CSV Database: Comma-separated values

Restaurant inspection results

Go to NYC Open Data. In the “Search Open Data for things like 311” search box, type
DOHMH New York City Restaurant Inspection Results
(DOHMH stands for “Department of Health and Mental Hygiene”.) Click on the first
DOHMH New York City Restaurant Inspection Results
that it finds for you. Press the blue View Data button. You should see the first page of records.

The 26 fields

Each record consists of 26 fields, named on the first line in the file. In Python, they will be numbered from 0 to 25 inclusive when stored in a list.

  1. CAMIS: Commercial Activities Management Information System number.
  2. DBA: Doing Business As. The name of the restaurant. Two restaurants might have the same name, but each restaurant has its own CAMIS number.
  3. BORO: e.g., BRONX, BROOKLYN, etc.
  7. PHONE
  8. CUISINE DESCRIPTION: e.g., American, Delicatessen, Chinese, Middle Eastern, Jewish/Kosher, Russian, etc.
  9. INSPECTION DATE: in the format 12/31/2017.
  10. ACTION
  11. VIOLATION CODE: e.g., 04L is evidence of mice.
  12. VIOLATION DESCRIPTION: the most lurid field.
  13. CRITICAL FLAG: either Critical, Not Critical, or Not Applicable.
  14. SCORE: a smaller number is a better score.
  15. GRADE: either A, B, C, G, P, Z, empty, or Not Yet Graded.
  19. Latitude
  20. Longitude
  21. Community Board
  22. Council District
  23. Census Tract
  24. BIN: Building Identification Number
  25. BBL: borough/block/lot number
  26. NTA: Neighborhood Tabulation Area

To see a typical restaurant, type
Wo Hop 17
into the “Find in this Dataset” search box on the right side. Then scroll to the right to the Violation Description column.

Download the CSV file

To download the file
make sure the “Find in this Dataset” box is cleared out. Press the blue Export button and select “CSV”.

#AWS Linux:
cd ~/bin
wget https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/43nn-pn8j/rows.csv
ls -l rows.csv
wc -l rows.csv
cd ~/Downloads

ls -l DOHMH_New_York_City_Restaurant_Inspection_Results.csv
-rw-r--r--@ 1 myname  mygroup  166877269 Sep 15 17:38 DOHMH_New_York_City_Restaurant_Inspection_Results.csv

wc -l DOHMH_New_York_City_Restaurant_Inspection_Results.csv
  391077 DOHMH_New_York_City_Restaurant_Inspection_Results.csv

head -3 DOHMH_New_York_City_Restaurant_Inspection_Results.csv
50018145,LA FUENTES STEAKHOUSE,Bronx,1306,JEROME AVE,10452,6467735144,Spanish,01/29/2017,Violations were cited in the following area(s).,10F,"Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.",N,5,,,09/15/2019,Inter-Agency Task Force / Initial Inspection,40.838261018744,-73.919133506998,204,16,022101,2008025,2028390005,BX63
50077581,L'ADRESSE AMERICAN BISTRO,Manhattan,5,BRYANT PARK,10018,2122212510,French,08/08/2019,Violations were cited in the following area(s).,06D,"Food contact surface not properly washed, rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any activity when contamination may have occurred.",Y,12,A,08/08/2019,09/15/2019,Cycle Inspection / Initial Inspection,40.753936992473,-73.985948643127,105,04,011300,1022565,1009930029,MN17

awk -F, 'NR == 1 {print NF}' DOHMH_New_York_City_Restaurant_Inspection_Results.csv

Move DOHMH_New_York_City_Restaurant_Inspection_Results.csv into the directory that holds your Python programs.

The Python script


WO HOP 17 05/25/2018
Food not cooked to required minimum temperature.

WO HOP 17 05/25/2018
Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.

WO HOP 17 06/19/2017
Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.

WO HOP 17 05/23/2019
Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.

WO HOP 17 06/19/2017
Cold food item held above 41º F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 ºF) except during necessary preparation.

WO HOP 17 05/23/2019
Food contact surface not properly maintained.

Things to try

  1. Create a list named hopLines holding only the Wo Hop records. Each item in hopLines will be a list of 26 strings. Sort the records in the list by inspection date. Change the part of the script after lines = csv.reader(csvfile) to the following.

    Since the return value of this score function is of type string, sort will perform string comparisons to compare the scores. All characters, including digits, have an “alphabetical order”; see the ASCII chart.

    hopLines = []                 #Start with an empty list.
    for line in lines:            #During each iteration, line is a list of 26 strings.
        if line[0] == "41320866": #CAMIS number for Wo Hop
            hopLines.append(line) #Append line to hopLines.
    def score(line):
        Return the line's datestamp, but with the format changed from "12/31/2019"
        to "2019/12/31".  That makes alphabetical order the same as chronological
        fields = line[8].split("/")
        return f"{fields[2]}/{fields[0]}/{fields[1]}"
    hopLines.sort(key = score)
    for line in hopLines:
        print(line[1], line[8]) #name and inspection date
        print(line[11])         #violation description
    WO HOP 17 06/19/2017
    Cold food item held above 41º F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 ºF) except during necessary preparation.
    WO HOP 17 06/19/2017
    Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.
    WO HOP 17 05/25/2018
    Food not cooked to required minimum temperature.
    WO HOP 17 05/25/2018
    Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.
    WO HOP 17 05/23/2019
    Food contact surface not properly maintained.
    WO HOP 17 05/23/2019
    Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.
  2. Change the above
    hopLines = []                 #Start with an empty list.
    for line in lines:            #During each iteration, line is a list of 26 strings.
        if line[0] == "41320866": #CAMIS number for Wo Hop
            hopLines.append(line) #Append line to hopLines.
    to the following list comprehension.
    hopLines = [line for line in lines if line[0] == "41320866"]
  3. Remove the above score function and change the call to sort to the following. Instead of creating and returning a rearranged string such as "2019/12/31", the lambda function creates and returns an object of class datetime.date.
    import datetime
    #During each call to the lambda function, line is a list of 26 strings.
    hopLines.sort(key =
        lambda line: datetime.datetime.strptime(line[8], "%m/%d/%Y").date())
  4. Have the script read the CSV file directly from the web instead of from your hard disk. Change the part of the script before the sort to the following (and remove the csvfile.close()).

