Class UIRotationGestureRecognizer

Detect a two-finger rotation gesture (screwing motion), clockwise or counterclockwise. The above rotation is 45° counterclockwise, keeping the UIImageView centered in the big white View. Since we are using a UIRotationGestureRecognizer (a subclass of UIGestureRecognizer), we do not need to turn on the View’s multipleTouchEnabled property. And since the gesture is being recognized by the View, not by the UIImageView, we do not need to turn on the UIImageView’s userInteractionEnabled property, as we did in Pinch.

We saw the function CGAffineTransformMakeRotation and the transform property of class UIView in Animate.

To simulate two fingers, press the option key as you drag on the simulator. To keep the distance between the fingers constant, hold down the shift key too.

Source code in

  1. Class AppDelegate: unchanged.
  2. Class ViewController: unchanged.
  3. Class View: added methods init, layoutSubviews, and rotate(recognizer:).
  4. Images.xcassets, an Xcode asset catalog file.
    1. assad.imageset
      1. Contents.json: a JSON file listing the files belonging to the assad image set.
      2. assad.png: one of the files belonging to the assad image set. Apple prefers .png format. 220 × 365 pixels.

Create the project

Save assad.jpg on your Desktop. To convert it from jpg to png, open it with the Preview application.
File → Export…
Format: PNG
See America for instructions on how to add an image file to Images.xcassets.

Things to try

  1. Add a label to the big white View displaying the current rotation in degrees. Add the following property to class View:
    	let label: UILabel = UILabel();
    Insert the following after the call to addSubview. I would have preferred to pass the label’s frame as a parameter to the init(frame:) method of the label. But I couldn’t do this because the label’s init has to be called before super.init, and the label’s frame has to be created after super.init.
    		label.font = UIFont(name: "Courier", size: 24);	//monospace
    		let attributes: [NSObject: AnyObject] = [NSFontAttributeName: label.font];
    		let size: CGSize = "-12345.6°".sizeWithAttributes(attributes);
    		//Put the label in lower right corner of this View.
    		label.frame = CGRectMake(
    			bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width - size.width,
    			bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height - size.height,
    		label.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellowColor();
    		label.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Right;
    		label.autoresizingMask =
    			UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleTopMargin;
    Insert the following after the call to addGestureRecognizer(_:).
    		//Display an initial value of 0 degrees in the label.
    Insert the following after creating the variable degrees.
    		//Display the degrees rounded to one digit to the right of the
    		//decimal point.  The f stands for "float".
    		label.text = NSString(format: "%.1f°", degrees);
    The label’s autoresizingMask keeps it jammed into the lower right corner of the View. The distance between the right edge of the label and the right edge of the View remains fixed at zero. If the View changes its width (e.g., during an orientation change), only the distance betwen the left edge of the label and the left edge of the View is allowed to change.

    I was hoping to use the UIImageView’s autoresizingMask to keep the UIImageView centered in the View by giving the UIImageView flexible margins on all four sides. But the combination of rotation and autoresizing squashed the photo horribly.

  2. Add a UIPanGestureRecognizer to this app to let the user drag the picture as well as rotate it. See the concatenation of two CGAffineTransforms in Animate.