pip3 install urllib3 pip3 install requests pip3 install facebook-sdk pip3 list
When getting the user access token, check user_posts too.
""" List my Facebook posts in the given date range. """ import sys import facebook #Get the user access token from token = "blahblahblah" graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token = token) #Get a dictionary of information about myself. try: dictionary = graph.get_object("me/feed?limit=68&until=15 june 2018&since=3 april 2018") except facebook.GraphAPIError as error: print(error, file = sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) listOfPosts = dictionary["data"] for post in listOfPosts: #or for post in reversed(listOfPosts): #post is a dict. print(f'id = {post["id"]}') print(f'created_time = {post["created_time"]}') print(f'message = {post["message"]}') print() sys.exit(0)
id = 100003285209008_1688498031269687 created_time = 2018-06-14T08:52:11+0000 message = Flew into JFK, reassembled my bicycle, and was back home in Manhattan's East Village at 4:00 a.m. I saw many beautiful lands and heard many strange creeds, but now at last I'm back at our sea-washed, sunset gates. "I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" id = 100003285209008_1679820198804137 created_time = 2018-06-07T04:39:08+0000 message = Day 65 (Wed Jun 6, 2018): Livermore to San Francisco, California. Cool and humid. id = 100003285209008_1678799532239537 created_time = 2018-06-06T06:25:47+0000 message = Day 64 (Tue Jun 5, 2018): Patterson to Livermore, California. Dispiriting day of detours and Plan B's, ending with a powerful headwind up in the Diablo Range. etc. id = 100003285209008_1615106041942220 created_time = 2018-04-06T02:08:25+0000 message = Day 3 (Thu Apr 5, 2018): Philadelphia to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. First day without freezing rain, but it snowed on me this morning in Philly and I fought a stiff headwind until late afternoon. Tomorrow: more rain and record lows. id = 100003285209008_1613873898732101 created_time = 2018-04-04T22:34:40+0000 message = Day 2: Trenton to Philadelphia. id = 100003285209008_1612855695500588 created_time = 2018-04-03T22:20:34+0000 message = MERETZKYS ACROSS AMERICA: New York to Nashville to San Francisco!
""" Read information about the user from the Facebook graph. """ import sys import facebook #to display the jpg image with tkinter: import urllib.request import tkinter import PIL.ImageTk #Get the user access token from token = "blahblahblah" graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token = token) print(f"type(graph) = {type(graph)}") #Get a dictionary of information about myself. try: dictionary1 = graph.get_object("me?fields=id,name,birthday,friends,gender,photos") except facebook.GraphAPIError as error: print(error, file = sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) for key, value in dictionary1.items(): print(f"{key:8} {str(type(value)):14}", end = "") if key != "photos": print(f" {value}") else: print() print() listOfPhotos = value["data"] #value is a dictionary dictionary2 = listOfPhotos[0] #the most recent photo id = dictionary2["id"] #the id number of the photo print(f'dictionary2["id"] = {id}') print(f'dictionary2["created_time"] = {dictionary2["created_time"]}') print(f'dictionary2["name"] = {dictionary2["name"]}') print() try: dictionary3 = graph.get_object(f"{id}/picture") except facebook.GraphAPIError as error: print(error, file = sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) url = dictionary3["url"] print(f'dictionary3["mime-type"] = {dictionary3["mime-type"]}') print(f'dictionary3["url"] = {url}') print(f'type(dictionary3["data"]) = {type(dictionary3["data"])}') print(f'len(dictionary3["data"]) = {len(dictionary3["data"])}') try: binaryFile = urllib.request.urlopen(url) except urllib.error.URLError as error: print(error, file = sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) sequenceOfBytes = #not a string of characters binaryFile.close() root = tkinter.Tk() #Display the image. try: #The following statement cannot come before the tkinter.Tk(). photoImage = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(data = sequenceOfBytes) except BaseException as error: print(error, file = sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) width = photoImage.width() height = photoImage.height() root.geometry(f"{width}x{height}") root.title(dictionary2["name"].split(maxsplit = 4)[:4]) #first four words #Put the center of the image at the center of the canvas. canvas = tkinter.Canvas(root, highlightthickness = 0) canvas.create_image(width / 2, height / 2, image = photoImage) canvas.pack(expand = tkinter.YES, fill = "both") root.mainloop()
type(graph) = <class 'facebook.GraphAPI'> id <class 'str'> 100003285209008 name <class 'str'> Mark Meretzky birthday <class 'str'> 07/12/1955 friends <class 'dict'> {'data': [], 'summary': {'total_count': 51}} gender <class 'str'> male photos <class 'dict'> dictionary2["id"] = 2346269302159220 dictionary2["created_time"] = 2019-08-11T00:42:56+0000 dictionary2["name"] = A brass plaque shiny enough to reflect an image. Is that part of the message? dictionary3["mime-type"] = image/jpeg dictionary3["url"] = type(dictionary3["data"]) = <class 'bytes'> len(dictionary3["data"]) = 89223