked for Canada. To find the years covered for Canada in the inflation database, I inserted

ep.options(info = "inflation")
at line 38 and got this output:

                     Region                 Alpha2 Alpha3 Currencies InflationDates          Overlap
0    Australia                                AU     AUS      AUD     [1960, 2018]   [04/01/1999, 31/12/2018]
1    Austria                                  AT     AUT      EUR     [1960, 2018]   [04/01/1999, 31/12/2018]
2    Belgium                                  BE     BEL      EUR     [1960, 2018]   [04/01/1999, 31/12/2018]
3    Brazil                                   BR     BRA      BRL     [1980, 2018]   [02/01/2008, 31/12/2018]
4    Bulgaria                                 BG     BGR      BGN     [1985, 2018]   [19/07/2000, 31/12/2018]
5    Canada                                   CA     CAN      CAD     [1960, 2018]   [04/01/1999, 31/12/2018]
52   United States                            US     USA      USD     [1960, 2018]   [04/01/1999, 31/12/2018]

So in line 59,

    adjusted_gross = ep.normalize(amount=amount,region="CA", base_currency="USD",from_year=rl, to_year=2019, pretty_print=True)
I changed "CA" to "US" and 2019 to 2018.
    adjusted_gross = ep.normalize(
        amount = amount,
        region = "US",
        base_currency = "USD",
        from_year = rl,   #release year
        to_year = 2018


Let’s assume the user selected Skyfall. In line 52,

  1. definition is the 14-character string "304360277,2012"
  2. {definition} is a set containing that string
  3. str({definition}) converts this set to the 18-character string "{'304360277,2012'}", containing {curly braces} and 'single quotes'.
Note that the new string "{'304360277,2012'}" is four characters longer than the original string "304360277,2012". Lines 53 and 54 put the strings "{'304360277" and "304360277" into gross. Lines 54 and 55 put the strings "2012'}" and "2012" into release_yr. The variables a, b, and adjusted_gross (in line 59) are never used.

Change lines 52–55 to

    gross, release_yr = definition.split(",")

Pick a Bond movie and it'll tell you how much it grossed adjusted for inflation.

import sys
from easymoney.money import EasyPeasy

movies = {
    "Skyfall":                         (2012, 304_360_277),
    "Spectre":                         (2015, 200_074_609),
    "Quantum of Solace":               (2008, 168_368_427),
    "Casino Royale":                   (2006, 167_445_960),
    "Die Another Day":                 (2002, 160_942_139),
    "The World Is Not Enough":         (1999, 126_943_684),
    "Tomorrow Never Dies":             (1997, 125_304_276),
    "GoldenEye":                       (1995, 106_429_941),
    "Moonraker":                       (1979,  70_308_099),
    "Octopussy":                       (1983,  67_893_619),
    "Thunderball":                     (1965,  63_595_658),
    "Never Say Never Again":           (1983,  55_432_841),
    "For Your Eyes Only":              (1981,  54_812_802),
    "The Living Daylights":            (1987,  51_185_897),
    "Goldfinger":                      (1964,  51_081_062),
    "A View to a Kill":                (1985,  50_327_960),
    "The Spy Who Loved Me":            (1977,  46_838_673),
    "Diamonds Are Forever":            (1971,  43_819_547),
    "You Only Live Twice":             (1967,  43_084_787),
    "Live and Let Die":                (1973,  35_377_836),
    "Licence to Kill":                 (1989,  34_667_015),
    "From Russia, with Love":          (1964,  24_796_765),
    "On Her Majesty's Secret Service": (1969,  22_774_493),
    "The Man with the Golden Gun":     (1974,  20_972_000),
    "Dr. No":                          (1963,  16_067_035)

ep = EasyPeasy()

while True:
        movie = input("Please type a Bond Movie (e.g., Skyfall): ")
    except EOFError:

        release_year, gross = movies[movie] #movies[movie] is a tuple, release_year and gross are ints
    except KeyError:
        print(f'Sorry, "{movie}" is not a James Bond movie.')
        continue   #Go back up to the word "while".

    adjusted_gross = ep.normalize(
        amount = gross,
        region = "US",
        base_currency = "USD",
        from_year = release_year,
        to_year = 2018

    print(f"Adjusted for inflation, grossed ${adjusted_gross:,.2f}")
Please type a Bond Movie (e.g., Skyfall): Skyfall
Adjusted for inflation, grossed $332,878,790.78


Line 47 tries to open the file /content/sample_data/cmt_media.csv, so I used the CSV file from plotting9_23.

Change lines 39–43 to

stop_words = set(stopwords.words("english") + ["br", "de", "la"]) #add 2 lists

No need for line 64 to make a copy of the list articles. In other words, change the slice articles[:] to articles.

No semicolon in line 63. Consolidate lines 63, 64, 77 to

for article in enumerate(articles, start = 1):

Assuming there are three articles, lines 62 and 76 put the set of three strings
{"article 1", "article 2", "article 3"}
into the variable keyed_set.

Lines 61, 74, 75 put a dictionary containing six keys into the variable keyed_articles. Three of these keys are ints (line 74), three of them are strings (line 75):
1, 2, 3, "counts_1", "counts_2", "counts_3"

The for loop in line 90 iterates only at most two times, because the slice listOfTuples[1:4:2] in that line contains only at most two items. So we’re examining only the second most frequent word and the fourth most frequent word in the articles. Even weirder, list_of_set_article_numbers will be a list of at most two sets. The first of these two sets will contain all three strings
"article 1", "article 2", "article 3"
The second of these two sets will contain at most three strings identifying the articles that contain the fourth most common word in the input.

The for loop in line 92 iterates six times, because the dictionary keyed_articles contains six items. But three of these iterations serve no purpose. The for loop needs to iterate only through the keys 1, 2, 3, not the keys "counts_1", "counts_2", "counts_3".

The dictionary keyed_articles should be replaced by a list with two columns:

stats = []

for article in articles:
    words = []
    for word in article.split():
        word = word.strip(punctuation)
        if word:
            word = word.lower()
            if word not in stop_words:
    stats.append((words, collections.Counter(words).most_common()))   #append a tuple

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


The URL in line 10 must be the URL of a CSV file.

Year,New York City Population,NYC Consumption(Million gallons per day),Per Capita(Gallons per person per day)

Lines 7, 12–15 are never used. Remove them. Line 40 is never reached. Remove it. Surround the dangerous line 17 with try and except. See the bar chart on September 17.

Read water consumption rates from URL and display bar chart.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import sys

url = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/ia2d-e54m/rows.csv"

    df = pd.read_csv(url, index_col = 0)
except BaseException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

figure, ax0 = plt.subplots(figsize = (10, 6))
ax1 = ax0.twinx()
ax2 = ax0.twinx()
figure.canvas.set_window_title("Water Consumption")
plt.title("NYC Water Consumption Rates")

fields = [
    [2, ax0, "crimson", "Population",        "New York City Population"],
    [1, ax1, "navy",    "Water Consumption", "NYC Consumption(Million gallons per day)"],
    [0, ax2, "green",   "Per Capita",        "Per Capita(Gallons per person per day)"]

for field in fields:
    ax = field[1]
    color = field[2]
    series = df[field[4]]   #series is a pandas Series object.  See Series.

        kind = "bar",
        color = color,
        ax = ax,
        width = .25,
        position = field[0] - .5

    ax.set_ylabel(field[3], color = color)
    ax.tick_params(axis = "y", labelcolor = color)

plt.ticklabel_format(style = "plain", axis = "y")

The 1979 population got cut off. How to fix? Print the population with commas (8,000,000)?


Change line 21 from

   [b[0][0],b[1][0],b[2][0]],  #left column
   [b[i][0] for i in range(3)],  #left column
Are the comments in lines 26–27 wrong? Change line 31 from
   if strikes == ["O", "O", "O"]:
   if strikes == 3 * ["O"]:

Create a new variable

n = 3
and change all the other 3s to n.


Indent with groups of four spaces, not tabs. Simplify line 15 (and line 21) from

     for x in range(0,3):
     for x in range(3):

Simplify line 16 from

        row = set([grid[x][0],grid[x][1],grid[x][2]])
        row = set(grid[x])   #grid[x] is a list of 3 strings.

Simplify line 22 from

        column = set([grid[0][x],grid[1][x],grid[2][x]])
to the list comprehension
        column = set([grid[i][x] for i in range(3)])

Simplify line 27 from

        diag1 = set([grid[0][0],grid[1][1],grid[2][2]])
        diag1 = set([grid[i][i] for i in range(3)])
Can you simplify the other diaginal line 28?

Create a new variable

n = 3
and change all the other 3s to n.

checkGrid finds only at most one winner. If there is no winner, it should probably return " " or None.

When we stored the playing board in a string of nine characters in Tic, we found all the winner with only one statement of code.

