
Source code in

  1. Class AppDelegate: unchanged.
  2. Class ViewController: unchanged.
  3. Class View: added the init that takes an NSCoder, and drawRect.
  4. Images.xcassets, an Xcode asset catalog file.
    1. AppIcon.iconset
      1. Contents.json: a JSON file listing files belonging to the icon set.
      2. Icon60x60@2x.png: one of the files belonging to the icon set. 120 × 120 pixels.
    2. patton.imageset
      1. Contents.json: a JSON file listing the files belonging to the patton image set.
      2. patton.png: one of the files belonging to the patton image set. Apple prefers .png format. 104 × 205 pixels.

Create the project

Copy the file patton.png to your Macintosh Desktop. Select the asset catalog file Images.xcassetts in the Xcode Project Navigator. (In newer versions, it’s called Assets.xcassets.) The left pane of the center panel is called the set list; we used it in Icon. It should already contain a set named AppIcon. Drag patton.png from your Desktop into the set list. The set list should now contain two sets, AppIcon and patton.

I should have created double-size and triple-size images of the photo and dragged them into the patton image set, but I wasn’t artistic enough to create them.

To create the icon file Icon60x60@2x.png, I saved a screen shot of the Simulator:
File → Save Screen Shot
Then I opened the screen shot with Preview, rotated it 90° counterclockwise, and cut out a pretty 120 × 120 pixel square. Maybe George C. Scott’s face would have been a better choice.

Draw the flag

The view’s background color is white. We draw the red next, and the blue on top of that, so that all the stripes can be the same length.

We start the star with the vertex (point) pointing towards the right. In trigonometry, adding a positive number to an angle θ makes it go counterclockwise. But when we add a positive number to we go clockwise around the star, because our Y axis points down. If the Y axis pointed up, we would have gone counterclockwise.

A UIImage object holds the pixels of an image, just as a String object holds the characters of a string. We can draw a UIImage at a point just as we drew a String at a point in Hello.

Things to try

  1. Decrease the alpha level of the blue union jack from 1 to 0.9 (with a leading zero). Can you see the stripes through it?

  2. Draw the seven red stripes with a for loop. In the drawRect(_:) method of class View, change
    	//seven red stripes
    	CGContextAddRect(c, CGRectMake( 0 * w / 13, 0, w / 13, h));
    	CGContextAddRect(c, CGRectMake( 2 * w / 13, 0, w / 13, h));
    	CGContextAddRect(c, CGRectMake( 4 * w / 13, 0, w / 13, h));
    	CGContextAddRect(c, CGRectMake( 6 * w / 13, 0, w / 13, h));
    	CGContextAddRect(c, CGRectMake( 8 * w / 13, 0, w / 13, h));
    	CGContextAddRect(c, CGRectMake(10 * w / 13, 0, w / 13, h));
    	CGContextAddRect(c, CGRectMake(12 * w / 13, 0, w / 13, h));
    	for var i = 0; i <= 12; i = i + 2 {
    		CGContextAddRect(c, CGRectMake(CGFloat(i) * w / 13, 0, w / 13, h));
    You can also telescope the i = i + 2 to i += 2. Would it be clearer to break the CGContextAddRect into two statements?
    	for var i = 0; i <= 12; i += 2 {
    		let r: CGRect = CGRectMake(CGFloat(i) * w / 13, 0, w / 13, h);
    		CGContextAddRect(c, r);

  3. Go to the five vertices of the star with a for loop. In the drawRect(_:) method of class View, change
    		var theta: CGFloat = 0;		//Start with the vertex pointing to right.
    			center.x + radius * cos(theta),
    			center.y + radius * sin(theta));
    		//means theta = theta + angle;
    		theta += angle;		//vertex pointing to lower left
    			center.x + radius * cos(theta),
    			center.y + radius * sin(theta));
    		theta += angle;		//vertex pointing to upper right
    			center.x + radius * cos(theta),
    			center.y + radius * sin(theta));
    		theta += angle;		//vertex pointing to lower right
    			center.x + radius * cos(theta),
    			center.y + radius * sin(theta));
    		theta += angle;		//vertex pointing to upper left
    			center.x + radius * cos(theta),
    			center.y + radius * sin(theta));
    to the following. You could telescope the i = i + 2 to i += 2.
    		for var i = 0; i <= 10; i = i + 2 {
    			var theta: CGFloat = CGFloat(GLKMathDegreesToRadians(360 * Float(i) / 5));
    			let x: CGFloat = center.x + radius * cos(theta);
    			let y: CGFloat = center.y + radius * sin(theta);
    			if i == 0 {
    				CGContextMoveToPoint(c, x, y);
    			} else {
    				CGContextAddLineToPoint(c, x, y);

  4. Change the star from 5 to 7 points. Iterate (loop) 7 times. Advance the angle 3/7 of 360° during each iteration. Don’t confuse degrees and radians.

  5. Change the star back to 5 points. Draw the 48 star flag (6 × 8). Then draw the 50 star flag. (You might want to come back to this after we do patterns in Sine.)