an item from the index.
In this
each item from the index is a two-letter
the same integer
(non-negative or negative)
that you would use to index a Python
Since a two-letter
is a valid Python
(variable name),
you can abbreviate
with the
reference dot.
import sys import pandas as pd data = { "AL": "Alabama", "AK": "Alaska", "AZ": "Arizona", "AR": "Arkansas", "CA": "California" } series = pd.Series(data = data, name = "state") = "abbr" print(f'{series.loc["CA"] = }') print(f'{series.iloc[4] = }') print(f'{series.iloc[-1] = }') print(f'{series["CA"] = }') #Same as series.loc["CA"], because "CA" is in the index. print(f'{series.CA = }') #abbreviation for the above statement. print(f'{series[4] = }') #Same as series.iloc[4], because 4 is not in the index. print(f'{series[-1] = }') #Same as series.iloc[-1], because -1 is not in the index. print() series["CA"] = "Cali-for-ni-a" print(series) sys.exit(0)
series.loc["CA"] = 'California' series.iloc[4] = 'California' series.iloc[-1] = 'California' series["CA"] = 'California' series.CA = 'California' series[4] = 'California' series[-1] = 'California' abbr AL Alabama AK Alaska AZ Arizona AR Arkansas CA Cali-for-ni-a Name: state, dtype: object
import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd data = [ "Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona", "Arkansas", "California" ] index = pd.RangeIndex(1, len(data) + 1, name = "#") series = pd.Series(data = data, index = index, name = "state") print(series) print() print(f"{ = }") print(f"{ = }") print() print(f"{series.loc[5] = }") print(f"{series.iloc[4] = }") print(f"{series.iloc[-1] = }") print(f'{series[5] = }') #Same as series.loc[5], because 5 is in the index. #Would raise a KeyError exception because the index is an index of integers: #print(f'{series.loc[-1] = }') #print(f'{series[-1] = }') sys.exit(0)
# 1 Alabama 2 Alaska 3 Arizona 4 Arkansas 5 California Name: state, dtype: object = 'object' = 'int64' series.loc[5] = 'California' series.iloc[4] = 'California' series.iloc[-1] = 'California' series[5] = 'California'
import sys import pandas as pd #Can't store this data into a dict, because there are more than one "LOL". data = [ ["IMHO", "in my humble opinion"], ["LOL", "laughing out loud"], ["LOL", "lots of luck"], ["OMG", "oh my God"], ["ROFL", "rolling on the floor laughing"] ] index = pd.Index( data = [datum[0] for datum in data], name = "abbr") series = pd.Series(data = [datum[1] for datum in data], index = index, name = "Texting Abbreviations") print(series) print() print(f'{series["ROFL"] = }') #series["ROFL"] is a str print() print(series["LOL"]) #series["LOL"] is a pd.Series sys.exit(0)
abbr IMHO in my humble opinion LOL laughing out loud LOL lots of luck OMG oh my God ROFL rolling on the floor laughing Name: Texting Abbreviations, dtype: object series["ROFL"] = 'rolling on the floor laughing' LOL laughing out loud LOL lots of luck Name: Texting Abbreviations, dtype: object
Select as many items as you want, in any order.
import sys
import pandas as pd
data = {
"CT": "Connecticut",
"NJ": "New Jersey",
"NY": "New York"
series = pd.Series(data = data, name = "state") = "abbr"
print(series.loc[["NY", "NJ", "CT"]])
print(series.iloc[[2, 1, 0]])
print(series[["NY", "NJ", "NJ"]]) #same as series.loc[["NY", "NJ", "NJ"]]
abbr CT Connecticut NJ New Jersey NY New York Name: state, dtype: object abbr NY New York NJ New Jersey CT Connecticut Name: state, dtype: object abbr NY New York NJ New Jersey CT Connecticut Name: state, dtype: object abbr NY New York NJ New Jersey NJ New Jersey Name: state, dtype: object
import sys import pandas as pd data = { "AL": "Alabama", "AK": "Alaska", "AZ": "Arizona", "AR": "Arkansas", "CA": "California" } series = pd.Series(data = data, name = "state") = "abbr" print('series["AK": "AR"]') #Warning: the slice is inclusive. It contains 3 states. print( series["AK": "AR"]) #could also say print(series.loc["AK": "AR"]) print() print('series[1:3]') #Warning: the slice is exclusive. It contains only 2 states. print( series[1:3]) print() print('series[["AK", "AR"]]') #["AK", "AR"] is a Python list. print( series[["AK", "AR"]]) #could also say print(series.loc[["AK", "AR"]]) print() print('series[["AK", "AR", "AZ"]]') print( series[["AK", "AR", "AZ"]]) #could also say print(series.loc[["AK", "AR", "AZ"]]) print() print("series.iloc[1:3]") #Warning: the slice is exclusive. It contains only 2 states. print( series.iloc[1:3]) print() print("series.iloc[[1, 3]]") print( series.iloc[[1, 3]]) print() print("series.iloc[[1, 3, 2]]") print( series.iloc[[1, 3, 2]]) sys.exit(0)