Check tic-tac-toe board for winner(s).

import sys
import numpy as np

testGrid = [
    ['X', 'X', ' '],
    ['X', 'O', ' '],
    ['X', ' ', 'O']

n = len(testGrid)      #number of rows must be equal to number of columns
b = np.array(testGrid) #b is a two-dimensional numpy.ndarray
#print(b.shape)        #prints the tuple (3, 3)

def checkGrid(grid):
    "Return a string of the winning characters."
    winners = ""

    for c in "XO":
        trio = n * [c]   #trio is a list of 3 strings

        # rows
        for row in range(n):
            if np.array_equal(b[row, 0:n], trio):   #don't need the 0
                winners += c

        # columns
        for col in range(n):
            if np.array_equal(b[0:n, col], trio):   #don't need the 0
                winners += c

    # diagonals
    diag1 = np.diag(b)
    if np.array_equal(diag1, trio):
        winners += c

    diag2 = np.diag(np.fliplr(b))
    if np.array_equal(diag2, trio):
        winners += c

    return winners

print("Winner(s):", checkGrid(b))
[['X' 'X' ' ']
 ['X' 'O' ' ']
 ['X' ' ' 'O']]

Winner(s): X

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Change lines 38–42 to the following. See Comparisons can be chained.

    if (line[26] == "11231"
        and line[7] == "Alive"
        and line[25].endswith("DE GRAW STREET")
        and 100 <= int(line[25].split(maxsplit = 1)[0]) <= 200):


Change the comment in line 16 to


Each line of the CSV file contains 16 fields. The first two lines of the file are

Arlington Library,"203 Arlington Ave. at Warwick St. Brooklyn, NY 11207",718.277.6105,"40.680456600000, -73.887288700000",Q24;Q56,J,\n10:00am - 6:00pm,\n10:00am - 6:00pm,\n1:00pm - 8:00pm,\n10:00am - 8:00pm,\n10:00am - 6:00pm,\n10:00am - 5:00pm,,Fully accessible,accessible;open now;,https://www.bklynlibrary.org/locations/arlington

Note that the last program in Street trees outputs lines in CSV format. This program, however, outputs lines in the format of a Python slice (with surrounding [square brackets]) because of line 41.

['branch', 'address', 'phone', 'position']
['Arlington Library', '203 Arlington Ave. at Warwick St. Brooklyn, NY 11207', '718.277.6105', '40.680456600000, -73.887288700000']

When I pointed my browser at
and logged in to Google, it was all white because I was looking at Antarctica.

I made the following my by selecting the address field (not the position field).


New York City Leading Causes of Death

import sys
import csv   #Comma-separated values.  Do not name this Python script csv.py.
import datetime
import urllib.request
import io

welcome = "Hi! This database contains leading causes of death by sex and ethnicity in New York City in 2007-2014."

Ethnicity = [
"Non-Hispanic White",
"Non-Hispanic Black",
"Asian and Pacific Islander",
"Not Stated/Unknown",
"Other Race/ Ethnicity"]

url ="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jhjhjhsu/death/master/New_York_City_Leading_Causes_of_Death.csv"

#user selections: year, sex, ethnicity

year = input("Which year would you like to look up from 2007-2014? ")
#year = str(year)
sex = input ("Which sex would you like to look up? (1=Male, 2= Female) ")
if sex == "1":
    sex = "M"
elif sex == "2":
    sex = "F"
    print(error) #need edits
print(*Ethnicity, sep = "\n")
ethnicity = input("Which ethnicity would you like to look up? ")

#access data with selected year

    fileFromUrl = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
except urllib.error.URLError as error:
    print("urllib.error.URLError", error, file = sys.stderr)

sequenceOfBytes = fileFromUrl.read() #Read whole file into one big sequenceOfBytes.

    s = sequenceOfBytes.decode("utf-8")    #s is a string, decoding
except UnicodeError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

fileFromString = io.StringIO(s)
lines = csv.reader(fileFromString)   #or lines = csv.reader(s.splitlines())
SelectedYear = [line for line in lines if line[0] == year] #select year of choice

#filter data by sex and ethnicity
FilteredList = []
for x in SelectedYear:
    if x[2] == sex and x[3] == ethnicity:

FilteredList.sort(key = lambda x: x[4])

#Print leading causes of death.
#need to print header
print(f"In {year}, the leading causes of death for {ethnicity} {sex} in New York City are:")

for x in FilteredList[:10]:
    print(x[2], x[4])


Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Lines 8, 13–16 are never used. Remove them. Line 29 is never reached. Remove it. Surround the dangerous line 18 with try and except. The loc and bbox_to_anchor in line 25 contradict each other.

Read csv file from URL and output stacked bar chart.
Created: 2019-09-22

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import sys

url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SF19PB1-k1chan/hw12/master/mobile_os.csv"

    df = pd.read_csv(url, index_col = 0)   #df is a pandas DataFrame.
except BaseException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

df.plot(kind = 'bar', stacked = True, rot = 0, figsize = (10, 6), legend = False, zorder = 3)

plt.title('Mobile OS Market Share')
plt.grid(zorder = 0)
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor = (1.0, 0.5))


This is the code from hw9_17 with bokeh code from here. The same bokeh code, but with an output file instead of an output notebook.

pip3 install bokeh
pip3 install IPython
pip3 install pandas
pip3 install nltk
>>> nltk.download('stopwords')

Before running the program, download media_data2.csv. To see the output, I had to change line 56 to

from bokeh.io import show, output_file
and line 59 to
output_file("bars.html")   #Create new file in my home directory /Users/myname

Change lines 49–50 from

#Bad idea: don't name a variable "int".

high_freq_words = [word[0] for word in listOfTuples[:10]]
freq = [int[1] for int in listOfTuples[:10] ]
to the following. listOfTuples is a list of tuples and listOfTuples[:10] is a much shorter list of tuples. Each tuple consists of one string and one int. During each loop, t is therefore a tuple (that’s why I named it t) consisting of one string and one int.
high_freq_words = [t[0] for t in listOfTuples[:10]]   #high_freq_words is a list of strings
freq            = [t[1] for t in listOfTuples[:10]]   #freq is a list of ints

[58, 36, 26, 17, 14, 14, 14, 13, 13, 13]

Thursday, September 19, 2019


To make sure the macOS microphone is on, pull down the apple in the upper left corner of the screen and select
System Preferences… → Sound → Input
and turn up the Input volume.

chown is “change owner”. chmod is “change mode”.

pip3 install SpeechRecognition

pip3 show SpeechRecognition
Name: SpeechRecognition
Version: 3.8.1
Summary: Library for performing speech recognition, with support for several engines and APIs, online and offline.
Home-page: https://github.com/Uberi/speech_recognition#readme
Author: Anthony Zhang (Uberi)
Author-email: azhang9@gmail.com
License: BSD
Location: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages

sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/share/man/man7
chmod u+w /usr/local/share/man/man7

ls -ld /usr/local/share/man/man7
drwxr-xr-x  26 myname  wheel  832 Mar 10  2019 /usr/local/share/man/man7

brew list
gdbm		pkg-config	python3		sqlite
openssl		python		readline	xz

brew install portaudio

brew list
gdbm		pkg-config	python		readline	xz
openssl		portaudio	python3		sqlite

pip3 install PyAudio

pip3 show PyAudio
Name: PyAudio
Version: 0.2.11
Summary: PortAudio Python Bindings
Home-page: http://people.csail.mit.edu/hubert/pyaudio/
Author: Hubert Pham
Author-email: UNKNOWN
License: UNKNOWN
Location: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages

python3 -m speech_recognition
A moment of silence, please...
Set minimum energy threshold to 50.8320699286259
Say something!   (I said “hello”.)
Got it! Now to recognize it...
You said hello
Say something!
Got it! Now to recognize it...
You said goodbye
Say something!
Got it! Now to recognize it...
You said stop
Say something!
Got it! Now to recognize it...
You said two houses both alike in dignity
Say something!
Print what the user says (or sings).

pip3 install SpeechRecognition
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/share/man/man7
chmod u+w /usr/local/share/man/man7
brew install portaudio
pip3 install PyAudio

Python code copied from "Recognize speech input from the microphone" example in

import sys
import speech_recognition

recognizer = speech_recognition.Recognizer()
print(f"The energy threshold is {recognizer.energy_threshold}.")
print(f"The pause threshold is {recognizer.pause_threshold} second(s).")

with speech_recognition.Microphone() as source:   #Python context manager
    print("Please say something.  The microphone is on.")
    audio = recognizer.listen(source)

print("You seem to be done speaking, thanks.  The microphone is off.")
print(f"size = {len(audio.frame_data):,} bytes")
print(f"sample rate = {audio.sample_rate:,} samples per second")
print(f"sample width = {audio.sample_width} bytes")

    seconds = len(audio.frame_data) / (audio.sample_rate * audio.sample_width)
except ZeroDivisionError: #This style is EAFP (vs. LBYL).
    pass                  #Do nothing.
    print(f"duration = {seconds:.3f} seconds")

#Recognize speech using Google Speech Recognition.

    s = recognizer.recognize_google(audio, language = "en-us")
except speech_recognition.UnknownValueError:     #unintelligible
    print("Google Speech Recognition could not understand audio", file = sys.stderr)
except speech_recognition.RequestError as error: #no Internet connection
    print(f"Could not request results from Google Speech Recognition service: {error}",
          file = sys.stderr)

print(f"Google Speech Recognition thinks you said")
“IDLE.app” would like to access the microphone.
Don’t Allow          OK

44100 = 2102 is a perfect square.

The energy threshold is 300.
The pause threshold is 0.8 second(s).
Please say something.  The microphone is on.
You seem to be done speaking, thanks.  The microphone is off.
size = 471,040 bytes
sample rate = 44,100 samples per second
sample width = 2 bytes
duration = 5.341 seconds
Google Speech Recognition thinks you said

Double Double Toil and Trouble fire burn and cauldron bubble


Five list comprehensions.

pip3 install num2words

num2words 123456 -l en
one hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six

num2words 123456 -l en --to ordinal
one hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-sixth


Put the data in a two-dimensional list

  1. to make it easy to insert, delete, or reorder the animals
  2. to make it easy to add extra columns (e.g., a column of colors such as "red", "orange", etc.)
  3. to make it easy for a non-Python programmer to prepare the data, or
  4. to make it easy to get the data from a file or a URL
Pie chart


import matplotlib.pyplot

#List of pie slices, counterclockwise from the startangle.
#The trailing edge (not the center) of the first slice is at the startangle.
#The three fields are label, size (in percent), explode distance from center (in radii).

animals = [
    ["Rabbits",  15, 0.0],
    ["Cats",     30, 0.0],
    ["Dogs",     45, 0.1],   #Explode only this slice.
    ["Hamsters", 10, 0.0]

#Get the 3 columns with 3 list comprehensions.
labels  = [animal[0] for animal in animals]   #Create a list of 4 strings.
sizes   = [animal[1] for animal in animals]   #Create a list of 4 ints.
explode = [animal[2] for animal in animals]   #Create a list of 4 floats.

figure, axes = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots()
figure.canvas.set_window_title("Popular Pets")
axes.axis("equal")   #Equal aspect ratio ensures that circle is not stretched or squished.

    explode = explode,
    labels = labels,
    autopct = "%.1f%%", #autopercent, means f"{percent:.1f}%"
    #rotatelabels = True,
    shadow = True,
    startangle = 90     #degrees clockwise from 3 o'clock


For the old-style string format "%.1f%%", see format. Should we eliminate the need for the three list comprehensions by changing the list of lists to

animals = [
    ["Rabbits", "Cats", "Dogs", "Hamsters"], #labels
    [15,        30,     45,     10],         #sizes
    [0.0,       0.0,    0.1,    0.0]         #explode

    animals[1],           #animals[1] is a list of 4 ints.
    explode = animals[2], #animals[2] is a list of 4 floats.
    labels = animals[0],  #animals[0] is a list of 4 strings.
    autopct = "%.1f%%",   #autopercent, means f"{percent:.1f}%"
    shadow = True,
    startangle = 90       #degrees clockwise from 3 o'clock

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

hw10: bar chart

To see the words “Attendance”, “Payroll”, and “team”, you have to stretch the window.

Why is the second picture smaller? How to make it bigger?

Read csv file from URL and display bar chart.
Created: 2019-09-15

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SF19PB1-k1chan/hw10/master/mlb.csv"
dataFrame = pd.read_csv(url)
n = len(dataFrame)   #number of teams
x = np.arange(n)     #list of the horizontal posistions of the bars
width = 0.3          #width of each bar

#Create two axes objects that share the same X axis.
figure, axes0 = plt.subplots() #axes0 is the attendance axes.
axes1 = axes0.twinx()          #axes1 is the payroll axes.

figure.canvas.set_window_title('Major League Baseball')
axes0.set_title('2019 MLB Team Attendance and Payroll')

axes0.bar(x - width/2, dataFrame.attendance, width, color = 'crimson', label = 'Attendance')
axes1.bar(x + width/2, dataFrame.payroll,    width, color = 'navy',    label = 'Payroll')

attendanceFormatter = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, position:  f'{x:,.0f}')
payrollFormatter    = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, position: f'${x:,.0f}')


axes0.tick_params(axis = 'y', labelcolor = 'crimson')
axes1.tick_params(axis = 'y', labelcolor = 'navy')

axes0.set_ylabel('Attendance', color = 'crimson')
axes1.set_ylabel('Payroll',    color = 'navy')

figure.show()   #infinite loop

Needs a list of two lists:

#name, color, position, format

barCharts = [
    ["Attendance", "crimson", -1,  f"{x:,.0f}"],
    ["Payroll",    "navy",    +1, f"${x:,.0f}"]


pip3 install nltk
pip3 show nltk
>>> nltk.download('stopwords')

Download the file media_data2.csv to your Mac.
import string
paragraphs = dataFrame.Body

Output a list of the words from multiple cells in a CSV, in order of the most
frequent. Ignores common words.

Sample output:
58 br
36 banking
26 content
17 baas
14 across
14 amp
14 open

import sys
import collections
import requests
import pandas
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import string

# from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize - This looks to be a significantly
# easier implementation of tokenizing words vs the string punctuation solution.


with open('media_data2.csv', newline = '', encoding = 'mac_roman') as csvfile:
    dataFrame = pandas.read_csv(csvfile)

#Have a look at the data.
print(f"type(dataFrame.Body) = {type(dataFrame.Body)}")
print(f"len(dataFrame.Body) = {len(dataFrame.Body)}")

punctuation = string.punctuation + "\u201C\u201D"   #double quotes “ ”
paragraphs = dataFrame.Body
strippedWords = [word.strip(punctuation) for word in " ".join(paragraphs).split()]
lowerWords = [word.lower() for word in strippedWords if word]

# Clean list to make sure stop words are not counted
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))   #"i", "me", "my", "myself", "we", etc.
cleanListOfWords = [word for word in lowerWords if word not in stop_words]

#Counter is like a dict.  Keys are words, values are counts.
counter = collections.Counter(cleanListOfWords)
listOfTuples = counter.most_common()

for word, i in listOfTuples[:30]:
    print(f"{i:2} {word}")

0         Forbes
1    MRO Network
2          EEWeb
Name: Outlet, dtype: object

0    Telecoms Are In A Tricky Spot„Can Tech Save ...
1                 Blockchain Tipped For Leasing Impact
2                          Are you ready for CES 2019?
Name: Title, dtype: object

type(dataFrame.Body) = <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
len(dataFrame.Body) = 3

26 ai
23 technology
22 data
19 blockchain
17 world
17 5g
15 ces
14 telecoms
13 make
13 digital
12 networks
12 one
12 tesla
12 industry
11 using
11 new
11 systems
11 companies
11 2019
11 research
10 smart
10 much
10 use
10 capacity
10 many
10 gpt-2
10 Ñ
10 consumers
 9 home
 9 customers

Thursday, September 12, 2019


The urlFile is of type http.client.HTTPResponse. When I tried to give the urlFile directly to the PyPDF2.PdfFileReader, I got the exception
io.UnsupportedOperation: seek
(Seeking meets rewinding and jumping backwards and forwards.) So I copied the contents of the urlFile into an io.BytesIO, which is capable of seeking.

Extract information from a file in PDF format.

import sys
import io
import urllib.request
import PyPDF2

url = "http://www.pdf995.com/samples/pdf.pdf"

    urlFile = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
except urllib.error.URLError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

sequenceOfBytes = urlFile.read()

#Access the sequence of bytes as if it were a file.
bytesFile = io.BytesIO(sequenceOfBytes)
reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(bytesFile)
print(f"numPages = {reader.numPages}")

for key, value in reader.documentInfo.items(): #reader.documentInfo is a dict
    print(f"{key[1:]:12} {value}")             #key is a string

numPages = 5
Producer     GNU Ghostscript 7.05
Title        PDF
Creator      Pdf995
CreationDate 12/12/2003 17:30:12
Author       Software 995
Subject      Create PDF with Pdf 995
Keywords     pdf, create pdf, software, acrobat, adobe


Convert text to speech in different languages. Requires pip3 install gtts

import sys
import os

import tempfile
import playsound
import gtts   #Google Text-To-Speech

print("We're going to say what you type.")
print("Here are the available languages:")

for key, value in gtts.lang.tts_langs().items():   #a dict
    print(key, value)

lang = input("Please enter the code for your language (e.g., en-us): ")
text = input("Please enter some text: ")

    textToSpeech = gtts.gTTS(text = text, lang = lang, slow = True)
except BaseException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

# Save the audio in a temporary file with a name.
temporaryFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()

print("Here is the temporary file:")
print(os.popen(f"ls -l {temporaryFile.name}").read(), end = "")
print(os.popen(f"file {temporaryFile.name}").read(), end = "")

# Play and erase the temporary file.
    playsound.playsound(temporaryFile.name, True)   #Requires a filename or URL.
except OSError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)
    temporaryFile.close()   #Erase the temporary file.

