The Python Standard Library array.array


  1. Tools for Working with Lists in the Python Tutorial
  2. array module in the Python Standard Library

Homogeneous vs. heterogeneous containers

A container is an object such as a list, tuple, dict, or set. A list is a heterogeneous container because it can contain items of different data types. A array.array is a homogeneous container because all its items must be of the same data type. (Other examples of homogeneous containers are str and bytes.)

person = ["Smith", "John", "A", 10040, 2122345678, True]   #a list

Why make a heterogeneous list instead of six separate variables?

lastName = "Smith"
firstName = "John"
middleInitial = "A"
zipCode = 10040
phoneNumber = 2122345678
gender = True

Because putting them into a list makes it easier to have more than one person:

import sys

persons = [
    ["Smith",   "John", "A",  10040, 2122345678, True],
    ["Public",  "John", "Q",  10003, 7182345678, True],
    ["Doe",     "Jane", None, 10003, 9142345678, False],
    ["Sixpack", "Joe",  None, 10003, 9143456789, False]

phoneNumbers = [person[4] for person in persons]

westchesterPhoneNumbers = [phoneNumber for phoneNumber in phoneNumbers
    if str(phoneNumber).startswith("914")]

print(f"westchesterPhoneNumbers = {westchesterPhoneNumbers}") #Python 3.7
print(f"{westchesterPhoneNumbers = }")                        #Python 3.8

westchesterPhoneNumbers = [9142345678, 9143456789]
westchesterPhoneNumbers = [9142345678, 9143456789]

An array.array uses less memory.

"How many bytes are occupied by 100 million floats?"

import sys
import array

n = 100_000_000   #underscores ignored

li = [float(i) for i in range(n)] #a list of floats
print(f"{len(li)             = :11,}")
print(f"{sys.getsizeof(li)   = :11,}")
print(f"{sys.getsizeof(li) / len(li)   = }")

tu = tuple(li)
print(f"{len(tu)             = :11,}")
print(f"{sys.getsizeof(tu)   = :11,}")

ar = array.array("d", li)         #"d" for "double"
print(f"{len(ar)             = :11,}")
print(f"{ar.buffer_info()[1] = :11,}")
print(f"{ar.itemsize         = :11,}")
print(f"{sys.getsizeof(ar)   = :11,}")

len(li)             = 100,000,000
sys.getsizeof(li)   = 859,724,464
sys.getsizeof(li) / len(li)   = 8.59724464

len(tu)             = 100,000,000
sys.getsizeof(tu)   = 800,000,040

len(ar)             = 100,000,000
ar.buffer_info()[1] = 100,000,000
ar.itemsize         =           8
sys.getsizeof(ar)   = 800,000,064

An array.array uses less time.

"How many seconds does it take to slice a list of 100 million floats?"

import sys
import timeit

n = 100_000_000 #how many floats
repeat = 4      #Do the experiment 4 times.
number = 1      #Each experiment consists of 1 execution of the code.

setup = f"l = [float(i) for i in range({n})]"
code = "l = l[::2]"
s = timeit.repeat(code, setup = setup, repeat = repeat, number = number)
print(f"{s} seconds")
minList = min(s)
print(f"{minList} seconds is the minimum.")

setup = f'import array; a = array.array("d", range({n}))'
code = "a = a[::2]"
s = timeit.repeat(code, setup = setup, repeat = repeat, number = number)
print(f"{s} seconds")
minArray = min(s)
print(f"{minArray} seconds is the minimum.")

print(f"The array.array is {minList / minArray} times faster than the list.")
[1.9324892540000018, 1.4928774520000019, 1.427949697999999, 1.396348383000003] seconds
1.396348383000003 seconds is the minimum.

[0.360193326000001, 0.34141492199999846, 0.33032098099999985, 0.3401288020000095] seconds
0.33032098099999985 seconds is the minimum.

The array is 4.227247021284438 times faster than the list.