#include main() { int i = 10; /* Write comments alongside declarations. */ int j = 20, k = 30; /* Can declare two variables in same statement. */ const int m = 40; /* Can't change the value of this variable. */ printf("The value of i is %d.\n", i); printf("%d\n", i); printf("The value of i is %d, j is %d, and k is %d.\n", i, j, k); printf("%d %d %d\n", i, j, k); printf("The value of i + j * k is %d.\n", i + j * k); i = 20; /* Can change the value of a variable. */ printf("The new value of i is %d.\n", i); i = 10 * j + k; printf("The new value of i is %d.\n", i); i = i + 1; /* Add 1 to the value of i. */ printf("The new value of i is %d.\n", i); printf("I agree 100%%.\n"); }