We're going to say what you type.
Here are the available languages:

af Afrikaans
sq Albanian
ar Arabic
hy Armenian
bn Bengali
bs Bosnian
ca Catalan
hr Croatian
cs Czech
da Danish
nl Dutch
en English
eo Esperanto
et Estonian
tl Filipino
fi Finnish
fr French
de German
el Greek
gu Gujarati
hi Hindi
hu Hungarian
is Icelandic
id Indonesian
it Italian
ja Japanese
jw Javanese
kn Kannada
km Khmer
ko Korean
la Latin
lv Latvian
mk Macedonian
ml Malayalam
mr Marathi
my Myanmar (Burmese)
ne Nepali
no Norwegian
pl Polish
pt Portuguese
ro Romanian
ru Russian
sr Serbian
si Sinhala
sk Slovak
es Spanish
su Sundanese
sw Swahili
sv Swedish
ta Tamil
te Telugu
th Thai
tr Turkish
uk Ukrainian
ur Urdu
vi Vietnamese
cy Welsh
zh-cn Chinese (Mandarin/China)
zh-tw Chinese (Mandarin/Taiwan)
en-us English (US)
en-ca English (Canada)
en-uk English (UK)
en-gb English (UK)
en-au English (Australia)
en-gh English (Ghana)
en-in English (India)
en-ie English (Ireland)
en-nz English (New Zealand)
en-ng English (Nigeria)
en-ph English (Philippines)
en-za English (South Africa)
en-tz English (Tanzania)
fr-ca French (Canada)
fr-fr French (France)
pt-br Portuguese (Brazil)
pt-pt Portuguese (Portugal)
es-es Spanish (Spain)
es-us Spanish (United States)

Please enter the code for your language (e.g., en-us): es
Please enter some text: Yo no soy marinero.  Soy capitan.

Here is the temporary file:
-rw-------  1 myname  mygroup  13632 Sep 12 11:25 /var/folders/pb/rx_csw656h95vzh_nk8ndt180000gn/T/tmp5cadx4zm
/var/folders/pb/rx_csw656h95vzh_nk8ndt180000gn/T/tmp5cadx4zm: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v2,  32 kbps, 24 kHz, Monaural

hw9: run a Python script from another Python script

Since the timestamp did not have hour, minute, second, I called the today and strftime methods of class datetime.date, not the today and strftime methods of class datetime.datetime.

This program is rng.py.  Save it on your Desktop.
Create list of 100 random numbers and write it to text file.
Created: 2019-09-11
import sys
import datetime
import random
import getpass   #get password

userName = getpass.getuser()
timeStamp = datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y%m%d")
fileName = f"/Users/{userName}/Desktop/temp_{timeStamp}.txt"

    outFile = open(fileName, "w")   #"w" for "write" makes this an output file
except BaseException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

# Create list of 100 random integers between 1 and 999 inclusive.
myList = [random.randint(1, 1000) for i in range(100)]

# Output the list to the text file.

for i in myList:
    #Convert i from int to string, print it, and print a newline.
    print(i, file = outFile)

Execute the Python program rng.py.
Created: 2019-09-11

import sys
import os      #operating system
import getpass #get password

userName = getpass.getuser()
scriptName = f"/Users/{userName}/Desktop/rng.py"

if not os.path.exists(scriptName):
    print(f"File not found: {scriptName}", file = sys.stderr)

command = f"/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/python3 {scriptName}"
number = os.system(command)   #number is a two-byte integer
loByte = number & 0xFF        #& is bitwise and

if loByte != 0:
    print(f"child was killed by signal number {loByte & 0x7F} ", end = "")
    print("before it could produce an exit status.")

exitStatus = number >> 8   #>> is right shift
print(f"child's exit status = {exitStatus}")


Flatten a deeply nested list.

import sys
import functools

mylist = [
            [10, 20],
            [30, 40],
            [50, 60],
            [70, 80],
            [90, 100],
            [110, 120],
            [130, 140],
            [150, 160],

def recursiveFlatten1(originalList):
    assert isinstance(originalList, list)
    flattenedList = []
    for item in originalList:
        if isinstance(item, list):
            flattenedList += recursiveFlatten1(item) #or flattenedList.extend(recursiveFlatten1(item))
            flattenedList += [item]                  #or flattenedList.append(item)
    return flattenedList

def recursiveFlatten2(originalList):
    assert isinstance(originalList, list)
    return functools.reduce(
        lambda flattenedList, item: flattenedList + (recursiveFlatten2(item) if isinstance(item, list) else [item]),

[10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160]
[10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160]

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Eliminate the button. Display the symbol as soon as the user selects a company from the menu.

Combine the two lists into a single list of lists. I put None into this list only to give January index 1, February index 2, December index 12.


Provide stock ticker symbols for some of the top companies on the S&P 500.

import sys
import tkinter

companies = [                                 #a list of 6 lists
    ["AAPL", "Apple Inc."],
    ["MSFT", "Microsoft Corp."],
    ["AMZN", "Amazon.com Inc."],
    ["FB",   "Facebook Inc."],
    ["BRK",  "Berkshire Hathaway Inc."],
    ["GOOG", "Google (aka Alphabet Inc.)"]

names = [company[1] for company in companies] #a list of 6 strings

root = tkinter.Tk()
root.title("Stock ticker symbols")


compLabel = tkinter.Label(text = "Choose company name:", anchor = "e", padx = 5)
compLabel.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "e")

mytikLabel = tkinter.Label(text = "Ticker:", anchor = "e", padx = 5)
mytikLabel.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "e")

tikLabel = tkinter.Label(text = companies[0][0], anchor = "w", padx = 5,
    bg = "white", fg = "green", font = (None, 20))
tikLabel.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = "ew")


com = tkinter.StringVar(root)
com.set(companies[0][1])   #default value


def fetchTicker(name):
        i = names.index(name)
    except ValueError as error:
        print(error, file = sys.stderr)
    tikLabel["text"] = companies[i][0]

compMenu = tkinter.OptionMenu(root, com, *names, command = fetchTicker)
compMenu.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "ew")



pip3 install matplotlib
pip3 install numpy
Read image from URL and transform (horizontal flip, vertical flip, grayscale).
Created: 2019-09-08

import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot
import matplotlib.image
import numpy

url = "http://oit2.scps.nyu.edu/~meretzkm/python/string/escalus2.png"

    image = matplotlib.image.imread(url)
except FileNotFoundError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

#rows is a list containing 2 smaller lists, because we want 2 rows.
#Each smaller list contains 2 even smaller lists, because we want 2 columns.
#Each even smaller list contains 3 strings.

rows = [
    [["Original",      "image",               None], ["Horizontal Flip", "numpy.fliplr(image)", None]],
    [["Vertical Flip", "numpy.flipud(image)", None], ["Grayscale",       "image[:,:,1]",        "gray"]]

figure, axarr = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots(len(rows[0]), len(rows))

for y, row in enumerate(rows):
    for x, col in enumerate(row):
        axarr[x, y].set_title(col[0])
        axarr[x, y].imshow(eval(col[1]), cmap = col[2])
        axarr[x, y].axis("off")



The original program has to discard the word AT (line 32) and has to discard duplicates with the set in line 39.

Open in browser: https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/iso_8859-1.txt
Press Enter to continue...

