Standard output

Create a Python script

At the start of the installation instructions, you created a directory (folder) named python to hold your Python scripts.

The simplest way to create a Python script (program) is to launch IDLE, pull down
File → New File
and write your script in the new Untitled window.

When you’re ready to save the script, pull down
File → Save
Give the script a name that ends with .py. But don’t give the script the same name as one of the Python modules that you might import. For example, don’t name your script, because there is a Python module named math. Then save the script in your python folder.

The script

Do not write the line numbers when you type your Python script. The line numbers are not part of the script. They’re displayed by GitHub for your convenience. To see (and download) the script without the line numbers, press the Raw button in the upper right corner of the script.

The docstring

A 'single-quoted' or "double-quoted" string has to fit on a single line. But a string in three pairs of quotes (either single or double) can occupy several lines.

A string of documentation at the start of a Python script is called a docstring. It will usually be so long that it has to be triple-quoted. See Documentation Strings. We won’t attempt to print the docstring until we turn this Python file into a module, much later in the course. But if you just can’t wait, insert the line

if __name__ == '__main__':
immediately before the first print statement, and indent each of the following statements with four spaces. Then launch the macOS Terminal app, go to the directory that holds your Python program, and say the following. -w stands for “write”, -b stands for “browser”.
pydoc3 -w flag
wrote flag.html

ls -l flag.html
-rw-r--r--@ 1 myname  mygroup  623 May 15 12:15 flag.html

pydoc3 -b
In the browser window that appears, click on flag. Then remove the if and the indentation.

The print function

We saw that the function round accepts a numeric argument:


The function print accepts either a numeric argument or a string argument:

print("* * * * * * =====================")

It looks like each print in our script is outputting 33 characters. For example, our first print outputs 6 asterisks, 6 spaces, and 21 equal signs:

print("* * * * * * =====================")

But this print actually outputs 34 characters, because it also outputs the invisible newline character at the end of the line. That’s why the output of the second print appears below the output of the first print.

The print in Python 3 needs parentheses because it is a function. The print in Python 2 did not need parentheses because it was a statement, like import. See Common Stumbling Blocks. print is implemented in the language C.

The sys.exit function

We saw that the function log belongs to the module (family) math:

import math

math.log(32, 2)

The function exit belongs to the module sys.

import sys


On macOS, Microsoft Windows, and Linux, a program at the end of its life can give a little invisible number to the operating system to indicate whether the program succeeded or failed at its primary mission. This number is called the program’s exit status. (In Microsoft Windows, it’s sometimes called the errorlevel.) On all three operating systems, the number 0 indicates successful termination.

(There’s another exit, one that does not belong to sys.)

Run the script

In IDLE, pull down
Run → Run Module
or press fn-F5 on macOS. IDLE will insist that you save the script before you run it. Save the script in your python folder.

Source must be Saved.
OK to Save?

The nine lines of standard output produced by the script will appear in IDLE’s Python 3.8.0 Shell window. You can then copy and the paste this output somewhere else.

* * * * * * =====================
 * * * * *  =====================
* * * * * * =====================
 * * * * *  =====================
* * * * * * =====================
======== E pluribus unum ========

Things to try

  1. Does each of the following give you exactly the same output as the original script? See “Backslash and newline ignored”.
    print("""* * * * * * =====================
     * * * * *  =====================
    * * * * * * =====================
     * * * * *  =====================
    * * * * * * =====================
    ======== E pluribus unum ========
    """* * * * * * =====================
     * * * * *  =====================
    * * * * * * =====================
     * * * * *  =====================
    * * * * * * =====================
    ======== E pluribus unum ========
    * * * * * * =====================
     * * * * *  =====================
    * * * * * * =====================
     * * * * *  =====================
    * * * * * * =====================
    =========E pluribus unum=========
  2. print with no argument outputs a line consisting only of one newline character. In other words, it skips a line.
    print("Your most humble and obedient servant,")
    print("G. Washington")
    Your most humble and obedient servant,
    G. Washington
    #Could produce the same output with one triple-quoted string.
    Your most humble and obedient servant,
    G. Washington""")
  3. We gave two arguments to the round function, separating them with a comma:
    round(100_000.00 * 1.04 ** 20, 2)
    Let’s give several arguments to the print function, separating the arguments with commas. Put a space after each comma because we put a space after each comma in English. (The space after each comma will have no effect on the output.) The arguments will be printed side-by-side on the same line, separated by one space.
    print("Smith", "John", "100 Sunnyside Drive", "Pleasantville", "NY", "10707")
    Smith John 100 Sunnyside Drive Pleasantville NY 10707
  4. print has a keyword argument named sep (for “separator”). By default, the value of this argument is " " (one space).
    print("Smith", "John", "100 Sunnyside Drive", "Pleasantville", "NY", "10707")
    print("Smith", "John", "100 Sunnyside Drive", "Pleasantville", "NY", "10707", sep = ":")
    print("Smith", "John", "100 Sunnyside Drive", "Pleasantville", "NY", "10707", sep = ",")
    print("Smith", "John", "100 Sunnyside Drive", "Pleasantville", "NY", "10707", sep = "--")
    Smith John 100 Sunnyside Drive Pleasantville NY 10707
    Smith:John:100 Sunnyside Drive:Pleasantville:NY:10707
    Smith,John,100 Sunnyside Drive,Pleasantville,NY,10707
    Smith--John--100 Sunnyside Drive--Pleasantville--NY--10707
  5. By default, the output of each print appears on a new line.
    print("You end up with $")
    print(round(100_000.00 * 1.04 ** 20, 2))
    print("after 20 years.")
    You end up with $
    after 20 years.
    print has another keyword argument named end. The value of this argument defaults to "\n" (one newline character; see Escape Sequence). That’s why the output of each print appears on a new line. To make the output of each print appear on the same line, we can suppress the newline. This is useful when we have to build up a line of output with several separate calls to print.
    print("You end up with $", end = "")
    print(round(100_000.00 * 1.04 ** 20, 2), end = "")
    print(" after 20 years.")
    You end up with $219112.31 after 20 years.
    #Could produce the same output with one statement using a formatted string literal.
    print(f"You end up with ${round(100_000.00 * 1.04 ** 20, 2)} after 20 years.")
  6. Direct your output (good news) to the standard output. Direct your error messages (bad news) to the standard error output.
    import sys
    print("This is output.")                              #Prints in blue in IDLE.
    print("This is output.", file = sys.stdout)           #Does the same thing.
    print("This is an error message.", file = sys.stderr) #Prints in red in IDLE.