Pinch vs. Spread

Use two fingers to pinch and spread the yellow TextView. The rectangular outline shows the TextView’s original size. It lets you check that the cumulative scale factor goes back to 1 when you return the TextView to its the original size.

Using two fingers is called multi-touch. For some reason, Android calls them “pointers”, not “fingers”. You could access the fingers individually by calling the getPointerCount and the (one-argument) getX and getY methods of the MotionEvent parameter passed to the onTouch method of the View.OnTouchListener. But it’s simpler to pass the MotionEvent to the ScaleGestureDetector and let the ScaleGestureDetector call these methods for us.

The onScale method of the ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener is called many times per second while the pinch or spread is in progress. Each time, it displays the span in pixels bewteen the fingers during the current and previous calls. The scale factor is simply the ratio of these two numbers.

bc -l
scale = 4
1014.595 / 1006.656
513.923 / 520.642

The cumulative scale factor is the product of the scale factor of all the calls. It’s much more useful than the other numbers. For example, the font size is the original font size times the cumulative scale factor. TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX means that the font size is specified in pixels.

Source code in

  2. activity_main.xml. The RelativeLayout has an id number so we could make it touch-sensitive. The two TextViews are initially the same size. The first one will grow and shrink. The text in the second one is written in invisible ink (android:textColor="#000000"), but you can see its border.
  3. strings.xml
  4. border.xml contains the border for the second TextView. See the border example in Hello.
  5. AndroidManifest.xml: the <activity> element has the attribute android:screenOrientation="landscape".
  6. build.gradle (Module: app).

Run the app

To simulate multi-touch on the Android Emulator, hover to the yellow TextView, press the Mac command key, and keep the command key held down as you drag away from the TextView. See Navigating on the Screen.

Things to try

  1. Pinch Bashar al-Assad. Save assad.jpg (220 × 365) on your Desktop and then copy and paste it into the app/res/drawable folder of your project. Replace the two TextViews in activity_main.xml with the following.
    In onCreate, change
            final TextView textView = (TextView)findViewById(;
            final ImageView imageView = (ImageView)findViewById(;
    Change onScale to
                public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
                    cumulativeScaleFactor *= detector.getScaleFactor();
                    return true;
    Remove the textSize field from class MainActivity. Remove the android:screenOrientation="landscape".