Count of words: 858

Count of sentences: 3

Count of numbers: 60

['20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79']

Count of hex codes: 130

['2A', '2B', '2C', '2D', '2E', '2F', '3A', '3B', '3C', '3D', '3E', '3F', '4A', '4B', '4C', '4D', '4E', '4F', '5A', '5B', '5C', '5D', '5E', '5F', '6A', '6B', '6C', '6D', '6E', '6F', '7A', '7B', '7C', '7D', '7E', 'A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'A6', 'A7', 'A8', 'A9', 'AA', 'AB', 'AC', 'AD', 'AE', 'AF', 'B0', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6', 'B7', 'B8', 'B9', 'BA', 'BB', 'BC', 'BD', 'BE', 'BF', 'C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4', 'C5', 'C6', 'C7', 'C8', 'C9', 'CA', 'CB', 'CC', 'CD', 'CE', 'CF', 'D0', 'D1', 'D2', 'D3', 'D4', 'D5', 'D6', 'D7', 'D8', 'D9', 'DA', 'DB', 'DC', 'DD', 'DE', 'DF', 'E0', 'E1', 'E2', 'E3', 'E4', 'E5', 'E6', 'E7', 'E8', 'E9', 'EA', 'EB', 'EC', 'ED', 'EE', 'EF', 'F0', 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9', 'FA', 'FB', 'FC', 'FD', 'FE', 'FF']
Read text file from URL and output number of words, sentences, hexadecimal numbers that
have no letters, and hexadecinal numbers that have letters.
Created: 2019-09-08

import sys
import requests
import webbrowser
import re   #regular expressions

url = "https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/iso_8859-1.txt"

    response = requests.get(url)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

print(f"Open in browser: {url}")
input("Press Enter to continue... ")

data = response.text
lines = data.splitlines()[8:]   #Discard the first 8 lines in the file.
characters = []

#The file consists of two columns.  The first column is 32 characters wide.

for line in lines:

#Find a two-digit hexadecimal (base 16) number.

    regularExpression = re.compile(r'[A-F0-9]{2}')
except re.error as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

#hexNumbers is a list of two-character strings.

hexNumbers = [regularExpression.match(character).group()
    for character in characters
    if regularExpression.match(character)]

#Some of the hexadecimal numbers happen to be spelled entirely with decimal digits.
decimalNumbers = [hexNumber for hexNumber in hexNumbers if     hexNumber.isdecimal()]
otherNumbers   = [hexNumber for hexNumber in hexNumbers if not hexNumber.isdecimal()]

#decimalNumbers and otherNumbers are lists of two-character strings.
#Sort them in order of the values of the numbers portrayed in those strings.

def score(n):
    return int(n, base = 16)

decimalNumbers.sort(key = score)
otherNumbers.sort(key = score)

print(f'Count of words: {len(data.split())}')
print(f'Count of sentences: {data.count(".")}')
print(f'Count of hex numbers that have no letters: {len(decimalNumbers)}')
print(f'Count of hex numbers that have letters: {len(otherNumbers)}')

Open in browser: https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/iso_8859-1.txt
Press Enter to continue...

Count of words: 858

Count of sentences: 3

Count of hex numbers that have no letters: 60

['20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79']

Count of hex numbers that have letters: 130

['2A', '2B', '2C', '2D', '2E', '2F', '3A', '3B', '3C', '3D', '3E', '3F', '4A', '4B', '4C', '4D', '4E', '4F', '5A', '5B', '5C', '5D', '5E', '5F', '6A', '6B', '6C', '6D', '6E', '6F', '7A', '7B', '7C', '7D', '7E', 'A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'A6', 'A7', 'A8', 'A9', 'AA', 'AB', 'AC', 'AD', 'AE', 'AF', 'B0', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6', 'B7', 'B8', 'B9', 'BA', 'BB', 'BC', 'BD', 'BE', 'BF', 'C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4', 'C5', 'C6', 'C7', 'C8', 'C9', 'CA', 'CB', 'CC', 'CD', 'CE', 'CF', 'D0', 'D1', 'D2', 'D3', 'D4', 'D5', 'D6', 'D7', 'D8', 'D9', 'DA', 'DB', 'DC', 'DD', 'DE', 'DF', 'E0', 'E1', 'E2', 'E3', 'E4', 'E5', 'E6', 'E7', 'E8', 'E9', 'EA', 'EB', 'EC', 'ED', 'EE', 'EF', 'F0', 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9', 'FA', 'FB', 'FC', 'FD', 'FE', 'FF']

The output would be easier to read in the columns we created with zip here.


pip3 install playsound
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/myname/python/junk.py", line 21, in <module>
    playsound.playsound(file, True)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/playsound.py", line 55, in _playsoundOSX
    from AppKit     import NSSound
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'AppKit'
pip3 install pyobjc
pip3 install AppKit

Play "You'll Never Walk Alone".

import sys
import time
import playsound

#pluck guitar string
file = "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7" \

#Chinese sound effect
url1 = "http://oit2.scps.nyu.edu/~meretzkm/swift/button/chinese.mp3"

#"You'll Never Walk Alone"
url2 = "http://www.fcsongs.com/uploads/audio" \

    playsound.playsound(file, True)
    playsound.playsound(url1, True)
    playsound.playsound(url2, True)
except OSError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)


Thursday, September 5, 2019


pip3 install googletrans
pip3 list

pip3 show googletrans
Name: googletrans
Version: 2.4.0
Summary: Free Google Translate API for Python. Translates totally free of charge.
Home-page: https://github.com/ssut/py-googletrans
Author: SuHun Han
Author-email: ssut@ssut.me
License: MIT
Location: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages
Requires: requests

Then read the documentation in the README.rst file.

Loop through the lines of a text file downloaded from the Internet.
Convert each line from a sequence of bytes to a string of characters and translate them.
need to run pip install googletrans on BMCC Mac, or py -3 -m pip install googletrans

# Prob doesnt work yet, couldnt test it at work because of firewalls
# Works now!

import sys
import urllib.request
import googletrans

language_code = """\
Afrikaans       af
Albanian        sq
Arabic  ar
Belarusian      be
Bulgarian       bg
Catalan         ca
Chinese Simplified      zh-CN
Chinese Traditional     zh-TW
Croatian        hr
Czech   cs
Danish  da
Dutch   nl
English         en
Estonian        et
Filipino        tl
Finnish         fi
French  fr
Galician        gl
German  de
Greek   el
Hebrew  iw
Hindi   hi
Hungarian       hu
Icelandic       is
Indonesian      id
Irish   ga
Italian         it
Japanese        ja
Korean  ko
Latvian         lv
Lithuanian      lt
Macedonian      mk
Malay   ms
Maltese         mt
Norwegian       no
Persian         fa
Polish  pl
Portuguese      pt
Romanian        ro
Russian         ru
Serbian         sr
Slovak  sk
Slovenian       sl
Spanish         es
Swahili         sw
Swedish         sv
Thai    th
Turkish         tr
Ukrainian       uk
Vietnamese      vi
Welsh   cy
Yiddish         yi

print("We're going to translate a verse from Romeo and Juliet into another language that you select")
print("Language Code")
print("-------- ----")
language = input("Please select the language code: ")

url = "http://oit2.scps.nyu.edu/~meretzkm/python/string/romeo.txt"

    lines = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
except urllib.error.URLError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

translator = googletrans.Translator()

for line in lines:   #line is a sequence of bytes.
        s = line.decode("utf-8")
    except UnicodeError as error:
        print(error, file = sys.stderr)

    translation = translator.translate(s, src = "en", dest = language)

Please select the language code: es
Bajo pena de tortura, de esas manos ensangrentadas
Lanza tus armas apagadas al suelo,
Y escucha la frase de tu príncipe movèd.
Please select the language code: iw
על כאב עינויים, מאותן ידיים עקובות מדם
זרוק את כלי הנשק הטעויות שלך ארצה,
ושמע את המשפט של נסיך המובחר שלך.



Sort Marvel movies by increasing gross.

import sys
import urllib.request

#import marvel movies data
url = "http://oit2.scps.nyu.edu/~meretzkm/python/SF19PB1/marvel.txt"

    infile = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
except urllib.error.URLError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

sequenceOfBytes = infile.read()

    s = sequenceOfBytes.decode("utf-8") #Convert sequence of bytes to string of characters.
except UnicodeError as error:
    print(error, file = sys.stderr)

films = s.splitlines()

#Print the first line and then exclude it from the list to be sorted.
films = films[1:]  #or del films[0]

def score(s):
    fields = s.split(",")   #fields is a list of strings
    return float(fields[0])

films.sort(key = score)

for film in films:
    fields = film.split(",")
    gross = float(fields[0])
    name = fields[1]
    print(f"${gross:16,.2f} {name}")

$  263,427,551.00 The Incredible Hulk
$  370,569,774.00 Captain America: The First Avenger
$  449,326,618.00 Thor
$  519,311,965.00 Ant-Man
$  585,174,222.00 Iron Man
$  622,674,139.00 Ant-Man and the Wasp
$  623,933,331.00 Iron Man 2
$  644,571,402.00 Thor: The Dark World
$  677,718,395.00 Doctor Strange
$  714,264,267.00 Captain America: The Winter Soldier
$  773,328,629.00 Guardians of the Galaxy
$  853,977,126.00 Thor: Ragnarok
$  863,756,051.00 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
$  880,166,924.00 Spider-Man: Homecoming
$1,124,735,841.00 Spider-Man: Far From Home
$1,128,274,794.00 Captain Marvel
$1,153,304,495.00 Captain America: Civil War
$1,214,811,252.00 Iron Man 3
$1,346,913,161.00 Black Panther
$1,405,403,694.00 Avengers: Age of Ultron
$1,518,812,988.00 Marvel's The Avengers
$2,048,359,754.00 Avengers: Infinity War
$2,796,250,059.00 Avengers: Endgame

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


Shirley Ellis, The Name Game. See Beer.