series["AK": "AR"] abbr AK Alaska AZ Arizona AR Arkansas Name: state, dtype: object series[1:3] abbr AK Alaska AZ Arizona Name: state, dtype: object series[["AK", "AR"]] abbr AK Alaska AR Arkansas Name: state, dtype: object series[["AK", "AR", "AZ"]] abbr AK Alaska AR Arkansas AZ Arizona Name: state, dtype: object series.iloc[1:3] abbr AK Alaska AZ Arizona Name: state, dtype: object series.iloc[[1, 3]] abbr AK Alaska AR Arkansas Name: state, dtype: object series.iloc[[1, 3, 2]] abbr AK Alaska AR Arkansas AZ Arizona Name: state, dtype: object
I didn’t bother to specify an index, so the index defaults to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
import sys import pandas as pd data = [ "A word that means the world to me.", #0 "O means only that she's growing old.", #1 "T is for the tears she shed to save me.", #2 "E is for her eyes with love-light shining.", #3 "M is for the million things she gave me.", #4 "R means right and right she'll always be.", #5 "Put them all together, they spell mother,", #6 "H is for her heart of purest gold." #7 ] series = pd.Series(data = data, name = "poem") #To unscramble, you will have to write something like the following. print(series.iloc[[1, 0, 2, 7, 5, 6, 3, 4]]) print() #Left-justify the lines. s = series.to_string(index = False) #s is one big string lines = [line.lstrip() for line in s.splitlines()] #lines is a list of smaller strings s = "\n".join(lines) #rejoin them back into one big string print(s) sys.exit(0)
import sys import pandas as pd data = [ "A word that means the world to me.", #0 "O means only that she's growing old.", #1 "T is for the tears she shed to save me.", #2 "E is for her eyes with love-light shining.", #3 "M is for the million things she gave me.", #4 "R means right and right she'll always be.", #5 "Put them all together, they spell mother,", #6 "H is for her heart of purest gold." #7 ] series = pd.Series(data = data, name = "poem") print(series) print() data = [7, 1, 2, 4, 0, 5, 6, 3] index = pd.Index(data = data) series.index = index #Give the Series a new index. print(series) print() series.sort_index(inplace = True) #or series = series.sort_index() print(series) sys.exit(0)
0 A word that means the world to me. 1 O means only that she's growing old. 2 T is for the tears she shed to save me. 3 E is for her eyes with love-light shining. 4 M is for the million things she gave me. 5 R means right and right she'll always be. 6 Put them all together, they spell mother, 7 H is for her heart of purest gold. Name: poem, dtype: object 7 A word that means the world to me. 1 O means only that she's growing old. 2 T is for the tears she shed to save me. 4 E is for her eyes with love-light shining. 0 M is for the million things she gave me. 5 R means right and right she'll always be. 6 Put them all together, they spell mother, 3 H is for her heart of purest gold. Name: poem, dtype: object 0 M is for the million things she gave me. 1 O means only that she's growing old. 2 T is for the tears she shed to save me. 3 H is for her heart of purest gold. 4 E is for her eyes with love-light shining. 5 R means right and right she'll always be. 6 Put them all together, they spell mother, 7 A word that means the world to me. Name: poem, dtype: object
"Keep only the rows with a correctly spelled index." import sys import pandas as pd data = [ ["Brooklyn", "Brad"], ["Manhattan", "Mark"], ["Queens", "Quentin"], ["Staten Island", "Stanley"], ["Staten Island", "Stanislav"], ["Manhattan", "Mary"], ["Broklyn", "Bill"], #misspelled ["Manhattan", "Manfred"] ] valids = [ "Bronx", "Brooklyn", "Manhattan", "Queens", "Staten Island" ] index = pd.Index( data = [person[0] for person in data], name = "borough") series = pd.Series(data = [person[1] for person in data], index = index, name = "People") print(series) print() indexOfInvalids = series.index.difference(valids) print(f"{indexOfInvalids = }") print() series.drop(indexOfInvalids, inplace = True) print(series) sys.exit(0)
borough Brooklyn Brad Manhattan Mark Queens Quentin Staten Island Stanley Staten Island Stanislav Manhattan Mary Broklyn Bill Manhattan Manfred Name: People, dtype: object indexOfInvalids = Index(['Broklyn'], dtype='object', name='borough') borough Brooklyn Brad Manhattan Mark Queens Quentin Staten Island Stanley Staten Island Stanislav Manhattan Mary Manhattan Manfred Name: People, dtype: object