    The entire file is read in as one big sequence of bytes. The decode function converts this sequence into the string of characters s, and splitlines converts this string into a list of strings. As we have already seen, we can use a csv.reader to split apart the comma-separated fields each of these strings.

    import sys
    import csv   #Comma-separated values.  Do not name this Python script csv.py.
    import datetime
    import urllib.request
    #Database is at
    url = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/43nn-pn8j/rows.csv"
        fileFromUrl = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
    except urllib.error.URLError as error:
        print(error, file = sys.stderr)
    sequenceOfBytes = fileFromUrl.read() #Slurp whole file into one big sequenceOfBytes.
        s = sequenceOfBytes.decode("utf-8")    #s is a string
    except UnicodeError as error:
        print(error, file = sys.stderr)
    lines = csv.reader(s.splitlines())                           #lines is a list of lists
    hopLines = [line for line in lines if line[0] == "41320866"] #each line is a list of 26 strings
    WO HOP 17 06/19/2017
    Cold food item held above 41º F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 ºF) except during necessary preparation.
    WO HOP 17 06/19/2017
    Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.
    WO HOP 17 05/25/2018
    Food not cooked to required minimum temperature.
    WO HOP 17 05/25/2018
    Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.
    WO HOP 17 05/23/2019
    Food contact surface not properly maintained.
    WO HOP 17 05/23/2019
    Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.
  5. Instead of holding all the lines of the input file in memory simultaneously, could we read, decode, split into fields, and process them one by one? Hint: if the argument of csv.reader is a list containing one string, the csv.reader will split that one string into fields:
        reader = csv.reader([s])       #s is a string
        listOfStrings = next(reader)   #listOfStrings is a list of the fields of s
  6. Do all the work in pandas. Some of the CSV lines lacked a valid integer phone number in the PHONE column, so I had to tell read_csv not to always expect a phone number there.

    The DataFrame df contains thousands of rows and 26 columns. The DataFrame df.loc[df["CAMIS"] == camis] contains only 6 lines and 26 columns. The DataFrame df.loc[df["CAMIS"] == camis][columns] contains 6 lines and 3 columns. To sort the lines of df2 in chronological order, I temporarily added a fourth column named dates to df2, dropping it as soon as it was no longer needed.

    Each value in the formatters dictionary is a (nameless) function that takes one argument and returns a string. I printed a newline after each inspection date to start a new line in the output. I printed a newline after each violation description to skip an empty line after each inspection. The violation descriptions were very long, so I set the maximum column width to infinity.

    The output looked neater when I stripped the whitespace from the start and end of each line of output.

