for loop through the lines of a downloaded text file

On pain of torture, from those bloody hands
Throw your mistempered weapons to the ground,
And hear the sentence of your movèd prince.

Things to try

  1. We gave the keyword argument end = "" to print because each s already ends with a newline. Without the end = "", the output would have been double-spaced. Another way to avoid double-spacing is the following. The r in rstrip stands for “right”; there’s also an lstrip.
    for line in lines:
            s = line.decode("utf-8") #Convert sequence of bytes to string of characters.
        except UnicodeError as error:
            print(error, file = sys.stderr)
        s = s.rstrip()               #Chop the trailing whitespace (including any newline) off of s.
    Want to make your code harder to read?
    for line in lines:
    See also the newline keyword argument of open.