Please type a name: Mark
Banana-fana fo-fark
Please type a name:

Translate the input name to the Name song.

#A four-line string containing six pockets.

import sys

verse = """\
{}, {}, bo-b{}
Banana-fana fo f{}

while True:

        name = input("Please type a name: ")
    except EOFError:

    rest = name[1:]
    print(verse.format(name, name, rest, rest, rest, name))



Find your zodiac sign.

import sys
import datetime

print("Find your Zodiac Sign.")
s = input("When is your birthday?  Enter as mm,dd: ")
listOfNumbers = s.split(",")

if len(listOfNumbers) != 2:
    print("Needed two numbers, separated by a comma.")

    month = int(listOfNumbers[0])
except ValueError as error:

    day = int(listOfNumbers[1])
except ValueError as error:

year = 2000   #Pick a year that has a February 29.
birthday = datetime.datetime(year, month, day)

signs = [
     [ 1, 19, "Capricorn"],
     [ 2, 18, "Aquarius"],
     [ 3, 20, "Pisces"],
     [ 4, 19, "Aries"],
     [ 5, 20, "Taurus"],
     [ 6, 20, "Gemini"],
     [ 7, 22, "Cancer"],
     [ 8, 22, "Leo"],
     [ 9, 22, "Virgo"],
     [10, 22, "Libra"],
     [11, 21, "Scorpio"],
     [12, 21, "Sagittarius"],
     [12, 31, "Capricorn"]

for sign in signs:
    d = datetime.datetime(year, sign[0], sign[1])
    if birthday <= d:

print(f"You are a {sign[2]}!")

Find your zodiac sign.  Select your birth month and day from tkinter menus.

import sys
import datetime
import tkinter

monthNames = [

signs = [
     [ 1, 19, "Capricorn"],
     [ 2, 18, "Aquarius"],
     [ 3, 20, "Pisces"],
     [ 4, 19, "Aries"],
     [ 5, 20, "Taurus"],
     [ 6, 20, "Gemini"],
     [ 7, 22, "Cancer"],
     [ 8, 22, "Leo"],
     [ 9, 22, "Virgo"],
     [10, 22, "Libra"],
     [11, 21, "Scorpio"],
     [12, 21, "Sagittarius"],
     [12, 31, "Capricorn"]

root = tkinter.Tk()
root.title("Find your Zodiac Sign.")


monthLabel = tkinter.Label(text = "What is your birth month?", anchor = "w", padx = 5)
monthLabel.grid(row = 0, column = 0)

dayLabel = tkinter.Label(text = "What is your birth day?", anchor = "w", padx = 5)
dayLabel.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "ew")   #east west

signLabel = tkinter.Label(anchor = "w", padx = 5)
signLabel.grid(row = 2, column = 1, sticky = "ew")


month = tkinter.StringVar(root)
month.set(monthNames[1])   #default value

day = tkinter.IntVar(root)
day.set(1)   #default value


def erase(monthName):
    signLabel["text"] = ""

monthMenu = tkinter.OptionMenu(root, month, *monthNames[1:], command = erase)
monthMenu.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "ew")

dayMenu = tkinter.OptionMenu(root, day, *range(1, 32), command = erase)
dayMenu.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = "ew")


def buttonPressed():
    monthName = month.get()
    monthNumber = monthNames.index(monthName)
    year = 2000   #Pick a year that has  february 29.
    birthday = datetime.datetime(year, monthNumber, day.get())

    for sign in signs:
        if birthday <= datetime.datetime(year, sign[0], sign[1]):

    signLabel["text"] = sign[2]

button = tkinter.Button(root, text = "Press this button.",
    anchor = "w", padx = 5, command = buttonPressed)
button.grid(row = 2, column = 0, sticky = "we")



  1. Which is easier? The r does nothing because the filename has no backslashes.
        f = open(r"/Users/" + userNm + "/Desktop/" + fileNm)
        f = open(f"/Users/{userNm}/Desktop/{fileNm}")
  2. To tell the user what went wrong, change
        print("Error reading input file!")
        exceptionInfo = sys.exc_info()
        print("Error reading input file!", exceptionInfo[1], file = sys.stderr)
    Error reading input file! [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/myname/Desktop/oliver_twist.txt'
    Error reading input file! [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/Users/myname/Desktop/oliver_twist.txt'
    To see the error numbers,
    man errno
    Even better, check for FileNotFoundError and PermissionError as in One big string.
  3. Use the len function to count the number of words that are made out of letters after their leading and trailing punctuation has been stripped off.
    contentSplit = content.split()
    # Calculate total number of words
    wordTotal = sum([i.strip(string.punctuation).isalpha() for i in contentSplit])
    words = content.split()
    # Calculate total number of words.
    wordTotal = len([None for word in words if word.strip(string.punctuation).isalpha()])
    Without a list comprehension:
    words = content.split() #list of strings
    alphabeticWords = []    #start with an empty list
    for word in words:
        strippedWord = word.strip(string.punctuation)
        if strippedWord.isalpha():
    wordTotal = len(alphabeticWords)
  4. # Create search list {a-z}
    wordCounter = {}.fromkeys(string.ascii_lowercase,0)
    # Count number of words beginning with letters in search list.
    for word in words:
    We saw collections.Counter below on August 27. Remember to import collections.
    wordCounter = collections.Counter([word[0].lower() for word in words])
  5. Everybody expects to see the newline (\n) at the end of the string, not at the beginning. Do not print one space before the file contents (“Chapter I”).
    print("\nFile contents:")
    print("\nNumber of words: " +  str(wordTotal))
    print("\nNumber of words beginning with:")
    for i in wordCounter:
        print(i,":", f"{wordCounter[i]:2}")
    print()   #Output a newline.
    print("File contents:")
    print(f"Number of words: {wordTotal}")
    print("Number of words beginning with:")
    for letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
        print(f"{letter}: {wordCounter[letter]:2}")

Thursday, August 29, 2019


Write the comments in the imperative tense. Display the color in a tkinter Label, not in an Entry. Display the digits in a monospace font to get the columns to line up. To left justify, anchor = "w" for “west”.

Store the hex code of different color shades of cyan into a list.
Compute the RGB codes of each color.  Display a color code chart.
Created on 2019-08-28

import tkinter
import textwrap

#A list containing 13 smaller lists.  Each smaller list contains 2 strings.

colors = [
    ["E0FFFF", "light cyan"],
    ["00FFFF", "cyan"],
    ["00FFFF", "aqua"],
    ["7FFFD4", "aquamarine"],
    ["66CDAA", "medium aquamarine"],
    ["AFEEEE", "pale turquoise"],
    ["40E0D0", "turquoise"],
    ["48D1CC", "medium turquoise"],
    ["00CED1", "dark turquoise"],
    ["20B2AA", "light seagreen"],
    ["5F9EA0", "cadet blue"],
    ["008B8B", "dark cyan"],
    ["008080", "teal"]

root = tkinter.Tk()
root.title("Cyan Color Codes Chart")

for row, color in enumerate(colors):
    hexs = textwrap.wrap(color[0], 2)    #Split the hex string into a list of 3 two-character strings.
    d = [int(hex, 16) for hex in hexs]   #Create a list of 3 ints using a list comprehension.
    color.append(f"rgb({d[0]:3}, {d[1]:3}, {d[2]:3})") #or color.append("rgb({:3}, {:3}, {:3})".format(*d))

    label = tkinter.Label(bg = f"#{color[0]}", relief = tkinter.SUNKEN, width = 10)
    label.grid(row = row, column = 0)

    for column, text in enumerate(color, start = 1):
        label = tkinter.Label(text = text, font = "TkFixedFont", relief = tkinter.RIDGE,
            anchor = "w", padx = 5, width = 18)
        label.grid(row = row, column = column)



Make it possible to change the size of the flag by changing only one statement (height =). Make it possible to change the number of stripes by changing only one statement (n =). Complain if orientation (V vs. (H) is unrecognized.

Build a tricolour flag using tkinter Canvas widget.

import sys
import tkinter   #in Python2, the t was uppercase

n = 3   #number of colours
print("Let's build a tri-colour flag")
orientation = input("Would you like horizontal or vertical stripes? Enter H or V: ")

colours = []   #List is born empty, but it will grow.
for i in range(n):
    colour = input(f"Pick colour number {i + 1}: ")

#The root widget is the window that will contain everything we draw.
root = tkinter.Tk()
root.title("Tri-colour Flag")

#Dimensions of entire flag, in pixels.
height = 100 * n
width = 2 * height

canvas = tkinter.Canvas(root, highlightthickness = 0)

if orientation == "V":
    stripeWidth = width // n
    for i, colour in enumerate(colours):
        canvas.create_rectangle(i * stripeWidth, 0, (i + 1) * stripeWidth, height,
            width = 0, fill = colour)

elif orientation == "H":
    stripeHeight = height // n
    for i, colour in enumerate(colours):
        canvas.create_rectangle(0, i * stripeHeight, width, (i + 1) * stripeHeight,
            width = 0, fill = colour)

    print("Orientation must be V or H.")

#Make the canvas visible by packing it into the root.
canvas.pack(expand = tkinter.YES, fill = "both")

#If the flag had buttons, checkboxes, etc.,
#the mainloop would let them respond to touches.


Make it possible to add another currency just by adding one item to the rates list.


Convert US dollars to other currencies.
Also time how long it took program to run.

import sys
import timeit

rates = [
    ["EUR",  .90],
    ["GBP",  .82],
    ["CNY", 7.14]

def my_function():

    print("Convert your dollars to EUR, GBP, and CNY")

    while True:
            dol = float(input("How many US Dollars do you have? "))
        except EOFError:
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
        except ValueError:
            print("Please enter a numerical amount.")

    print(f"{dol:.2f} USD converts to:")

    for rate in rates:
        print(f"{rate[1] * dol:5.2f} {rate[0]}")

secs = timeit.timeit(my_function, number = 1)
print(f"Note: this program took {secs:.2f} seconds to run.")


Prompt the user to select one number from a list of random numbers.
The computer will also select a number.  The higher mod 10 number wins.
Created on 2019-08-28

import sys
import random

# Generate random sample of 25 numbers.
numList = random.sample(range(1, 100), 25)

#Print the numList in 5 columns.

for i, num in enumerate(numList):
    if i % 5 == 4:
        print(num, end = "   ")

userNum = int(input("Select one number from above: "))

if userNum not in numList:
    print("Invalid input!")

computerNum = random.choice(numList)
userDigit = userNum % 10         #rightmost digit of userNum
computerDigit = computerNum % 10 #rightmost digit of computerNum

User: {userNum}
User mod 10: {userDigit}

Computer: {computerNum}
Computer mod 10: {computerDigit}

if userDigit > computerDigit:
    print("Player wins!")
elif userDigit < computerDigit:
    print("Computer wins!")
    print("Tie game.")

42   61   69   30   5
46   17   44   35   10
57   7   34   66   32
68   1   6   82   76
89   90   2   97   92
Select one number from above: 90
User: 90
User Mod10: 0

Computer: 10
Computer Mod10: 0

Tie game.

List the numbers in increasing order, going down each column, and line up the columns.
numList[0:5] is the first 5 numbers in numList.
numList[5:10] is the next 5 numbers in numList.
numList[10:15] is the next 5 numbers in numList.

The yellow thing is a conditional expression with one of two possible values. The two possible values are "\n" and 3 * " ". I think 3 * " " is easier to understand than "   "

# Generate random sample of n numbers.
n = 25
numList = random.sample(range(1, 100), n)

#listOfLists is a list of ncols smaller lists.
#Each smaller list contains height integers.

ncols = 5           #number of columns
height = n // ncols #how many numbers in each column
listOfLists = [numList[col * height: (col + 1) * height] for col in range(ncols)]

#Display numList in ncols columns.

for row in zip(*listOfLists):   #row is a tuple containing ncols integers.
    for col, num in enumerate(row):
        print(f"{num:2}", end = "\n" if col % ncols == ncols - 1 else 3 * " ")
 1   22   38   57   73
 7   23   41   59   76
12   26   45   62   85
17   27   48   68   91
21   37   55   71   94
Select one number from above:

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Please create a new repository for each Python program. Please put your repositories in your SF19PB1 organization. See steps 4 and 5.


Store your Python program in a file whose name ends with .py. Begin the file with a docstring. Indent with groups of four spaces, not with tabs. You can’t use a variable (e.g., the columns in line 3, and the rows in line 4) until you create it. Put one space after each comma (line 2) for legibility. A user-defined function will do nothing unless you call it. End the program by calling sys.exit.


We saw a loop from which we can exit in two ways: happy and sad. Here is another example. We’ll get rid of the last if and the variable found, and correct the indentation.

Search a list of 4 strings.

import sys

# Initialize fruit list
fruit_list = ['Apples', 'Bananas', 'Carrots', 'Dates']

# Get fruit
fruit = input('Search for a fruit: ')

# Check for fruit
for f in fruit_list:
    if f == fruit:
    #Arrive here if we finished all 4 iterations of the for loop.
    print('No match!')

#Arrive here if we broke out of the for loop before finishing all 4 iterations.

Simpler to use the in operator instead of for/if/break:

Search a list of 4 strings.

import sys

# Initialize fruit list
fruit_list = ['Apples', 'Bananas', 'Carrots', 'Dates']

# Get fruit
fruit = input('Search for a fruit: ')

# Check for fruit
if fruit in fruit_list:

print('No match!')

graph paper.py

graph paper.py

Makes a graph chart based on your input.

import sys

rowNum = "How many rows? "
columnNum = "How many columns? "
rowSpace = "How many spaces within each row? "
colSpace = "How many spaces within each column? "

print("Hello, let's build a graph.")

# Get inputs from user and entry checker
def getInt(prompt):
    assert isinstance(prompt, str)

    while True:
            s = input(prompt)
        except EOFError:
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

            i = int(s)
        except ValueError:
            print("Sorry, please enter a whole number.")
            return i

row = getInt(rowNum)
column = getInt(columnNum)
rowSpace = getInt(rowSpace)
colSpace = getInt(colSpace)

## Code for graph printing ##

colsp = colSpace * "-"
colem = colSpace * " "

for outer in range(row):
    print(f"+{colsp}" * column + "+")

    for inner in range(rowSpace):
        print(f"|{colem}" * column + "|")

print(f"+{colsp}" * column + "+")

graph paper.py

Makes a graph chart based on your input.

import sys

#questions is a list containing 4 smallers lists.
#Each smaller list contains 2 strings.

questions = [
    ["rowNum",    "How many rows?"],
    ["columnNum", "How many columns?"],
    ["rowSpace",  "How many spaces within each row?"],
    ["colSpace",  "How many spaces within each column?"]

print("Hello, let's build a graph.")
dictionaryOfVariables = globals()

for question in questions:
    while True:
        variableName = question[0]
        prompt = question[1]
        s = input(prompt + " ")

            dictionaryOfVariables[variableName] = int(s)
        except ValueError:
            print("Sorry, please enter a whole number.")
            break   #out of the while loop

## Code for graph printing ##

colsp = colSpace * "-"
colem = colSpace * " "

for outer in range(rowNum):
    print(f"+{colsp}" * columnNum + "+")

    for inner in range(rowSpace):
        print(f"|{colem}" * columnNum + "|")

print(f"+{colsp}" * columnNum + "+")



Women's Shoe Size Conversion Table

|     UK|     US|     EU|  Japan|
|      3|      5|     36|   21.5|
|    3.5|    5.5|   36.5|   22.0|
|    4.0|    6.0|   37.0|   22.5|
|    4.5|    6.5|   37.5|   23.0|
|    5.0|    7.0|   38.0|   23.5|
|    5.5|    7.5|   38.5|   24.0|
|    6.0|    8.0|   39.0|   24.5|
|    6.5|    8.5|   39.5|   25.0|
|    7.0|    9.0|   40.0|   25.5|
|    7.5|    9.5|   40.5|   26.0|
|    8.0|   10.0|   41.0|   26.5|
|    8.5|   10.5|   41.5|   27.0|

Store your Python program in a file whose name ends with .py. Give each variable a lowercase name. See how we needed only one induction variable in pierogies, thruway, and asciichart.


table that converts Women's shoe sizes
based off:

import sys

#The heading is a string of 5 lines, containing 2 pockets.

heading = """\
Women's Shoe Size Conversion Table

|     UK|     US|     EU|  Japan|

UK = 3
US = 5
EU = 36
JP = 21.5

lines = 4 * "+-------" + "+"
print(heading.format(lines, lines), end = "")

for i in range(12):
    print(f"|{i/2 + UK:7}|{i/2 + US:7}|{i/2 + EU:7}|{i/2 + JP:7}|")


table that converts Women's shoe sizes
based off:

import sys

regions = [
    ["UK",  3],   #United Kingdom
    ["US",  5],   #United States
    ["EU", 36],   #Europe
    ["JP", 21.5]  #Japan

names = ""
for region in regions:
    name = region[0]
    names += f"|{name:>7}"   #The > right justifies the name.
names += "|"

n = len(regions)
line = n * ("+" + 7 * "-") + "+"

#The heading is a string of 5 lines, containing 3 pockets.

heading = """\
Women's Shoe Size Conversion Table


print(heading.format(line, names, line), end = "")

for i in range(12):
    for region in regions:
        number = region[1]
        print(f"|{i/2 + number:7}", end = "")



A space immediately before a newline serves no purpose.

