Save the project as a zip file

Save the project as a .zip file

To save an Android Studio project as a .zip file, you have to create the .zip file by typing a zip command line.

While your project is open in Android Studio, click Save All icon (a little floppy disk). It’s the next-to-leftmost icon at the top of the window. Then pull down
View → Tool Windows → Terminal
to get a shell window.

Let’s say your project is named Hello and is stored in the directory ~/AndroidStudioProjects. -q is “quiet” and -r is “recursive”; combine them to -qr.

cd ~/AndroidStudioProjects
ls -ld Hello

zip -qr Hello
ls -l


Open a project stored as a .zip file

Put the file in your AndroidStudioProjects folder if it’s not already there. Double-click on to create the directory Hello.

Go to the “Welcome to Android Studio” window. You can get there by launching Android Studio, or by closing all the other Android Studio windows. Select Open an existing Android Studio project. Select the file AndroidStudioProjects/Hello/gradle/build.gradle and press OK. The project will open in Android Studio. Pull down
View → Tool Windows → Project