The Unterrified Jeffersonian:
Benjamin R. Tucker

A Study of Native American Anarchism
as Exemplified in His Life and Times

Irving Levitas

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the
Graduate Facilities of New York University

February 1974

Frank E. Manuel,
Jan 10, 1974

Table of Contents

Prefactory Remarks

Chapter I Millenarianism: The American Scene

Chapter II The Forerunners

Chapter III Benjamin R. Tucker: 1854–1892

Chapter IV The Varieties of Anarchism

Chapter V The New York Years: First Phase (1892–1902)

Chapter VI The New York Years: Second Phase (1902–1908)

Chapter VII Friends and Opponents

Chapter VIII Benjamin R. Tucker in Europe: 1908–1939

Chapter IX Conclusion: Basic Ideas

Bibliography and Appendices