    Print inspection results for Wo Hop.
    import sys
    import csv
    import pandas as pd
    url = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/43nn-pn8j/rows.csv"
        df = pd.read_csv(url, dtype = {"PHONE": str})   #df is a pandas DataFrame.
    except BaseException as error:
        print(error, file = sys.stderr)
    formatters = {
        "INSPECTION DATE":       lambda id: f"{id}\n",
        "VIOLATION DESCRIPTION": lambda vd: f"{vd}\n"
    camis = 41320866   #doing business as "WO HOP 17"
    df2 = df.loc[df["CAMIS"] == camis][columns]
    #Sort by date, oldest at top.
    df2["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df2["INSPECTION DATE"], format = "%m/%d/%Y")
    df2.sort_values(by = "date", inplace = True)
    df2.drop("date", axis = "columns", inplace = True)
    pd.set_option("display.max_colwidth", -1)   #Prevent ellipsis dots ...
    s = df2.to_string(formatters = formatters, header = False, index = False)
    #Strip whitespace from the start and end of each line.
    lines = [line.strip() for line in s.splitlines()]
    s = "\n".join(lines)
    WO HOP 17  06/19/2017
    Cold food item held above 41º F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 ºF) except during necessary preparation.
    WO HOP 17  06/19/2017
    Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.
    WO HOP 17  05/25/2018
    Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.
    WO HOP 17  05/25/2018
    Food not cooked to required minimum temperature.
    WO HOP 17  05/23/2019
    Food contact surface not properly maintained.
    WO HOP 17  05/23/2019
    Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained and/or not properly sealed, raised, spaced or movable to allow accessibility for cleaning on all sides, above and underneath the unit.
  7. """
    This module contains the function getDf.
    import sys
    import os
    import pandas as pd
    url = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/views/43nn-pn8j/rows.csv"
    filename = "~/Downloads/DOHMH_New_York_City_Restaurant_Inspection_Results.csv"
    def getDf(fromWeb = False, verbose = False):
        "Return a pandas DataFrame containing the restaurant inspection results."
        source = url if fromWeb else os.path.expanduser(filename)
        #Fields that should be integers.  Int64 can tolerate a NA.
        dtype = {
            "ZIPCODE":          "Int64",
            "Community Board":  "Int64",
            "Council District": "Int64",
            "Census Tract":     "Int64",
            "BIN":              "Int64",
            "BBL":              "Int64"
        df = pd.read_csv(source, dtype = dtype)
        #If BORO == "0" but ZIPCODE is present, change BORO to the correct borough.
        zips = [
            [10168, "Manhattan"],
            [10285, "Manhattan"],
            [11249, "Brooklyn"]
        for zipcode, boro in zips:
            mask = (df.BORO == "0") & (df.ZIPCODE == zipcode)
            if verbose:
                nrows = len(df.loc[mask])
                q = '"'
                print(f'Changing BORO "0" to {q + boro + q:11} on the {nrows:2} rows containing ZIPCODE {zipcode}.')
            df.loc[mask, "BORO"] = boro
        if verbose:
        seriesOfBools = df.BORO == "0"
        if verbose:
            print(f'The remaining rows whose BORO is "0" are')
            columns = [
            print(df[seriesOfBools].to_string(columns = columns, show_dimensions = True))
        #Remove the remaining rows whose BORO == "0".
        if verbose:
            print(f'Deleting the {sum(df.BORO == "0")} rows whose BORO is still "0".')
        df = df[~seriesOfBools]
        if verbose:
            badPhones = df.loc[~df.PHONE.str.match(r"^\d{10}$").astype(bool)]
            print(f"{len(badPhones)} of the {len(df):,} rows have bad phones, including")
            s = badPhones.to_string(
                columns = ["CAMIS", "DBA", "PHONE", "INSPECTION DATE"],
                max_rows = 10,
                show_dimensions = True
        return df
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        print(f"Downloading {url} ...")
        df = getDf(fromWeb = True, verbose = True)
        columns = ["CAMIS", "DBA", "BORO", "CUISINE DESCRIPTION"]
        print(f"Got the following DataFrame (showing {len(columns)} of {len(df.columns)} columns).")
        print(df.to_string(columns = columns, max_rows = 10, show_dimensions = True))
    Call restaurantinspection.getDf and print the resulting DataFrame.
    import sys
    import pandas as pd
    import restaurantinspection
        df = restaurantinspection.getDf(fromWeb = False, verbose = True)
    except BaseException as error:
        print(error, file = sys.stderr)
    columns = [
        "CAMIS",   #Commercial Activities Management Information System
        "DBA",     #Doing Business As
        "BORO",    #Borough
    s = df.to_string(
        columns = columns,
        index = False,
        max_rows = 20,
        show_dimensions = True
    print(f"Showing {len(columns)} of the {len(df.columns)} columns:")
    Changing BORO "0" to "Manhattan" on the 14 rows containing ZIPCODE 10168.
    Changing BORO "0" to "Manhattan" on the  5 rows containing ZIPCODE 10285.
    Changing BORO "0" to "Brooklyn"  on the 81 rows containing ZIPCODE 11249.
    The remaining rows whose BORO is "0" are
               CAMIS                      DBA BORO BUILDING STREET  ZIPCODE
    308     50098157                      NaN    0      NaN    NaN      NaN
    36325   50098208                KONDITORI    0      NaN    NaN      NaN
    112576  50098189              AUNT JAKE'S    0      NaN    NaN      NaN
    130863  50098217                      NaN    0      NaN    NaN      NaN
    134039  50099742                     AMBO    0      NaN    NaN      NaN
    156097  50098161                      NaN    0      NaN    NaN      NaN
    184554  50098171  STARBUCKS COFFEE #57154    0      NaN    NaN      NaN
    205375  50098206      BENJYS KOSHER PIZZA    0      NaN    NaN      NaN
    218840  50098177                      NaN    0      NaN    NaN      NaN
    219844  50098202                      NaN    0      NaN    NaN      NaN
    232978  50097237                      NaN    0      NaN    NaN      NaN
    359325  50098200         DAILY PROVISIONS    0      NaN    NaN      NaN
    [12 rows x 6 columns]
    Deleting the 12 rows whose BORO is still "0".
    472 of the 395,617 rows have bad phones, including
               CAMIS                                            DBA       PHONE INSPECTION DATE
    274     41541587  SEATTLE COFFEE ROASTERS, PIER 79/ NY WATERWAY  917536391_      11/30/2017
    780     50063627                                JOE & THE JUICE  917_566_57      07/25/2019
    782     50085540                                     ILLY CAFFE  917407793_      12/19/2018
    1887    50073925                                      GRACE WOK  917_370_46      02/14/2019
    2124    50056461                    SAINT ANN'S CAFE RESTAURANT  917_688_16      12/05/2017
    ...          ...                                            ...         ...             ...
    392935  41637438                     BOAT HOUSE & CAJUN CUISINE  41637438__      10/12/2018
    394366  50056461                    SAINT ANN'S CAFE RESTAURANT  917_688_16      02/01/2019
    395250  41541587  SEATTLE COFFEE ROASTERS, PIER 79/ NY WATERWAY  917536391_      07/01/2016
    395445  50056461                    SAINT ANN'S CAFE RESTAURANT  917_688_16      08/09/2019
    395493  50033071                                GABY RESTAURANT  __________      07/27/2017
    [472 rows x 4 columns]
    Showing 5 of the 26 columns:
        CAMIS                                   DBA       BORO CUISINE DESCRIPTION INSPECTION DATE
     50088180                   HAZAR TURKISH KEBAB   Brooklyn             Turkish      03/26/2019
     41654607                         BROOKLYN CRAB   Brooklyn             Seafood      09/14/2017
     50058012                               HARMONI  Manhattan             Spanish      09/25/2018
     41175577                      MARIO'S PIZZERIA   Brooklyn               Pizza      02/04/2019
     50000060                      ATLAS STEAKHOUSE   Brooklyn             Russian      10/23/2019
     50063691                         THAI TERMINAL  Manhattan                Thai      05/08/2018
     41701903  SHINJUNG GALBI BBQ KOREAN RESTAURANT     Queens              Korean      02/08/2018
     50057790                    BAGELS AND SCHMEAR  Manhattan     Bagels/Pretzels      12/26/2018
     50069955                                  KOTO   Brooklyn            Japanese      10/11/2017
     41457400                                VINTRY  Manhattan            American      11/26/2018
    ...                                         ...        ...                 ...             ...
     40843676                           PAZZA NOTTE  Manhattan             Italian      04/09/2018
     41697654               HOT JALAPENO RESTAURANT  Manhattan             Mexican      10/30/2019
     50076162              CHINA GARDEN & WING STOP     Queens             Chinese      09/23/2019
     50016943              EL NUEVO ROBLE BILLIARDS      Bronx             Spanish      08/21/2017
     40513217                              B66 CLUB   Brooklyn             Russian      06/17/2016
     41433964        WILD GINGER VEGETARIAN KITCHEN  Manhattan          Vegetarian      09/07/2016
     50074107                      ZAIQA RESTAURANT   Brooklyn              Indian      05/01/2019
     50073262                        BROADWAY PIZZA   Brooklyn               Pizza      07/25/2019
     41335337                           LOBSTER BOX      Bronx             Seafood      04/27/2019
     41313395                    FIVE NAPKIN BURGER  Manhattan            American      10/25/2017
    [395617 rows x 5 columns]
    Print the number of restaurant inspections in each borough.
    import sys
    import pandas as pd
    import restaurantinspection
        df = restaurantinspection.getDf(fromWeb = False, verbose = False)
    except BaseException as error:
        print(error, file = sys.stderr)
    print("Number of restaurant inspections in each borough:")
    seriesOfInts = df.groupby("BORO").size()
    print(seriesOfInts.to_string(dtype = False, header = False))
    #Convert the seriesOfInts to a DataFrame so we can specify a formatter.
    dataFrameOfInts = pd.DataFrame(seriesOfInts)   #DataFrame with only one column.
    s = dataFrameOfInts.to_string(
        formatters = [lambda i: f"{i:,}"],   #Print each integer with commas.
        header = False,      #The name of the one column of this DataFrame is 0.  Don't print it.
        index_names = False  #The name of the index of this DataFrame is BORO.  Don't print it.
    Number of restaurant inspections in each borough:
    Bronx             35948
    Brooklyn         100748
    Manhattan        155391
    Queens            90362
    Staten Island     13168
    dtype: int64
    Bronx             35948
    Brooklyn         100748
    Manhattan        155391
    Queens            90362
    Staten Island     13168
    Bronx          35,948
    Brooklyn      100,748
    Manhattan     155,391
    Queens         90,362
    Staten Island  13,168
    Print the number of restaurants in each borough.
    import sys
    import pandas as pd
    import restaurantinspection
    df = restaurantinspection.getDf(fromWeb = False, verbose = False)
    #Index is CAMIS number of each restaurant in increasing order, value is restaurant's boro.
    seriesOfBoros = df.groupby("CAMIS")["BORO"].first()
    print("Number of restaurants in each borough")
    #Index is boros in alphabetical order, value is number of restaurants in boro.
    seriesOfNumbers = seriesOfBoros.groupby(seriesOfBoros).size()
    #seriesOfNumbers.sort_values(inplace = True)   #increasing size order
    #Index is boros, value is number of restaurants in boro in decreasing order.
    seriesOfNumbers = seriesOfBoros.value_counts()
    #seriesOfNumbers.sort_index(inplace = True)   #alphabetical order
    Number of restaurants in each borough
    Bronx             2395
    Brooklyn          6775
    Manhattan        10761
    Queens            6140
    Staten Island      973
    Name: BORO, dtype: int64
    Manhattan        10761
    Brooklyn          6775
    Queens            6140
    Bronx             2395
    Staten Island      973
    Name: BORO, dtype: int64
    Print the number of mouse violations in each month.
    import sys
    import pandas as pd
    import restaurantinspection
    #Add three columns to the DataFrame.
    df = restaurantinspection.getDf(fromWeb = False, verbose = False)
    df["timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(df["INSPECTION DATE"], format = "%m/%d/%Y")
    df["monthname"] = df["timestamp"].apply(lambda timestamp: timestamp.month_name())
    df["monthnumber"] = df["timestamp"].apply(lambda timestamp: timestamp.month)
    s = "Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility's food and/or non-food areas."
    mask = (df["VIOLATION DESCRIPTION"].str != "") & (df["VIOLATION DESCRIPTION"].str.contains(s))
    dataFrameOfViolations = df[mask]
    print(f"{len(dataFrameOfViolations):,} of the {len(df):,} inspections revealed mouse violations.")
    print("Mouse violations per month:")
    #Indexed by month number and month name, in order of ascending month number.
    seriesOfNumbers = dataFrameOfViolations.groupby(["monthnumber", "monthname"]).size()
    #Drop the month numbers.  They were there only to get the month names in chronological order.
    seriesOfNumbers.reset_index(level = 0, drop = True, inplace = True)
    29,090 of the 395,617 inspections revealed mouse violations.
    Mouse violations per month:
    monthnumber  monthname
    1            January      2425
    2            February     2380
    3            March        2980
    4            April        2626
    5            May          2610
    6            June         2453
    7            July         2032
    8            August       2303
    9            September    2425
    10           October      2820
    11           November     2053
    12           December     1983
    dtype: int64
    January      2425
    February     2380
    March        2980
    April        2626
    May          2610
    June         2453
    July         2032
    August       2303
    September    2425
    October      2820
    November     2053
    December     1983
    dtype: int64
    Print the number of restaurants of each cuisine.
    series is indexed by cuisines in alphabetical order.
    import sys
    import pandas as pd
    import restaurantinspection
    df = restaurantinspection.getDf(fromWeb = False, verbose = False)
    series = df.groupby("CUISINE DESCRIPTION").apply(lambda df: len(df["CAMIS"].unique()))
    #could also say
    #series = df.groupby("CUISINE DESCRIPTION").apply(lambda df: len(df.groupby("CAMIS")))
    #series = df.groupby("CUISINE DESCRIPTION").apply(lambda df: len(df["CAMIS"].value_counts()))
    print("Number of restaurants:")
    s = series.to_string(max_rows = len(series))
    s = series.sort_values(ascending = False).to_string(max_rows = len(series))
    Number of restaurants:
    Afghan                                                                14
    African                                                               74
    American                                                            5735
    Armenian                                                              25
    Asian                                                                402
    Australian                                                            21
    Bagels/Pretzels                                                      153
    Bakery                                                               748
    Bangladeshi                                                           43
    Barbecue                                                              54
    Basque                                                                 1
    Bottled beverages, including water, sodas, juices, etc.              109
    Brazilian                                                             29
    Café/Coffee/Tea                                                     1798
    Cajun                                                                  6
    Californian                                                            4
    Caribbean                                                            706
    Chicken                                                              505
    Chilean                                                                1
    Chinese                                                             2380
    Chinese/Cuban                                                         21
    Chinese/Japanese                                                      44
    Continental                                                           48
    Creole                                                                22
    Creole/Cajun                                                           6
    Czech                                                                  4
    Delicatessen                                                         298
    Donuts                                                               522
    Eastern European                                                      69
    Egyptian                                                              12
    English                                                               12
    Ethiopian                                                             17
    Filipino                                                              31
    French                                                               310
    Fruits/Vegetables                                                      6
    German                                                                28
    Greek                                                                138
    Hamburgers                                                           363
    Hawaiian                                                              48
    Hotdogs                                                               28
    Hotdogs/Pretzels                                                      31
    Ice Cream, Gelato, Yogurt, Ices                                      346
    Indian                                                               320
    Indonesian                                                             9
    Iranian                                                                4
    Irish                                                                191
    Italian                                                              964
    Japanese                                                             868
    Jewish/Kosher                                                        335
    Juice, Smoothies, Fruit Salads                                       423
    Korean                                                               308
    Latin (Cuban, Dominican, Puerto Rican, South & Central American)     828
    Mediterranean                                                        281
    Mexican                                                              963
    Middle Eastern                                                       192
    Moroccan                                                               9
    Not Listed/Not Applicable                                              9
    Nuts/Confectionary                                                     6
    Other                                                               1739
    Pakistani                                                             30
    Pancakes/Waffles                                                      15
    Peruvian                                                              83
    Pizza                                                               1199
    Pizza/Italian                                                        476
    Polish                                                                25
    Portuguese                                                            11
    Russian                                                               68
    Salads                                                                78
    Sandwiches                                                           358
    Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet                                       234
    Scandinavian                                                           8
    Seafood                                                              195
    Soul Food                                                             66
    Soups                                                                  8
    Soups & Sandwiches                                                    43
    Southwestern                                                           3
    Spanish                                                              630
    Steak                                                                 79
    Tapas                                                                 41
    Tex-Mex                                                              126
    Thai                                                                 307
    Turkish                                                               71
    Vegetarian                                                           130
    Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia                                         99
    American                                                            5735
    Chinese                                                             2380
    Café/Coffee/Tea                                                     1798
    Other                                                               1739
    Pizza                                                               1199
    Italian                                                              964
    Mexican                                                              963
    Japanese                                                             868
    Latin (Cuban, Dominican, Puerto Rican, South & Central American)     828
    Bakery                                                               748
    Caribbean                                                            706
    Spanish                                                              630
    Donuts                                                               522
    Chicken                                                              505
    Pizza/Italian                                                        476
    Juice, Smoothies, Fruit Salads                                       423
    Asian                                                                402
    Hamburgers                                                           363
    Sandwiches                                                           358
    Ice Cream, Gelato, Yogurt, Ices                                      346
    Jewish/Kosher                                                        335
    Indian                                                               320
    French                                                               310
    Korean                                                               308
