
The app creates a second thread with AsyncTask. The thread sends an HTTP GET command to the Open Weathermap server. (Compare the download without the GET in exercise 7 of Offer.) See OpenWeatherMap’s documentation for the zip, units, and mode parameters of the URL.

The response is a String containing a string in JSON format representing a JSON object. We call the constructor for class JSONObject to create a JSONObject that holds the information in this JSON object, and call getJSONObject, getDouble, and getLong to get some of the fields of the JSON object.

Source code in

  2. activity_main.xml consists of a RelativeLayout containing a ScrollView containing a TextView. The ScrollView lets the TextView scroll.
  3. strings.xml
  4. AndroidManifest.xml has uses-permission INTERNET.
  5. build.gradle (Module: app).

Output into the TextView

See Parameters, Weather Condition Codes, and Weather icons.

JSON string downloaded from server =
{"coord":{"lon":-74.01,"lat":40.71},"weather":[{"id":701,"main":"Mist","description":"mist","icon":"50n"},{"id":500,"main":"Rain","description":"light rain","icon":"10n"}],"base":"cmc stations","main":{"temp":76.69,"pressure":1015,"humidity":65,"temp_min":70,"temp_max":84.2},"wind":{"speed":7.78,"deg":220},"clouds":{"all":40},"dt":1436324173,"sys":{"type":1,"id":1975,"message":0.006,"country":"US","sunrise":1436347955,"sunset":1436401761},"id":5128581,"name":"New York","cod":200}

JSON object =
    "id": 5128581,
    "dt": 1436324173,
    "clouds": {
        "all": 40
    "coord": {
        "lat": 40.71,
        "lon": -74.01
    "wind": {
        "speed": 7.78,
        "deg": 220
    "cod": 200,
    "sys": {
        "message": 0.006,
        "id": 1975,
        "sunrise": 1436347955,
        "type": 1,
        "sunset": 1436401761,
        "country": "US"
    "name": "New York",
    "base": "cmc stations",
    "weather": [
            "id": 701,
            "icon": "50n",
            "description": "mist",
            "main": "Mist"
            "id": 500,
            "icon": "10n",
            "description": "light rain",
            "main": "Rain"
    "main": {
        "temp_min": 70,
        "temp": 76.69,
        "humidity": 65,
        "pressure": 1015,
        "temp_max": 84.2

dt = 1436324173
dt = Tuesday, July 7, 2015 10:56:13 PM EDT

main =
    "temp_min": 70,
    "temp": 76.69,
    "humidity": 65,
    "pressure": 1015,
    "temp_max": 84.2

Temperature in 10003 is 76.69° Fahrenheit.

Things to try

  1. The urlString is pasted together with question marks, ampersands, and equal signs. Instead of pasting it yourself, create it with a Uri.Builder. It’s like the AlertDialog.Builder we saw in Text.
                Uri uri = Uri.parse("");
                Uri.Builder builder = uri.buildUpon();
                builder.appendQueryParameter("zip", zip[0]);
                builder.appendQueryParameter("units", "imperial");
                builder.appendQueryParameter("mode", "json");
                uri =;
                String urlString = uri.toString();

    You can even do it in a single statement:

                String urlString =
                    .appendQueryParameter("zip", zip[0])
                    .appendQueryParameter("units", "imperial")
                    .appendQueryParameter("mode", "json")

  2. Read an array of values from the server, for example, the maximum temperature for each of the next seven days. Store the values in a Java array, plug the Java array into an ArrayAdapter<String>, and plug the ArrayAdapter<String> into a ListView.

    In activity_main.xml, replace the TextView with the following.


    In doInBackground in,

            String urlString =
                    + "?zip=" + zip[0]  //7 East 12th Street, New York NY  10003
                    + "&cnt=5"          //number of days
                    + "&units=imperial" //fahrenheit, not celsius
                    + "&mode=json";     //vs. xml or html

    Change useTheResult to the following.

        private void useTheResult(String json) {
            if (json == null) {
            String[] a = new String[5];
            try {
                JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(json);
                JSONArray list = jSONObject.getJSONArray("list");
                DateFormat dateFormat =
                        DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, Locale.getDefault());
                for (int i = 0; i < list.length(); ++i) {
                    JSONObject day = (JSONObject)list.get(i);
                    long seconds = day.getLong("dt");
                    JSONObject temp = (JSONObject)day.getJSONObject("temp");
                    double max = temp.getDouble("max");
                    a[i] = Math.round(max) + "\u00B0 F   " + dateFormat.format(1000L * seconds);
            } catch (JSONException exception) {
                Toast toast = Toast.makeText(this, exception.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
            ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String> (
            ListView listView = (ListView)findViewById(;

    The JSON object contains an array named list. The array contains five days in its [square brackets].

        "message": 0.0156,
        "list": [
                "clouds": 12,
                "dt": 1436288400,
                "humidity": 84,
                "pressure": 1010.12,
                "speed": 4.8,
                "deg": 221,
                "weather": [
                        "id": 801,
                        "icon": "02n",
                        "description": "few clouds",
                        "main": "Clouds"
                "temp": {
                    "morn": 75.31,
                    "min": 72.88,
                    "night": 72.88,
                    "eve": 75.31,
                    "max": 75.31,
                    "day": 75.31
                "clouds": 80,
                "dt": 1436374800,
                "humidity": 80,
                "pressure": 1007.54,
                "speed": 5.96,
                "deg": 245,
                "weather": [
                        "id": 500,
                        "icon": "10d",
                        "description": "light rain",
                        "main": "Rain"
                "temp": {
                    "morn": 75.7,
                    "min": 70,
                    "night": 70,
                    "eve": 76.89,
                    "max": 80.15,
                    "day": 80.15
                "rain": 1.08
                "clouds": 56,
                "dt": 1436461200,
                "humidity": 87,
                "pressure": 1009.84,
                "speed": 3.05,
                "deg": 162,
                "weather": [
                        "id": 502,
                        "icon": "10d",
                        "description": "heavy intensity rain",
                        "main": "Rain"
                "temp": {
                    "morn": 67.14,
                    "min": 63.55,
                    "night": 63.55,
                    "eve": 73.22,
                    "max": 74.82,
                    "day": 73.35
                "rain": 16.8
                "clouds": 0,
                "dt": 1436547600,
                "humidity": 63,
                "pressure": 1013.03,
                "speed": 4.56,
                "deg": 347,
                "weather": [
                        "id": 800,
                        "icon": "01d",
                        "description": "sky is clear",
                        "main": "Clear"
                "temp": {
                    "morn": 65.93,
                    "min": 64.27,
                    "night": 64.27,
                    "eve": 72.82,
                    "max": 78.15,
                    "day": 76.89
                "clouds": 5,
                "dt": 1436634000,
                "humidity": 0,
                "pressure": 1016.29,
                "speed": 2.31,
                "deg": 298,
                "weather": [
                        "id": 500,
                        "icon": "10d",
                        "description": "light rain",
                        "main": "Rain"
                "temp": {
                    "morn": 70.93,
                    "min": 68.29,
                    "night": 68.29,
                    "eve": 76.46,
                    "max": 78.33,
                    "day": 78.33
                "rain": 0.37
        "cnt": 5,
        "cod": "200",
        "city": {
            "coord": {
                "lat": 40.714272,
                "lon": -74.005966
            "id": 5128581,
            "population": 0,
            "country": "US",
            "name": "New York"