Start an Activity

In ApiDemos, ApiDemos/Graphics/OpenGL ES/OpenGL ES 2.0 is a rotating triangle containing a green robot.

Here’s how I found the names of the package and the activity class I passed to the constructor for ComponentName The <manifest> element in the ApiDemos AndroidManifest.xml file contains the following attribute.


This <manifest> element contains an <application> element that contains hundreds of <activity> elements. One of them is

		<activity android:name=".graphics.GLES20Activity"
			android:label="Graphics/OpenGL ES/OpenGL ES 2.0"

				<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
				<category android:name="android.intent.category.SAMPLE_CODE"/>


It seems redundant to repeat the package name in front of the class name in the arguments of the constructor of ComponentName. But if we don’t, startActivity concatenates the two names with a slash and throws the following exception.

Android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit activity class {}; have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?

Source code in

  2. activity_main.xml. The TextView and RelativeLayout have id numbers.
  3. strings.xml. The textView string resource contains a newline \n.
  4. AndroidManifest.xml

Things to try

  1. Why do we have to press the Android back button twice before we can get back to the original activity?

  2. Deliberately misspell the class name by adding an x. Verify that the ActivityNotFoundException says
    Unable to find explicit activity class
    have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?

  3. Try an Intent that will call a phone number. Genymotion said “Mobile network not available” until I changed the 212 to 911.
    				final Uri uri = Uri.parse("tel:2125551212");               //Uniform Resource Identifier
    				final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL, uri); //vs. ACTION_DIAL.
    Add the following element immediately before the application element in AndroidManifest.xml. CALL_PHONE has an underscore. See Using Permissions.
    	<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE"/>
    Find the TCP port number that the Android Emulator would use to talk to telnet. It’s displayed at the top of the Emulator and defaults to 5554. (5555 for Genymotion). But just to make sure,
    netstat -a -f inet -p tcp     (Macintosh Terminal)
    netstat -an -f inet -p tcp | awk 'NR <= 2 || /5554/'
    Active Internet connections (including servers)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)
    tcp4       0      0    ESTABLISHED
    netstat -a -p TCP             (Windows cmd.exe)
    To give an Emulator console command, we must telnet to the Android Emulator. See Telephony Emulation and Emulating Phone Operations in the Eclipse DDMS Perspective. On Macintosh,
    telnet localhost 5554
    On Microsoft Windows, install PuTTY and launch putty.exe.
    Host Name: localhost
    Port: 5554
    Connection type: • Telnet (but it worked better when I chose • Raw)
    Android Console: type 'help' for a list of commands
    Android console command help:
        help|h|?         print a list of commands
        event            simulate hardware events
        geo              Geo-location commands
        gsm              GSM related commands (Global System for Mobile Communications)
        cdma             CDMA related commands (Code Division Multiple Access)
        kill             kill the emulator instance
        network          manage network settings
        power            power related commands
        quit|exit        quit control session
        redir            manage port redirections
        sms              SMS related commands (Short Mesage Service)
        avd              control virtual device execution
        window           manage emulator window
        qemu             QEMU-specific commands (Quick Emulator)
        sensor           manage emulator sensors
    try 'help ' for command-specific help
    help gsm
    allows you to change GSM-related settings, or to make a new inbound phone call
    available sub-commands:
       gsm list             list current phone calls
       gsm call             create inbound phone call
       gsm busy             close waiting outbound call as busy
       gsm hold             change the state of an oubtound call to 'held'
       gsm accept           change the state of an outbound call to 'active'
       gsm cancel           disconnect an inbound or outbound phone call
       gsm data             modify data connection state
       gsm voice            modify voice connection state
       gsm status           display GSM status
       gsm signal           set sets the rssi and ber
    help gsm list
    'gsm list' lists all inbound and outbound calls and their state
    Launch the app and let it call (212) 555–1212. While the call is in progress,
    gsm list
    outbound to  2125551212 : active
    gsm cancel 2125551212
    (The emulator says CALL ENDED.)