    Thai                                                                 307
    Delicatessen                                                         298
    Mediterranean                                                        281
    Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet                                       234
    Seafood                                                              195
    Middle Eastern                                                       192
    Irish                                                                191
    Bagels/Pretzels                                                      153
    Greek                                                                138
    Vegetarian                                                           130
    Tex-Mex                                                              126
    Bottled beverages, including water, sodas, juices, etc.              109
    Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia                                         99
    Peruvian                                                              83
    Steak                                                                 79
    Salads                                                                78
    African                                                               74
    Turkish                                                               71
    Eastern European                                                      69
    Russian                                                               68
    Soul Food                                                             66
    Barbecue                                                              54
    Continental                                                           48
    Hawaiian                                                              48
    Chinese/Japanese                                                      44
    Soups & Sandwiches                                                    43
    Bangladeshi                                                           43
    Tapas                                                                 41
    Filipino                                                              31
    Hotdogs/Pretzels                                                      31
    Pakistani                                                             30
    Brazilian                                                             29
    German                                                                28
    Hotdogs                                                               28
    Polish                                                                25
    Armenian                                                              25
    Creole                                                                22
    Australian                                                            21
    Chinese/Cuban                                                         21
    Ethiopian                                                             17
    Pancakes/Waffles                                                      15
    Afghan                                                                14
    English                                                               12
    Egyptian                                                              12
    Portuguese                                                            11
    Not Listed/Not Applicable                                              9
    Indonesian                                                             9
    Moroccan                                                               9
    Soups                                                                  8
    Scandinavian                                                           8
    Creole/Cajun                                                           6
    Cajun                                                                  6
    Fruits/Vegetables                                                      6
    Nuts/Confectionary                                                     6
    Czech                                                                  4
    Californian                                                            4
    Iranian                                                                4
    Southwestern                                                           3
    Basque                                                                 1
    Chilean                                                                1
    Print the number of restaurants of each cuisine.
    series is indexed by cuisines in alphabetical order.
    import sys
    import pandas as pd
    import restaurantinspection
    df = restaurantinspection.getDf(fromWeb = False, verbose = False)
    df = (df
        .groupby(["CUISINE DESCRIPTION", "BORO"])["BORO"]
    pd.set_option("display.width", None)      #prevent column from beoing elided
    pd.set_option("display.max_colwidth", 64) #prevent index from being truncated
    s = df.to_string(max_rows = len(df), show_dimensions = True)
    BORO                                                              Bronx  Brooklyn  Manhattan  Queens  Staten Island
    Afghan                                                                0         2          4       8              0
    African                                                              26        23         20       4              1
    American                                                            404      1253       2882     977            219
    Armenian                                                              1         7         13       4              0
    Asian                                                                 6        95        171     115             15
    Australian                                                            0         4         16       1              0
    Bagels/Pretzels                                                       7        37         60      39             10
    Bakery                                                               75       188        240     223             22
    Bangladeshi                                                           8         9          6      20              0
    Barbecue                                                              3        16         24       6              5
    Basque                                                                0         0          1       0              0
    Bottled beverages, including water, sodas, juices, etc.               9        23         38      35              4
    Brazilian                                                             0         5         13      11              0
    Café/Coffee/Tea                                                      62       455        978     275             28
    Cajun                                                                 0         4          0       1              1
    Californian                                                           0         1          3       0              0
    Caribbean                                                           119       339         38     205              5
    Chicken                                                             113       156        111     108             17
    Chilean                                                               0         0          0       1              0
    Chinese                                                             297       726        507     774             76
    Chinese/Cuban                                                         3         3         11       4              0
    Chinese/Japanese                                                      0        13         19      10              2
    Continental                                                           0        10         26      11              1
    Creole                                                                0        15          2       5              0
    Creole/Cajun                                                          0         4          0       2              0
    Czech                                                                 1         1          0       2              0
    Delicatessen                                                         27        52        112      94             13
    Donuts                                                               66       122        143     156             35
    Eastern European                                                      3        33         17      13              3
    Egyptian                                                              0         4          5       3              0
    English                                                               0         1         10       1              0
    Ethiopian                                                             0         4         13       0              0
    Filipino                                                              0         1          8      20              2
    French                                                                2        51        242      15              0
    Fruits/Vegetables                                                     0         1          3       1              1
    German                                                                0         6         12       7              3
    Greek                                                                 6        18         56      52              6
    Hamburgers                                                           63        86         90     102             22
    Hawaiian                                                              1         8         33       6              0
    Hotdogs                                                               1         7         18       2              0
    Hotdogs/Pretzels                                                      3         3         17       5              3
    Ice Cream, Gelato, Yogurt, Ices                                      23       102        115      74             32
    Indian                                                                7        60        138     106              9
    Indonesian                                                            0         2          3       4              0
    Iranian                                                               0         0          2       2              0
    Irish                                                                10        12        115      52              2
    Italian                                                              42       169        570     113             70
    Japanese                                                             16       187        471     161             33
    Jewish/Kosher                                                         8       186         76      63              2
    Juice, Smoothies, Fruit Salads                                       42       108        174      88             11
    Korean                                                                0        26        109     173              0
    Latin (Cuban, Dominican, Puerto Rican, South & Central American)    175       139        188     315             11
    Mediterranean                                                         5        68        149      50              9
    Mexican                                                             123       288        326     186             40