Which multiplication table would you like to look up? 3
3 *  0 =  0
3 *  1 =  3
3 *  2 =  6
3 *  3 =  9
3 *  4 = 12
3 *  5 = 15
3 *  6 = 18
3 *  7 = 21
3 *  8 = 24
3 *  9 = 27
3 * 10 = 30

Here you go!

Multiply the selected number by 0, 1, 2, ..., 10.

import sys

while True:
        t = input("Which multiplication table would you like to look up? ")
        table = int(t)
    except EOFError:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except ValueError:
        print("Please enter an integer.")

for multiplier in range(11):
    print(f"{table} * {multiplier:2} = {table * multiplier:2}")

print("Here you go!")


Output a list of the words in an article, in order of the most frequent.
Sample output:
29 the
20 to
17 trump
12 a
12 that

import sys
import string
import collections
import requests
import bs4

url = "https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/08/26/donald-trump-china-trade-war/2118225001"
response = requests.get(url)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.content, features = "lxml")

punctuation = string.punctuation + "\u201C\u201D"   #double quotes “ ”
listOfWords = []

for paragraph in soup.findAll("p"):
    for text in paragraph.findAll(text = True):
        for word in text.split():
            word = word.strip(punctuation)
            if word:   #if word is not the empty string
                word = word.lower()

#Counter is like a dict.  Keys are words, values are counts.
counter = collections.Counter(listOfWords)
listOfTuples = counter.most_common()

for word, i in listOfTuples:
    print(f"{i:2} {word}")

29 the
20 to
17 trump
12 a
12 that
11 in
11 on
 9 chinese
 9 and
 8 an
 1 world
 1 economy
 1 arrived
 1 dissipate
 1 says
 1 recently
 1 photo
 1 alastair
 1 pike/afp/getty
 1 images

Alphabetically sort each group of words that share the same frequency. In other words, sort the words in order of decreasing frequency, and break ties by using alphabetical order.

#before the last for loop
listOfTuples.sort(key = lambda t: (-t[1], t[0]))
29 the
20 to
17 trump
12 a
12 that
11 in
11 on
 9 and
 9 chinese
 8 an
 1 we've
 1 week
 1 weekend
 1 well
 1 what’s
 1 who
 1 work
 1 world
 1 years
 1 you

Is it harder to understand if we create the listOfWords using a list comprehension? Does it run faster? Sorry we had to strip each word twice.

listOfWords = [
    for paragraph in soup.findAll("p")
    for text in paragraph.findAll(text = True)
    for word in text.split()
    if word.strip(punctuation)

Thursday, August 22, 2019


In Algebra you say 2x, not x2.

workdaysPerYear = d * 52 - h - p
c = 2 * m * workdaysPerYear


How many times have Liverpool been European Champions? You get 5 attempts
Go ahead: 4
Go ahead: 6
You'll Never Walk Alone
You'll Never Walk Alone
You'll Never Walk Alone
You'll Never Walk Alone
You'll Never Walk Alone
You'll Never Walk Alone
You'll Never Walk Alone
You'll Never Walk Alone
You'll Never Walk Alone

Guessing game.  You get only 5 tries before it tells you the correct answer.

import sys

instructions = "How many times has Liverpool been European Champions? You get 5 attempts"

for i in range(5):
    guess = input("Go ahead: ")
    n = int(guess)
    if n == 6:
        for i in range(9):
            print("You'll Never Walk Alone")

print("The correct answer is 6.")
Guessing game.  You get only 5 tries before it tells you the correct answer.

import sys

instructions = "How many times has Liverpool been European Champions? You get 5 attempts"

for i in range(5):
    guess = input("Go ahead: ")
    n = int(guess)
    if n == 6:

    #Arrive here after looping 5 times (i.e., after exhausiting the loop).
    print("The correct answer is 6.")

#Arrive here after breaking out of the loop with the break statement.
for i in range(9):
    print("You'll Never Walk Alone")


Welcome to Pie-thon Pizza recipes! The best pies in the city, located at 25 Broadway!
Here's some frequently asked quesitons:

A) How many slices of pepperoni will I need?
B) How many pizzas do I need to feed 'x' amount of people?
C) How many days until Pie Day?

Choose from the above, type A, B, or C

One pizza can feed around four people. How many people do you have?
To feed 0 people you would need 0 pizza.
To feed 1 people you would need 0 pizza.
To feed 2 people you would need 0 pizza.
To feed 3 people you would need 0 pizza.
To feed 4 people you would need 1 pizza.
To feed 5 people you would need 1 pizza.

Answers frequently asked questions

import sys
import math
import datetime

#Each question ends with one space.

menu = """\
Welcome to Pie-thon Pizza recipes! The best pies in the city, located at 25 Broadway!
Here are some frequently asked quesitons:

A) How many slices of pepperoni will I need?
B) How many pizzas do I need to feed 'x' amount of people?
C) How many days until Pie Day?

Choose from the above, type A, B, or C: """

howManyPizzas = """\
Our ratio is 10 pepperonis to one pizza.
How many pizzas are you making? """

howManyPeople = """\
One pizza can feed around four people.
How many people do you have? """

option = input(menu)
option = option.lower() #Can combine to option = input(menu).lower()
print()                 #Skip an empty line.

if option == "a":
    pepperoni = int(input(howManyPizzas))
    for p in range(1, pepperoni + 1):
        print(f"To make {p:2} pizza(s), you will need {10*p:3} slices of pepperonis.")

elif option == "b":
    people = int(input(howManyPeople))
    for ppl in range(1, people+1):
        print(f"To feed {ppl} people you would need {math.ceil(ppl/4)} pizza(s).")

elif option == "c":
    today = datetime.datetime.today()       #an object of type datetime
    year = today.year
    pieDay = datetime.datetime(year, 3, 14) #another object of type datetime
    if today > pieDay:       #Have we already passed this year's Pie Day?
        pieDay = datetime.datetime(year + 1, 3, 14)   #use next year's Pie Day
    delta = pieDay - today   #distance between two datetimes
    print(f'{delta.days} days until Pie Day ({pieDay.strftime("%-m/%-d/%Y")})!!')

    print("Error: you did not press A, B, or C.  Goodbye!")



If you’re 1985 miles from Los Angeles, then your time to destination should be 3.97 hours, not 4.97 hours. And instead of 3.97 hours, the user would rather see 3 hours and 58.2 minutes. What happens if you select city number zero?

| Flight Time |
Select destination:
[1] Los Angeles LAX
[2] Chicago     ORD
[3] Houston     IAH
[4] Phoenix     PHX
[5] Orlando     MCO
Enter Destination Number: 1

Flight distance: 2485.54
Air speed: 500 miles per hour

Distance to destination: 1985 miles
Time to destination: 4.97 hours

Distance to destination: 1485 miles
Time to destination: 3.97 hours

Distance to destination: 985 miles
Time to destination: 2.97 hours

Distance to destination: 485 miles
Time to destination: 1.97 hours

Translate to Spanish?

Prompt user for a flight destination and display the distance/time to their
Created: 2019-08-21
import sys

heading1 = """\
| Flight Time |
Select destination:"""

heading2 = """\

Flight distance: {}
Air speed: {} miles per hour


#A list containing 5 smaller lists.  Each smaller list contains 3 items.

cities = [
    ["LAX", "Los Angeles", 2485.54],
    ["ORD", "Chicago",      738.02],
    ["IAH", "Houston",     1426.18],
    ["PHX", "Phoenix",     2148.15],
    ["MCO", "Orlando",      945.51]

for i, city in enumerate(cities):
    print(f"[{i + 1} {city[1]:11} {city[0]}")

destinationNum = int(input("Enter Destination Number: "))
destinationNum -= 1
n = len(cities)

if destinationNum not in range(n):
    print(f"Invalid destination!  Must be in range 1 to {n}.")

flightDist = cities[destinationNum][2]
airSpeed = 500
print(heading2.format(flightDist, airSpeed)) #We saw format in Thruway example.
flightDist = int(flightDist)

for m in range(flightDist, 0, -airSpeed):
    print(f"Distance to destination: {m:,} miles")
    print(f"Time to destination: {m / airSpeed:.2f} hours")



Install Beautiful Soup. Lambda functions.

Print all the Facebook and Twitter links in a web page.

import sys
import re   #regular expression
import urllib.request
import bs4   #beautiful soup

url = input("Please enter the name of the website you would like to find social media sites for: ")

    response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
except urllib.error.URLError as error:
    print(f"urllib.error.URLError: {error}")

soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response, "html.parser")

reg = r"^https://(www\.)?(facebook|twitter)\.com"

for anchor in soup.find_all("a", href = lambda url: re.search(reg, str(url))):
