#pp. 212-216; 550-568 options { directory "/home1/m/mm64/public_html/x52.9547/src/named"; #pp. 553, 213 listen-on port 10566 {;}; #pp. 554, 557 pid-file "named.pid"; #pp. 553, 555 }; logging { channel my_channel { file "named.channel"; #or null; p. 562 print-time yes; #p. 562 }; category queries { #individual questions and answers, p. 563 my_channel; }; category xfer-out { #outbound zone transfers, p. 563 my_channel; }; }; zone "." { #This file converts 13 names to IP addresses. type hint; file "named.ca"; #".ca" stands for "cache" }; zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" { #This file converts one IP address to a name. type master; file "named.local"; }; zone "x529547.com" { #This file converts many names to IP addresses. type master; file "x529547.com.hosts"; }; zone "31.172.in-addr.arpa" { #This file converts many IP addresses to names. type master; file "172.31.rev"; } #no ; in BIND Version 8, even though it complains about the missing ;