CISC-2000-E01 Homework

  1. Thursday, January 16, 2025. Read the course syllabus. Make sure you can log into your account on the Fedora Linux server Write your secret password on a piece of paper. If you forgot your secret password, submit this form to reset your secret password. Nothing to hand in this week.

    Compare binary.C, which outputs an integer as 32 bits, with hexadecimal.C, which outputs an integer as 8 hex digits. Each hex digit is an abbreviation for a series of four bits. (A series of four bits is called a nibble.) Can you compile and run these two C++ programs in your home directory on

    Do you understand why the first for loop in loop.C has to perform an invisible multiplication and addition each time you evaluate the expression a[i]? Do you understand how the second for loop avoids this hidden arithmetic?

    Play with the Linux commands. If you put a file in the public_html subdirectory of your home directory on, see if it shows up here. (You may have to refresh this page in your browser.)

  2. Thursday, January 23, 2025. Make sure you can imitate the series of additions I made to bintodec1.C (in bintodec2.C, bintodec3.C, bintodec4.C) to catch the invalid_argument and out_of_range exceptions (and any other exceptions) that might be thrown by the function stoi.

    Admire how sdg5 generated the hexadecimal digits from right to left, and then loaded them into the array result starting at the end of the array and working forward, in his program hexadecimal.C. Compare to this hexadecimal.C.

    Note the similarities between the following programs:

    1. rocket.C looped through an array, and used a pointer (p) to access four consecutive elements of the array (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]) during each iteration of the loop. (Does rocket.C run smoothly on your Apple Macintosh or Windows PC? Are you really serious about animating the recursive maze.C program we ran last semester?)
    2. movingaverage.C looped through an array, and used a pointer (p) to access five consecutive elements of the array (p[-2], p[-1], p[0], p[1], p[2]) during each iteration of the loop.
    3. bubblesortintptr.C looped through an array, and used a pointer (q) to access two consecutive elements of the array (q[0], q[1]) during each iteration of the loop.

    The program passstruct.C began with the blueprint for a new type of structure (called a month). It created a variable named j of this type, and passed the address of this variable to a function named f. The function received this address as a pointer named p, and used the pointer to access the two fields inside of j. The blueprint for month had to be written up above the main function, to make it possible to mention the word month in both of the functions main and f.

    Imitating passstruct.C, write a C++ program that has a blueprint for an interesting type of structure containing a few fields. Then create a variable of this type in the main function, and pass the address of the variable down to another function. The other function will receive the address as a pointer named p and will use the pointer to access the fields inside of the structure. Have the function do something interesting with the structire, not merely outputting the fields of the structure. Name your program structure.C, and put it in the public_html subdirectory of your home directory on by 6:00 p.m. EST on Wednesday, January 29, 2025.

    For more inspiration, look at struct.C. It creates a structure named tomorrow, and passes the address of tomorrow down to the one-argument next function, which does an elaborate computation to change the three fields inside of tomorrow to the following day’s date. Good luck.

  3. Thursday, January 30, 2025. The class date in obj1.C already has the following two non-const member functions:
    	void next(int n); //Go n days into the future.
    	void next();      //Go 1 day into the future.
    Add two more non-const member functions
    	void prev(int n); //Go n days into the past.
    	void prev();      //Go 1 day into the past.
    that will make the object to which they belong move into the past.

    Test your new functions by making a date object that contains March 1, 2025. Make the object go 1 day into the past and verify that it changes into February 28, 2025. Put this program into a file named prev.C in the public_html subdirectory of your home directory on by Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 6:00 pm EST.

    Also by next Wednesday, make a C++ program named interesting.C in your public_html that creates a class, and creates one or more objects of that class, and calls one or more member functions of these objects to do something interesting. A simple but spiritless possibility would be to create a class time containing three data members named hour, minute, second, very similar to the class date in obj1.C.

    An experiment you could try: what is the biggest number of integers you can say you want to store on in the program new3.C without throwing an exception? Is it always the same number?

    Some code you could study: do the two versions of the function categor in jr224 always return the same value for any windspeed greater than or equal to 74?

    The Rose Hill tutoring room, John Mulcahy Hall room 310, is open 11:30–5:15 M–F (only until 4:00 pm on Monday until they find coverage).

