A sparse list


Please type a street number (e.g., 42): 42
Grand Central Terminal is on that street.

Please type a street number (e.g., 42): 14
The Con Ed Building is on that street.

Please type a street number (e.g., 42): 15
Nothing famous is on that street.

Please type a street number (e.g., 42):

Use a dictionary instead of a sparse list.

If the keys are consecutive integers, store the information in a list. If the keys are integers that are far apart or irregularly spaced, store the information in a dictionary.


The output is the same.

Things to try

  1. The keys of a dictionary will usually be strings, and we have just seen that the keys could also be ints. But the keys cannot be lists:
    #Try to make a dictionary whose keys are lists.
    buildings = {
        [5, 34]: "The Empire State Building",
        [5, 88]: "The Guggenheim",
        [7, 57]: "Carnegie Hall",
        [1, 42]: "The United Nations",
        [7, 32]: "Penn Station"
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/myname/python/index.py", line 6, in <module>
        [7, 32]: "Penn Station"
    TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
    The keys of a dictionary must be immutable, because we don’t want to have to rearrange the dictionary every time someone changes a key. For example, the keys could be tuples.
    #a dictionary whose keys are tuples
    buildings = {
        (5, 34): "The Empire State Building",
        (5, 88): "The Guggenheim",
        (7, 57): "Carnegie Hall",
        (1, 42): "The United Nations",
        (7, 32): "Penn Station"
    while True:
            ave = int(input("Please type an avenue number (e.g., 5): "))
        except:  #if user did not type a valid int
            st = int(input("Please type a street number (e.g., 34): "))
        except:  #if user did not type a valid int
            b = buildings[(ave, st)]   #Parentheses are optional.
        except KeyError:
            b = "Nothing famous"
        print(f"{b} is at that corner.")
    Please type an avenue number (e.g., 5): 5
    Please type a street number (e.g., 34): 34
    The Empire State Building is at that corner.
    Please type an avenue number (e.g., 5): 5
    Please type a street number (e.g., 34): 35
    Nothing famous is at that corner.
    Please type an avenue number (e.g., 5):