The setattr and getattr functions

See also hasattr.


Convert a string that looks like a dictionary into a Python object
with attributes.

import sys
import json                #JavaScript Object Notation

#Assume we have downloaded this JSON-format string from a server.

s = """\
   "name": "Mark",
   "age": 64,
   "favorite years": [1965, 1982, 1995],
   "IKEA language": {"Billy": "bookcase", "Sladda": "bike", "Klippan": "sofa"}

#Convert the string of characters into a dictionary.

    dictionary = json.loads(s)
except json.JSONDecodeError as error:

#Copy the keys and values of the dictionary into a Python object of class Person.

class Person(object):

person = Person()   #Create an object of type Person.

for key, value in dictionary.items():
    setattr(person, key, value)

#Print the Python object to make sure it's okay.

for key in person.__dict__:
    print(key, getattr(person, key))

name Mark
age 64
favorite years [1965, 1982, 1995]
IKEA language {'Billy': 'bookcase', 'Sladda': 'bike', 'Klippan': 'sofa'}

Note that at the end of the program we could have said

but we could not have said
print(person.favorite years)
because favorite years is not a valid Python identifier.

Things to try

  1. Does the object person have any methods? We will discover that person has many methods, inherited form the base class object. In the following code, attributes is a list of strings containing the names of all the attributes of person. Some of these attributes are variables and some are methods. methods is a list of strings containing the names of the attributes that are methods.
    attributes = dir(person)
    methods = [attribute for attribute in attributes
        if callable(getattr(person, attribute))]   #also try if not callable
    for i, method in enumerate(methods, start = 1):
        print(f"{i:2} {method}")
     1 __class__
     2 __delattr__
     3 __dir__
     4 __eq__
     5 __format__
     6 __ge__
     7 __getattribute__
     8 __gt__
     9 __hash__
    10 __init__
    11 __init_subclass__
    12 __le__
    13 __lt__
    14 __ne__
    15 __new__
    16 __reduce__
    17 __reduce_ex__
    18 __repr__
    19 __setattr__
    20 __sizeof__
    21 __str__
    22 __subclasshook__