Images in an HTML Page

Copy an image file from your Macintosh to your home directory on

Let’s say you have an image file named caro.png on the Desktop of your Macintosh. (It’s a photo of Robert Caro, author of The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York [1974]. See this article.) Open the Terminal app on the Macintosh and type the following, to copy the image file to your home directory on Do not give the ssh command yet. We assume that your Fordham name and password are jsmith and mypassword.

cd               (Go to your home directory on your Mac.)
pwd              (Make sure you got there.)
cd Desktop       (Go to the Desktop subdirectory of your home directory.)
pwd              (Make sure you got there.)
ls -l caro.png   (Make sure you have a file there named caro.png.)

sftp's password: mypassword 
Connected to

sftp> put caro.png
Uploading caro.png to /home/students/jsmith/caro.png
caro.png                                      100%  794KB 965.9KB/s   00:00

sftp> quit

Copy an image file from your Windows PC to your home directory on

Let’s say you have an image file named caro.png in the Downloads directory of your Windows PC. The CMD window on your Windows PC has the same ssh and sftp commands that a Macintosh has. On your Windows PC, open the CMD window and cd to the directory (your Downloads directory) that holds your image file. Once you are there, say

sftp's password: mypassword 
Connected to

sftp> put caro.png
Uploading caro.png to /home/students/jsmith/caro.png
caro.png                                      100%  794KB 965.9KB/s   00:00

sftp> quit

Move the image file from your home directory on storm to your public_html subdirectory

Now connect to your account on in the usual way, and move the image file from your home directory to your public_html subdirectory.

ssh's password: mypassword

cd         (Go to your home directory on
pwd        (Make sure you got there.)

ls -l caro.png            (Make sure you have a file there named caro.png.)
-rw-r--r-- 1 jsmith students 812750 Feb 23 19:02 caro.png

file caro.png             (See what kind of file it is.)
caro.png: PNG image data, 600 x 900, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced

mv caro.png public_html   (Move the file down to your public_html subdirectory.)
cd public_html            (Go there.)
pwd                       (Make sure you got there.)
ls -l caro.png            (Make sure the file is there.)

You should now be able to see your caro.png file in your public_html subdirectory here.

Display the image in your web page

The IMG tag is one of those tags, like HR and BR, that does not come in pairs.

Robart Caro at Fordham's removed monument to Robert Moses

A thumbnail image leading to a full-sized image somewhere else

Click on the thumbnail: