Pass a lambda function to max

The max of a list of ints

max does its work by applying the > operator to the items in the list. You can actually see this > (“Python greater than”) in line 1709 of the source code for max, which is written in the language C.

When you apply the > operator to two ints, it tells you which int is bigger.

Find the max (in order of increasing value) of a list of ints.
import sys

numbers = [10, 20, 50, 40, 30]

    m = max(numbers)
except ValueError:
    print("Can't take the max of an empty list.", file = sys.stderr)

print(f"m = {m}")
m = 50

The max of a list of strings

When you apply the > operator to two strings, it tells you which string comes later in alphabetical order.

Find the max (in alphabetical order) of a list of strings.
import sys

months = ["February", "August", "May"]
m = max(months)
print(f"m = {m}")
m = May

Pass a lambda function to max

Give each month a score. In the following program, the score of "February" is 8 and the score of "August" is 7. Then find the month with the biggest score.

Find the max (in order of increasing length) of a list of strings.
import sys

months = ["February", "August", "May"]
m = max(months, key = len)
print(f"m = {m}")
m = February

In the following program, the score of "February" is now 1 and the score of "August" is 7.

Find the max (in chronological order) of a list of strings.
import sys

chronologicalOrder = [

months = ["February", "August", "May"]

    m = max(months, key = lambda month: chronologicalOrder.index(month))
except ValueError:
    print(f"Sorry, your list contains a string that is not a month.", file = sys.stderr)

print(f"m = {m}")
m = August

Things to try

  1. What happens if you give an empty list to max?