Account information on node for: John Smith

Username: jsmith
Password: BrotherCanYouSpare

This new account enables you to login to the following machine:

Your email address for this account is If email forwarding has not been set up, you can read email for this account using webmail at the URL (Mail forwarding is described at CIShelp within the Electronic Mail section.)

You should change your password to something that is easy for you to remember, but hard for a Bad Guy to guess. You can do this directly from a command shell with the “passwd” command. Alternatively, you can use the webmail server to change your password. Go to the email URL above, and once logged in there, click on the gear symbol (user preferences), then the key icon (change password).

If you ssh (secure shell) from outside Fordham’s network, you have 6 attempts to enter your password, before your IP is banned for one hour.

This account includes a personal web page. At the moment it is empty. If you wish to populate it, place files into the directory named public_html. Your URL is:

An introduction to the system and how to use it can be found by pointing a web browser to this URL:

If you have any questions, send email to: