Internationalization (i18n)

Hello, World!
¡Hola, Mundo!
!أهﻼ بالعالم

Internationalize your app and then localize it for English, Spanish, and Arabic. (For example, the above Arabic is pronounced “Ahalan bil-Alam!” I went to the Hello, World! page in Wikipedia and clicked on Arabic in the left panel. It’s right above Azərbaycanca.) See Internationalizing Your App and the much more colorful About Internationalization and Localization.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has two-letter codes (ISO 639–1) for the natural languages: EN for English, ES for Spanish, AR for Arabic. Look up the two-letter code for your language.

Source code in

  1. AppDelegate.swift: unchanged.
  2. ViewController.swift: unchanged.
  3. View.swift: the drawRect method draws the text below the status bar (exercise 3).
  4. Main.storyboard: changed the class of the view controller’s UIView to my class View.
  5. LaunchScreen.storyboard: I changed the background color to yellow (rgb 1, 1, 0, with an alpha of 1).
    1. Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard
    2. es.lproj/LaunchScreen.strings
    3. ar.lproj/LaunchScreen.strings
  6. Assets.xcassets, an Xcode asset catalog file.
    1. AppIcon.appiconset
      1. Contents.json: a JSON file listing the six .png files I added to the app as icons. The JSON file gives the following information for each .png file:
        • size: dimensions of the .png file in points
        • idiom: whether the .png file is intended for use on iPhone or iPad
        • filename: of the .png file
        • scale: the number of pixels per point (2 or 3)
      2. Icon29x29@2x.png (58 × 58 pixels)
      3. Icon29x29@3x.png (87 × 87 pixels)
      4. Icon40x40@2x.png (80 × 80 pixels)
      5. Icon40x40@3x.png (120 × 120 pixels)
      6. Icon60x60@2x.png (120 × 120 pixels)
      7. Icon60x60@3x.png: (180 × 180 pixels)
  7. Localizable.strings
    1. Base.lproj/Localizable.strings
    2. es.lproj/Localizable.strings
    3. ar.lproj/Localizable.strings
  8. InfoPlist.strings
    1. Base.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
    2. es.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
    3. ar.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
  9. Info.plist: unchanged.

Internationalize the strings in the .swift files and the Info.plist file

  1. Start with the from the previous project (Icon). In the drawRect(_:) method of class View, change
    		let s: String = "Hello, World!";
    		let s: String = NSLocalizedString("Greeting", comment: "displayed when app is launched");
    See Separating User-Facing Text from Your Code.
  2. Find the folder that contains the View.swift file that you just edited. Select View.swift in the Xcode Project Navigator and pull down
    View → Utilities → Show File Inspector
    In the File Inspector in the right panel of Xcode, under Identity and Type, the full pathname of View.swift is /Users/myname/Desktop/Hello/Hello/View.swift, assuming that the project is named Hello and is stored on your Desktop. This means that the folder that contains View.swift is /Users/myname/Desktop/Hello/Hello.
  3. We will now create a file named Localizable.strings and place it in the Base.lproj folder. See Creating Strings Files for User-Facing Text in Your Code. Open the Mac Terminal application and go to the folder you just found.
    cd /Users/myname/Desktop/Hello/Hello
    ls -l *.swift
    -rw-r--r--@ 1 myname  mygroup  2050 Jul  5 20:03 AppDelegate.swift
    -rw-r--r--@ 1 myname  mygroup   911 Jul 17 08:18 View.swift
    -rw-r--r--@ 1 myname  mygroup   469 Jul  5 20:03 ViewController.swift
    ls -ld Base.lproj
    drwxr-xr-x@ 5 myname  mygroup  170 Jul 17 09:07 Base.lproj
    which genstrings
    Usage: genstrings [OPTION] file1.[mc] ... filen.[mc]
    genstrings -o Base.lproj *.swift
    ls -l Base.lproj/Localizable.strings
    -rw-r--r--  1 myname  mygroup   128 Jul 17 09:51 Localizable.strings
    cat Base.lproj/Localizable.strings
    ??/* displayed when app is launched */
    "Greeting" = "Greeting";
    od -c Base.lproj/Localizable.strings
    0000000  377 376   /  \0   *  \0      \0   d  \0   i  \0   s  \0   p  \0
    0000020    l  \0   a  \0   y  \0   e  \0   d  \0      \0   w  \0   h  \0
    0000040    e  \0   n  \0      \0   a  \0   p  \0   p  \0      \0   i  \0
    0000060    s  \0      \0   l  \0   a  \0   u  \0   n  \0   c  \0   h  \0
    0000100    e  \0   d  \0      \0   *  \0   /  \0  \n  \0   "  \0   G  \0
    0000120    r  \0   e  \0   e  \0   t  \0   i  \0   n  \0   g  \0   "  \0
    0000140       \0   =  \0      \0   "  \0   G  \0   r  \0   e  \0   e  \0
    0000160    t  \0   i  \0   n  \0   g  \0   "  \0   ;  \0  \n  \0  \n  \0
    The Localizable.strings file consists of 16-bit characters. The first 16-bit character in the file is the byte order mark. od -c displays each 16-bit character as two separate bytes.
  4. Now that you have created the file Localizable.strings, add it to the project. Select the project Hello at the top of the Xcode Project Navigator and pull down
    File → Add Files to "Hello"…
    Select Hello/Base.lproj/Localizable.strings and press Add. Note that Localizable.strings is now listed in the Xcode Project Navigator.
  5. We will now create a new file named InfoPlist.strings and place it in the Base.lproj folder with Localizable.strings. At the top of the Xcode Project Navigator, select the project Hello and pull down
    File → New → File…
    Choose a template for your new file.
    In the upper left, select iOS Resource. In the upper right, select Strings File and press Next.
    Save As: InfoPlist.strings in the folder Hello/Hello/Base.lproj. Note that InfoPlist.strings is now listed in the Xcode Project Navigator.
  6. We will now create two more folders named es.lproj and ar.lproj. At the top of the Xcode Project Navigator, select the project Hello. At the top of the center panel of Xcode, to the left of the word General, click on the word Hello and select Project Hello from the list that pops up. At the bottom of the center panel, make sure Use Base Internationalization is checked. Under Localizations, press the plus sign and select Spanish (es). A window will pop up that says
    Choose files and reference language to create Spanish localization.
    Make sure Localizable.strings and InfoPlist.strings are checked and press Finish. Also add Arabic (ar) to the project. Then at the upper left of the center panel of Xcode, where we selected Project Hello from the pop-up list, change it back to the original Targets Hello.
  7. Your project now contains three folders named Base.lproj, es.lproj, and ar.lproj, each containing files named Localizable.strings and InfoPlist.strings. Select Localizable.strings (Base) in the Xcode Project Navigator and change it from
    /* displayed when app is launched */
    "Greeting" = "Greeting";
    /* displayed when app is launched */
    "Greeting" = "Hello, World!";
    Select Localizable.strings (Spanish) in the Xcode Project Navigator and change its last line to
    "Greeting" = "¡Hola, Mundo!";
    Select Localizable.strings (Arabic) in the Xcode Project Navigator and change its last line to
    "Greeting" = "!أهﻼ بالعالم";
  8. Now let’s localize the name of the app in the Info.plist file. Select InfoPlist.strings (Base) in the Xcode Project Navigator and change it from
      Created by Mark Meretzky on 7/18/16.
      Copyright © 2016 Mark Meretzky. All rights reserved.
      Created by Mark Meretzky on 7/18/16.
      Copyright © 2016 Mark Meretzky. All rights reserved.
    CFBundleDisplayName = "Hello, World!";
    Select InfoPlist.strings (Spanish) in the Xcode Project Navigator and append the following line to it.
    CFBundleDisplayName = "¡Hola, Mundo!";
    Select InfoPlist.strings (Arabic) in the Xcode Project Navigator and append the following line to it.
    CFBundleDisplayName = "!أهﻼ بالعالم";
  9. There are two ways to run the app in Spanish.
    1. Launch the Settings app in the iPhone Simulator and select
      Settings → General → Language & Region → iPhone Language → Español
      Cambiando idioma…
      Press the Xcode Run button. The iOS Simulator will run in Spanish (“Operador”).
    2. In Xcode, pull down
      Product → Scheme → Edit Scheme → Run (in left panel) → Options (in right panel)
      Application Language: Spanish
      Press Close. Run the app again.
    I don’t know why the exclamation point moved to the right end of !أهﻼ بالعالم.

  10. To internationalize a date picker and the other exotic controls, you will also have to set
    Settings → General → International → Region Format → Spanish → Spain

Things to try

  1. Change the greeting to “Wait n minutes.”, where n is a variable in the app. Change the Localizable.strings files to
    "Greeting" = "Wait %d minutes.";
    "Greeting" = "Espere %d minutos.";
    "Greeting" = "دقائق %d انتظري";
    For the %d, see the list of formats. In the drawRect: method of class View, change the string to
    		let n: Int = 5;	//minutes
    		let format: String = NSLocalizedString("Greeting", comment: "displayed when app is launched");
    		let s: String = String(format: format, n);
    See Formatting String Resources.