In-Class Examples for CISC-2000-E01

For some reason, C++ exceptions were not on the list of topics I was given.

  1. Pointers
    1. Hexadecimal (base 16) notation for memory addresses.
    2. A pointer is a variable that contains the address of another variable.
    3. Motivate pointers by looping through an array with a pointer.
    4. Pointer arguments vs. reference arguments.
    5. Pass an array to a function by passing a pointer.
  2. Classes.
  3. Operator overloading.
  4. Dynamic memory allocation with new and delete.
  5. Inheritance and polymorphism.
    1. Single inheritance vs. multiple inheritance
    2. Abstract base classes and pure virtual functions
    3. Public inheritance vs. private inheritance
  6. Templates.
    1. Template functions
    2. Template classes