  4. Thursday, February 6, 2025. Add the following three functions to the one-file C++ program obj2.C.
    1. The class date in this program already has a constructor with three explicit arguments. Keep this constructor, but add another constructor with no explicit arguments. This no-arg constructor will initialize the newborn date object to today’s date. To get this information, the constructor will call the functions time and localtime that we saw in time.C. Test your new constructor with the following code in the main function:
      	const date t; //Call the new constructor with no explicit arguments.
      	cout << "Today is ";
      	t.print();    //Make sure that t contains today's date.
      	cout << ".\n";
    2. The class date in this program already has several member functions. Keep them, but add another member function declared as
      	//Declarations for member functions of class date
      	int dayOfYear() const;
      that will return an int, in the range 1 to 365 inclusive, that will indicate what day of the year is the object that the member function belongs to. For example, the dayOfYear member function of a date object containing January 1 of any year will return 1, and the dayOfYear member function of a date object containing December 31 of any year will return 365. (Christmas will return 359.) Your member function will have to use the numbers in the date::length array. Test your new member function with the following code in the main function:
      	const date xmas {12, 25, 2025}; //Call constructor with 3 explicit args.
              cout << "Christmas is day number " << xmas.dayOfYear()
                      << " of the year.\n";    //Make sure it's 359.
    3. Write a friend function declared as
      	//Declarations for member functions and friend functions of class date
      	int dayOfYear() const;                               //a member function
      	friend int distance(const date& d1, const date& d2); //a friend function
      and defined as
      int distance(const date& d1, const date& d2)
      Its two arguments will be references to two date objects, and it will return the distance measured in days between the two objects. Think of this function as if it were subtracting d2 from d1. That means the return value will be positive if d1 is later than d2, zero if d1 and d2 are holding the same date, and negative if d2 is later than d1. Hint: distance should call dayOfYear to do some of its work. Test your new friend function with the following code in the main function:
      	const date summer {6, 20, 2025};  //first day of summer
      	const date t;                     //today
      	const int dist {distance(summer, t)};
      	cout << "Only " << dist << " days till summer.\n";
    Please put this homework in a file named three.C in the public_html subdirectory of your home directory on by Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 6:00 pm EST.
  5. Thursday, February 13, 2025.

    Make a subdirectory named height in the public_html subdirectory of your home directory on

    cd public_html
    mkdir height
    ls -ld height
    cd height
    In this new directory, place a new version of the C++ program consisting of the three files height.h, height.C, and main.C. In this new version, change the feet and inches data members of class height to the following data member.
    	double centimeters;   //the height in centimeters
    Keep the arguments of the constructors, and the output of the print member function, the same; the rest of the program (in this case, the main function), should have no idea that the data members have been changed.

    Extra credit, for people who know Trigonometry. Make a subdirectory named point in the public_html subdirectory of your home directory on In this new directory, place a new version of the C++ program consisting of the three files point.h, point.C, and main.C. In this new version, change the x and y data members of class height to the following two data members

    	double r;     //the polar coördinates of the point
    	double theta; //in radians
    Keep the arguments of the constructors, and the output of the print member function the same; the rest of the program (in this case, the main function), should have no idea that the data members have changed. Also add two new public member functions,
    	double x() const;
    	double y() const;
    that will return the Cartesian coördinates of the point.

    More extra credit. Do the indentation exercise at the end of class announcer.

    See Glenmore Marshall’s instructions for installing C++ on Macintosh (not required for this course). Thanks.

    I corrected my embarrassing inefficiences in the dayOfYear member function of class date. Sorry.

  6. Thursday, February 20, 2025. Study for midterm.
  7. Thursday, February 27, 2025. No homework.
  8. Thursday, March 6, 2025.
    1. Review how we reduced the original three-data member class date (date.h, date.C, main.C) to two data members and then to one data member.
    2. Review how we added the friend function operator<< to the one-data member class date in date.h, date.C, main.C. Review how we added the (inline) member function operator+= to the one-data member class date in date.h, date.C, main.C.
    3. Create a subdirectory named grade in your home directory on
      cd              (Go to your home directory.)
      pwd             (Make sure you arrived there.)
      ls -l           (See what you already have in your home directory.)
      mkdir grade     (Create a subdirectory named grade.)
      ls -ld grade    (Make sure you created the subdirectory.)
      cd grade        (Go down into the new subdirectory.)
      pwd             (Make sure you arrived there.)
      ls -l           (See what's there.  It should be empty, of course.)
      In this subdirectory, create a three-file C++ program (grade.h, grade.C, main.C) that creates a class named grade. An object of this class will hold one of 14 possible values, indicating a grade in the range F, F+, D–, D, D+, …, A–, A, A+. What data member(s) would have to be inside of each grade object to empower the grade object to hold one of these 14 possible values? Give the class a constructor that will accept one string argument such as "A" or "A-" or "B+". Give class grade a friend function operator<< and a member function operator+=, imitating what we did for the one-data member class date. Write a main function in the file main.C that will construct one or more grade objects and demonstrate that operator<< and operator+= work.

      If you just can’t get class grade to work, you can peek at my grade.h, grade.C, main.C, but I want to encourage you to do it on your own. Can you figure out how to make an operator-= member function (almost identical to operator+=)? Next week, we will make lots of other operator functions, starting with operator+ and operator++. Thank you.

  9. Thursday, March 13, 2025. The main ideas from tonight’s class:
    1. operator+= and prefix operator++ change the value of an existing object.
    2. operator+ and postfix operator++ create a new object. (operator+ can create this new object as a pass-by-value argument.)
    3. Therefore operator+= is simpler than operator+. And prefix operator++ is simpler than postfix operator++.
    4. operator+ and prefix operator++ can do some of their work by calling operator+=.
    5. Postfix operator++ can do some of its work by calling prefix operator++.
    6. operator!=, operator>, operator>=, operator<= can do some of their work by calling the two friend functions operator== and operator<.
    Add the operators we did today (+, prefix ++, postfix ++, ==, !=, -, <, >, >=, <=) to class grade. Also add -, prefix --, and postfix --. Add some statements to to class grade’s main.C to test these new functions.
  10. Thursday, March 27, 2025.
  11. Thursday, April 3, 2025.
  12. Thursday, April 10, 2025.
  13. Thursday, April 24, 2025.
  14. Thursday, May 1, 2025.