#include #include #include "employee.h" using namespace std; employee::employee(const date& initial_birth, ss_t initial_ss) : birth(initial_birth), hired() { if (dist(hired, birth) < 16 * 365) { cout << "employee born on "; birth.print(); cout << " << too young to hire\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ss = initial_ss; } employee::employee(int initial_month, int initial_day, int initial_year, ss_t initial_ss) : birth(initial_month, initial_day, initial_year), hired() { if (dist(hired, birth) < 16 * 365) { cout << "employee born on "; birth.print(); cout << " << too young to hire\n"; } ss = initial_ss; } void employee::print() const { cout << "birth date: "; birth.print(); cout << "\thired on: "; //\t is the tab character hired.print(); cout << "\tss #: " << ss; }