    Middle Eastern                                                        4        86         58      38              6
    Moroccan                                                              0         0          8       1              0
    Not Listed/Not Applicable                                             1         1          4       2              1
    Nuts/Confectionary                                                    0         4          2       0              0
    Other                                                               104       449        760     371             55
    Pakistani                                                             1        13          7       9              0
    Pancakes/Waffles                                                      2         3          3       5              2
    Peruvian                                                              3        13         15      49              3
    Pizza                                                               203       307        355     277             57
    Pizza/Italian                                                        59       130        127     105             55
    Polish                                                                0        17          2       3              3
    Portuguese                                                            0         2          4       5              0
    Russian                                                               0        51          8       6              3
    Salads                                                                0         8         65       5              0
    Sandwiches                                                           45        63        155      72             23
    Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet                                       25        32        113      57              7
    Scandinavian                                                          0         3          5       0              0
    Seafood                                                              26        43         93      29              4
    Soul Food                                                            10        26         14      14              2
    Soups                                                                 0         1          7       0              0
    Soups & Sandwiches                                                    2         7         30       3              1
    Southwestern                                                          0         0          1       2              0
    Spanish                                                             131       143        124     211             21
    Steak                                                                 5         8         54      11              1
    Tapas                                                                 0        10         22       8              1
    Tex-Mex                                                              10        32         50      28              6
    Thai                                                                  5        80        139      80              3
    Turkish                                                               0        30         28      10              3
    Vegetarian                                                            1        47         69      13              0
    Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia                                         1        33         41      21              3
    [84 rows x 5 columns]
    For each cuisine, print the fraction of inspections that report mice.
    import sys
    import pandas as pd
    import restaurantinspection
    df = restaurantinspection.getDf(fromWeb = False, verbose = False)
    s = "Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility's food and/or non-food areas."
    #Return the fraction of inspections that report mice.
    def f(df):
        seriesOfBools = df["VIOLATION DESCRIPTION"].str.contains(s).astype(bool)
        return sum(seriesOfBools) / len(df)
    series = df.groupby("CUISINE DESCRIPTION").apply(f)   #alphabetical order
        dtype = True,
        length = True,
        max_rows = len(series),
        name = True
    series.sort_values(inplace = True)   #increasing numeric order
        dtype = True,
        length = True,
        max_rows = len(series),
        name = True
    Afghan                                                              0.120773
    African                                                             0.118414
    American                                                            0.085564
    Armenian                                                            0.070000
    Asian                                                               0.086534
    Australian                                                          0.097744
    Bagels/Pretzels                                                     0.098411
    Bakery                                                              0.106604
    Bangladeshi                                                         0.090909
    Barbecue                                                            0.067183
    Basque                                                              0.000000
    Bottled beverages, including water, sodas, juices, etc.             0.145559
    Brazilian                                                           0.066955
    Café/Coffee/Tea                                                     0.081409
    Cajun                                                               0.058140
    Californian                                                         0.055556
    Caribbean                                                           0.128698
    Chicken                                                             0.095354
    Chilean                                                             0.172414
    Chinese                                                             0.104725
    Chinese/Cuban                                                       0.088993
    Chinese/Japanese                                                    0.081049
    Continental                                                         0.057725
    Creole                                                              0.136531
    Creole/Cajun                                                        0.107143
    Czech                                                               0.146341
    Delicatessen                                                        0.089939
    Donuts                                                              0.054654
    Eastern European                                                    0.122524
    Egyptian                                                            0.136126
    English                                                             0.075117
    Ethiopian                                                           0.105485
    Filipino                                                            0.128319
    French                                                              0.091407
    Fruits/Vegetables                                                   0.038462
    German                                                              0.085586
    Greek                                                               0.079593
    Hamburgers                                                          0.060984
    Hawaiian                                                            0.084746
    Hotdogs                                                             0.109290
    Hotdogs/Pretzels                                                    0.121951
    Ice Cream, Gelato, Yogurt, Ices                                     0.122258
    Indian                                                              0.094237
    Indonesian                                                          0.089286
    Iranian                                                             0.193548
    Irish                                                               0.102481
    Italian                                                             0.089796
    Japanese                                                            0.095803
    Jewish/Kosher                                                       0.100401
    Juice, Smoothies, Fruit Salads                                      0.079560
    Korean                                                              0.074265
    Latin (Cuban, Dominican, Puerto Rican, South & Central American)    0.090856
    Mediterranean                                                       0.097950
    Mexican                                                             0.083830
    Middle Eastern                                                      0.109768
    Moroccan                                                            0.077844
    Not Listed/Not Applicable                                           0.028571
    Nuts/Confectionary                                                  0.088235
    Other                                                               0.603555
    Pakistani                                                           0.121951
    Pancakes/Waffles                                                    0.116592
    Peruvian                                                            0.100948
    Pizza                                                               0.105466
    Pizza/Italian                                                       0.100672
    Polish                                                              0.137615
    Portuguese                                                          0.101796
    Russian                                                             0.106420
    Salads                                                              0.049844
    Sandwiches                                                          0.083353
    Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet                                      0.076412
    Scandinavian                                                        0.142857
    Seafood                                                             0.079058
    Soul Food                                                           0.112989
    Soups                                                               0.125000
    Soups & Sandwiches                                                  0.066547
    Southwestern                                                        0.025316
    Spanish                                                             0.090044
    Steak                                                               0.084507
    Tapas                                                               0.132039
    Tex-Mex                                                             0.105292
    Thai                                                                0.091229
    Turkish                                                             0.090105
    Vegetarian                                                          0.105071
    Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia                                       0.095848
    Length: 84, dtype: float64
    Basque                                                              0.000000
    Southwestern                                                        0.025316
    Not Listed/Not Applicable                                           0.028571
    Fruits/Vegetables                                                   0.038462
    Salads                                                              0.049844
    Donuts                                                              0.054654
    Californian                                                         0.055556
    Continental                                                         0.057725
    Cajun                                                               0.058140
    Hamburgers                                                          0.060984
    Soups & Sandwiches                                                  0.066547
    Brazilian                                                           0.066955
    Barbecue                                                            0.067183
    Armenian                                                            0.070000
    Korean                                                              0.074265
    English                                                             0.075117
    Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet                                      0.076412
    Moroccan                                                            0.077844
    Seafood                                                             0.079058
    Juice, Smoothies, Fruit Salads                                      0.079560
    Greek                                                               0.079593
    Chinese/Japanese                                                    0.081049
    Café/Coffee/Tea                                                     0.081409
    Sandwiches                                                          0.083353
    Mexican                                                             0.083830
    Steak                                                               0.084507
    Hawaiian                                                            0.084746
    American                                                            0.085564
    German                                                              0.085586
    Asian                                                               0.086534
    Nuts/Confectionary                                                  0.088235
    Chinese/Cuban                                                       0.088993
    Indonesian                                                          0.089286
    Italian                                                             0.089796
    Delicatessen                                                        0.089939
    Spanish                                                             0.090044
    Turkish                                                             0.090105
    Latin (Cuban, Dominican, Puerto Rican, South & Central American)    0.090856
    Bangladeshi                                                         0.090909
    Thai                                                                0.091229
    French                                                              0.091407
    Indian                                                              0.094237
    Chicken                                                             0.095354
    Japanese                                                            0.095803
    Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia                                       0.095848
    Australian                                                          0.097744
    Mediterranean                                                       0.097950
    Bagels/Pretzels                                                     0.098411
    Jewish/Kosher                                                       0.100401
    Pizza/Italian                                                       0.100672
    Peruvian                                                            0.100948
    Portuguese                                                          0.101796
    Irish                                                               0.102481
    Chinese                                                             0.104725
    Vegetarian                                                          0.105071
    Tex-Mex                                                             0.105292
    Pizza                                                               0.105466
    Ethiopian                                                           0.105485
    Russian                                                             0.106420
    Bakery                                                              0.106604
    Creole/Cajun                                                        0.107143
    Hotdogs                                                             0.109290
    Middle Eastern                                                      0.109768
    Soul Food                                                           0.112989
    Pancakes/Waffles                                                    0.116592
    African                                                             0.118414
    Afghan                                                              0.120773
    Pakistani                                                           0.121951
    Hotdogs/Pretzels                                                    0.121951
    Ice Cream, Gelato, Yogurt, Ices                                     0.122258
    Eastern European                                                    0.122524
    Soups                                                               0.125000
    Filipino                                                            0.128319
    Caribbean                                                           0.128698
    Tapas                                                               0.132039
    Egyptian                                                            0.136126
    Creole                                                              0.136531
    Polish                                                              0.137615
    Scandinavian                                                        0.142857
    Bottled beverages, including water, sodas, juices, etc.             0.145559
    Czech                                                               0.146341
    Chilean                                                             0.172414
    Iranian                                                             0.193548
    Other                                                               0.603555
    Length: 84, dtype: float64
    For each cuisine, print the fraction of restaurants that have had mice
    at one time or another.
    import sys
    import pandas as pd
    import restaurantinspection
    df = restaurantinspection.getDf(fromWeb = False, verbose = False)
    s = "Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility's food and/or non-food areas."
    #Called once for each CAMIS.
    #df is a DataFrame of all the inspections belonging to the CAMIS.
    #Return True if any inspection revealed mice.
    def hadMice(df):
        return df["VIOLATION DESCRIPTION"].str.contains(s).any()
    #Called once for each cusine.
    #df is a DataFrame of all the inspections belonging to the cusine.
    def get3Numbers(df):
        seriesOfBools = df.groupby("CAMIS").apply(hadMice)
        nr = len(seriesOfBools)  #number of restaurants in this cuisine
        nm = seriesOfBools.sum() #number of restaurants in this cuisine with mice
        return pd.Series([nr, nm, nm / nr])
    dataFrameOfNumbers = df.groupby("CUISINE DESCRIPTION").apply(get3Numbers) #alphabetical order
    dataFrameOfNumbers.columns = [
        "n",       #number of restaurants in this cuisine
        "mice",    #number of restaurants in this cuisine with mice
    dataFrameOfNumbers["n"] = dataFrameOfNumbers["n"].astype(int)
    dataFrameOfNumbers["mice"] = dataFrameOfNumbers["mice"].astype(int)
    print("Fraction of restaurants that have had mice at one time or another:")
    pd.options.display.max_colwidth = 64
    st = dataFrameOfNumbers.to_string(max_rows = len(dataFrameOfNumbers))
    dataFrameOfNumbers.sort_values(by = "fraction", inplace = True)
    st = dataFrameOfNumbers.to_string(max_rows = len(dataFrameOfNumbers))
    Fraction of restaurants that have had mice at one time or another:
                                                                         n  mice  fraction
    Afghan                                                              14    10  0.714286
    African                                                             74    55  0.743243
    American                                                          5735  2395  0.417611
    Armenian                                                            25     7  0.280000
    Asian                                                              402   185  0.460199
    Australian                                                          21    13  0.619048
    Bagels/Pretzels                                                    153    84  0.549020
    Bakery                                                             748   392  0.524064
    Bangladeshi                                                         43    27  0.627907
    Barbecue                                                            54    15  0.277778
    Basque                                                               1     0  0.000000
    Bottled beverages, including water, sodas, juices, etc.            109    45  0.412844
    Brazilian                                                           29    13  0.448276
    Café/Coffee/Tea                                                   1798   552  0.307008
    Cajun                                                                6     4  0.666667
    Californian                                                          4     2  0.500000
    Caribbean                                                          706   473  0.669972
    Chicken                                                            505   236  0.467327
    Chilean                                                              1     1  1.000000
    Chinese                                                           2380  1356  0.569748
    Chinese/Cuban                                                       21    13  0.619048
    Chinese/Japanese                                                    44    23  0.522727
    Continental                                                         48    13  0.270833
    Creole                                                              22    15  0.681818
    Creole/Cajun                                                         6     4  0.666667
    Czech                                                                4     4  1.000000
    Delicatessen                                                       298   173  0.580537
    Donuts                                                             522   129  0.247126
    Eastern European                                                    69    47  0.681159
    Egyptian                                                            12     5  0.416667
    English                                                             12     5  0.416667
    Ethiopian                                                           17     9  0.529412
    Filipino                                                            31    22  0.709677
    French                                                             310   142  0.458065
    Fruits/Vegetables                                                    6     0  0.000000
    German                                                              28    14  0.500000
    Greek                                                              138    67  0.485507
    Hamburgers                                                         363   109  0.300275
    Hawaiian                                                            48    12  0.250000
    Hotdogs                                                             28     6  0.214286
    Hotdogs/Pretzels                                                    31     8  0.258065
    Ice Cream, Gelato, Yogurt, Ices                                    346   128  0.369942
    Indian                                                             320   204  0.637500
    Indonesian                                                           9     7  0.777778
    Iranian                                                              4     3  0.750000
    Irish                                                              191   114  0.596859
    Italian                                                            964   490  0.508299
    Japanese                                                           868   417  0.480415
    Jewish/Kosher                                                      335   189  0.564179
    Juice, Smoothies, Fruit Salads                                     423   134  0.316785
    Korean                                                             308   129  0.418831
    Latin (Cuban, Dominican, Puerto Rican, South & Central American)   828   476  0.574879
    Mediterranean                                                      281   131  0.466192
    Mexican                                                            963   463  0.480789
    Middle Eastern                                                     192   101  0.526042
    Moroccan                                                             9     4  0.444444
    Not Listed/Not Applicable                                            9     2  0.222222
    Nuts/Confectionary                                                   6     1  0.166667
    Other                                                             1739    43  0.024727
    Pakistani                                                           30    18  0.600000
    Pancakes/Waffles                                                    15    10  0.666667
    Peruvian                                                            83    54  0.650602
    Pizza                                                             1199   632  0.527106
    Pizza/Italian                                                      476   269  0.565126
    Polish                                                              25    15  0.600000
    Portuguese                                                          11     6  0.545455
    Russian                                                             68    37  0.544118
    Salads                                                              78    22  0.282051
    Sandwiches                                                         358   120  0.335196
    Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet                                     234    77  0.329060
    Scandinavian                                                         8     5  0.625000
    Seafood                                                            195    85  0.435897
    Soul Food                                                           66    40  0.606061
    Soups                                                                8     2  0.250000
    Soups & Sandwiches                                                  43    12  0.279070
    Southwestern                                                         3     1  0.333333
    Spanish                                                            630   349  0.553968
    Steak                                                               79    39  0.493671
    Tapas                                                               41    18  0.439024
    Tex-Mex                                                            126    57  0.452381
    Thai                                                               307   167  0.543974
    Turkish                                                             71    35  0.492958
    Vegetarian                                                         130    70  0.538462
    Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia                                       99    55  0.555556
                                                                         n  mice  fraction
    Basque                                                               1     0  0.000000
    Fruits/Vegetables                                                    6     0  0.000000
    Other                                                             1739    43  0.024727
    Nuts/Confectionary                                                   6     1  0.166667
    Hotdogs                                                             28     6  0.214286
    Not Listed/Not Applicable                                            9     2  0.222222
    Donuts                                                             522   129  0.247126
    Hawaiian                                                            48    12  0.250000
    Soups                                                                8     2  0.250000
    Hotdogs/Pretzels                                                    31     8  0.258065
    Continental                                                         48    13  0.270833
    Barbecue                                                            54    15  0.277778
    Soups & Sandwiches                                                  43    12  0.279070
    Armenian                                                            25     7  0.280000
    Salads                                                              78    22  0.282051
    Hamburgers                                                         363   109  0.300275
    Café/Coffee/Tea                                                   1798   552  0.307008
    Juice, Smoothies, Fruit Salads                                     423   134  0.316785
    Sandwiches/Salads/Mixed Buffet                                     234    77  0.329060
    Southwestern                                                         3     1  0.333333
    Sandwiches                                                         358   120  0.335196
    Ice Cream, Gelato, Yogurt, Ices                                    346   128  0.369942
    Bottled beverages, including water, sodas, juices, etc.            109    45  0.412844
    Egyptian                                                            12     5  0.416667
    English                                                             12     5  0.416667
    American                                                          5735  2395  0.417611
    Korean                                                             308   129  0.418831
    Seafood                                                            195    85  0.435897
    Tapas                                                               41    18  0.439024
    Moroccan                                                             9     4  0.444444
    Brazilian                                                           29    13  0.448276
    Tex-Mex                                                            126    57  0.452381
    French                                                             310   142  0.458065
    Asian                                                              402   185  0.460199
    Mediterranean                                                      281   131  0.466192
    Chicken                                                            505   236  0.467327
    Japanese                                                           868   417  0.480415
    Mexican                                                            963   463  0.480789
    Greek                                                              138    67  0.485507
    Turkish                                                             71    35  0.492958
    Steak                                                               79    39  0.493671
    German                                                              28    14  0.500000
    Californian                                                          4     2  0.500000
    Italian                                                            964   490  0.508299
    Chinese/Japanese                                                    44    23  0.522727
    Bakery                                                             748   392  0.524064
    Middle Eastern                                                     192   101  0.526042
    Pizza                                                             1199   632  0.527106
    Ethiopian                                                           17     9  0.529412
    Vegetarian                                                         130    70  0.538462
    Thai                                                               307   167  0.543974
    Russian                                                             68    37  0.544118
    Portuguese                                                          11     6  0.545455
    Bagels/Pretzels                                                    153    84  0.549020
    Spanish                                                            630   349  0.553968
    Vietnamese/Cambodian/Malaysia                                       99    55  0.555556
    Jewish/Kosher                                                      335   189  0.564179
    Pizza/Italian                                                      476   269  0.565126
    Chinese                                                           2380  1356  0.569748
    Latin (Cuban, Dominican, Puerto Rican, South & Central American)   828   476  0.574879
    Delicatessen                                                       298   173  0.580537
    Irish                                                              191   114  0.596859
    Polish                                                              25    15  0.600000
    Pakistani                                                           30    18  0.600000
    Soul Food                                                           66    40  0.606061
    Australian                                                          21    13  0.619048
    Chinese/Cuban                                                       21    13  0.619048
    Scandinavian                                                         8     5  0.625000
    Bangladeshi                                                         43    27  0.627907
    Indian                                                             320   204  0.637500
    Peruvian                                                            83    54  0.650602
    Cajun                                                                6     4  0.666667
    Pancakes/Waffles                                                    15    10  0.666667
    Creole/Cajun                                                         6     4  0.666667
    Caribbean                                                          706   473  0.669972
    Eastern European                                                    69    47  0.681159
    Creole                                                              22    15  0.681818
    Filipino                                                            31    22  0.709677
    Afghan                                                              14    10  0.714286
    African                                                             74    55  0.743243
    Iranian                                                              4     3  0.750000
    Indonesian                                                           9     7  0.777778
    Chilean                                                              1     1  1.000000
    Czech                                                                4     4  1.000000