In the Android 4.0 Launcher,
the app that lists our contacts has an icon of a round-headed person
with a blue smile,
and is labelled
The three tabs of the app are for groups, contacts, and favorites.
The bottom of the screen should display the lower half of a
action bar
with icons for search and add a new contact,
but the bar is missing when the app is launched for the first time.
There are two ways to get the
app to display the bar.
The first way is is to launch the
Phone app (its icon is a blue telephone),
press the Android menu button,
select “New contact” from the overflow menu at the bottom,
and add the first contact.
Your new contact won’t be backed up.
Add an account that backs up contacts online?
Keep local.
Once you have your first contact,
app will display the bar.
You can then delete your first contact if you wish.
The second way is to go to the Launcher,
press the Android menu button,
select “Manage apps” from the overflow menu at the bottom
of the screen,
select the app
Contacts Storage
and press “Clear data”.
Delete app data? OK
Return to the Launcher, and the
app will display the bar.
Add three contacts named
Moe, Larry, and Curly.
Three Stooges.
Your new contact won’t be backed up.
Add an account that backs up contacts online?
Keep local.
Name: Moe
Contact saved.
adb shell # pwd / # ls -l (lowercase LS minus L) # cd /data/data/ # pwd /data/data/ # ls -l -rw-rw---- app_9 app_9 136192 2011-12-12 21:00 contacts2.db -rw-rw---- app_9 app_9 0 2011-12-12 21:00 contacts2.db-journal -rw-r--r-- root root 0 2011-12-13 07:24 help -rw-rw---- app_9 app_9 135168 2011-12-13 07:05 profile.db -rw-rw---- app_9 app_9 0 2011-12-13 07:05 profile.db-journal # sqlite3 contacts2.db sqlite> .help (Statements with leading dot require no semicolon.) sqlite> .tables _sync_state phone_lookup view_data_usage_stat _sync_state_metadata photo_files view_entities accounts properties view_groups activities raw_contacts view_raw_contacts agg_exceptions search_index view_raw_entities android_metadata search_index_content view_stream_items calls search_index_docsize view_v1_contact_methods contacts search_index_segdir view_v1_extensions data search_index_segments view_v1_group_membership data_usage_stat search_index_stat view_v1_groups default_directory settings view_v1_organizations directories status_updates view_v1_people groups stream_item_photos view_v1_phones mimetypes stream_items view_v1_photos name_lookup v1_settings visible_contacts nickname_lookup view_contacts voicemail_status packages view_data sqlite> .dump raw_contacts PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF; BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE raw_contacts ( _id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, account_name STRING DEFAULT NULL, account_type STRING DEFAULT NULL, data_set STRING DEFAULT NULL, sourceid TEXT, raw_contact_is_read_only INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, version INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, dirty INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, deleted INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, contact_id INTEGER REFERENCES contacts(_id), aggregation_mode INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, aggregation_needed INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, custom_ringtone TEXT, send_to_voicemail INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, times_contacted INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, last_time_contacted INTEGER, starred INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, display_name TEXT, display_name_alt TEXT, display_name_source INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, phonetic_name TEXT, phonetic_name_style TEXT, sort_key TEXT COLLATE PHONEBOOK, sort_key_alt TEXT COLLATE PHONEBOOK, name_verified INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, sync1 TEXT, sync2 TEXT, sync3 TEXT, sync4 TEXT ); CREATE INDEX raw_contacts_contact_id_index ON raw_contacts (contact_id); CREATE INDEX raw_contacts_source_id_index ON raw_contacts (sourceid, account_type, account_name); CREATE INDEX raw_contacts_source_id_data_set_index ON raw_contacts (sourceid, account_type, account_name, data_set); CREATE TRIGGER raw_contacts_deleted BEFORE DELETE ON raw_contacts BEGIN DELETE FROM data WHERE raw_contact_id=OLD._id; DELETE FROM agg_exceptions WHERE raw_contact_id1=OLD._id OR raw_contact_id2=OLD._id; DELETE FROM visible_contacts WHERE _id=OLD.contact_id AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM raw_contacts WHERE contact_id=OLD.contact_id )=1; DELETE FROM default_directory WHERE _id=OLD.contact_id AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM raw_contacts WHERE contact_id=OLD.contact_id )=1; DELETE FROM contacts WHERE _id=OLD.contact_id AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM raw_contacts WHERE contact_id=OLD.contact_id )=1; END; CREATE TRIGGER raw_contacts_marked_deleted AFTER UPDATE ON raw_contacts BEGIN UPDATE raw_contacts SET version=OLD.version+1 WHERE _id=OLD._id AND NEW.deleted!= OLD.deleted; END; CREATE INDEX raw_contact_sort_key1_index ON raw_contacts (sort_key); CREATE INDEX raw_contact_sort_key2_index ON raw_contacts (sort_key_alt); COMMIT; sqlite> select * from raw_contacts; (SQL requires semicolon.) 1|||||0|2|1|0|1|0|0||0|0||0|Moe|Moe|40||3|Moe|Moe|0|||| 2|||||0|2|1|0|2|0|0||0|0||0|Larry|Larry|40||3|Larry|Larry|0|||| 3|||||0|2|1|0|3|0|0||0|0||0|Curly|Curly|40||3|Curly|Curly|0|||| sqlite> select * from raw_contacts order by display_name; sqlite> .headers on sqlite> .mode line sqlite> select * from raw_contacts; _id = 1 account_name = account_type = data_set = sourceid = raw_contact_is_read_only = 0 version = 2 dirty = 1 deleted = 0 contact_id = 1 aggregation_mode = 0 aggregation_needed = 0 custom_ringtone = send_to_voicemail = 0 times_contacted = 0 last_time_contacted = starred = 0 display_name = Moe display_name_alt = Moe display_name_source = 40 phonetic_name = phonetic_name_style = 3 sort_key = Moe sort_key_alt = Moe name_verified = 0 sync1 = sync2 = sync3 = sync4 = _id = 2 account_name = account_type = data_set = sourceid = raw_contact_is_read_only = 0 version = 2 dirty = 1 deleted = 0 contact_id = 2 aggregation_mode = 0 aggregation_needed = 0 custom_ringtone = send_to_voicemail = 0 times_contacted = 0 last_time_contacted = starred = 0 display_name = Larry display_name_alt = Larry display_name_source = 40 phonetic_name = phonetic_name_style = 3 sort_key = Larry sort_key_alt = Larry name_verified = 0 sync1 = sync2 = sync3 = sync4 = _id = 3 account_name = account_type = data_set = sourceid = raw_contact_is_read_only = 0 version = 2 dirty = 1 deleted = 0 contact_id = 3 aggregation_mode = 0 aggregation_needed = 0 custom_ringtone = send_to_voicemail = 0 times_contacted = 0 last_time_contacted = starred = 0 display_name = Curly display_name_alt = Curly display_name_source = 40 phonetic_name = phonetic_name_style = 3 sort_key = Curly sort_key_alt = Curly name_verified = 0 sync1 = sync2 = sync3 = sync4 = sqlite> .exit (exit from sqlite3) # exit (exit from adb shell)