Capture a Screenshot

Capture a screenshot of an app such as Hello as it runs on an emulator or on an Android device (phone or tablet).

Just the app’s screen

Run the app in Android Studio. When the app appears on the screen of the emulator, click on the word “Android” at the left side of the lower edge of Android Studio. Then click on the camera icon (with a circular blue lens) towards the bottom of the left edge of Android Studio.

Screen Capture
Obtaining screenshot from device…
Loading screenshot into memory…

Press Save in the lower right corner. Running a Samsung Galaxy S5 in the Genymotion emulator, the resulting image was 1080 × 1920 pixels. I saved it as a .png file.

The entire emulator window


Click on the emulator and press Command-Shift-4. The cursor will turn into a crosshair with x, y coördinates. Press the space bar to turn the cursor into a camera and whiten the emulator. Click on the emulator and you will hear the sound of a camera shutter. A 641 × 989 image of the emulator will be saved on the Desktop in a .png file whose name is in the format
Screen Shot 2015-03-18 at 8.45.20 PM.png

You can also capture a .tiff image of the emulator using the application Select
Capture → Window
Window Grab
When the window you want is ready, click Choose Window, then click on the window to capture it.
File → Save…
Give the new file a name ending with .tiff. You can convert the 529 × 877 TIFF image to PNG with

Microsoft Windows

Click on the emulator to make it the active window. Hold down the right Alt key while pressing Prt Sc. (I also held down the right Shift key.) This copies the emulator window to the Clipboard. To see the Clipboard, paste it into the application Paint and save it as a PNG. Here’s an old exmaple.