#include #include #include "date.h" using namespace std; int main() { const date independenceDay {7, 4, 1776}; independenceDay.print(); cout << " is Independence Day.\n"; //Ask the operating system for the current date and time. const time_t t {time(nullptr)}; const tm *const p {localtime(&t)}; //Output today's date. const date today {p->tm_mon + 1, p->tm_mday, p->tm_year + 1900}; today.print(); cout << " is today.\n"; //Output tomorrow's date. date tomorrow {today}; //Make a copy of the value of today. tomorrow.next(); //Advance one day. tomorrow.print(); cout << " is tomorrow.\n"; //Output the date of next Christmas, 315 days from today (Feb 13 2025). date christmas {today}; christmas.next(315); christmas.print(); cout << " is next Christmas.\n"; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }