
See Obtaining User Location. If it doesn’t work, try LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER instead of LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER.

The GPS is expensive, so turn it off when not in use. For onPause and onResume, see the flowchart. We used them to turn the accelerometer on and off in Pearl.

Source code in Location.zip

  1. MainActivity.java
  2. activity_main.xml
  3. AndroidManifest.xml has <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />.

Tell the emulator where you are

The location of the Woolworth Building is
Latitude: 40.712222° North = 40° 42′ 44″ North
Longitude: 74.008056° West = –74° 0′ 29″ West
Remember that longitude west of the Prime Meridian is negative.

Click on the GPS icon in the right margin of the Genymotion emulator. It contains the initials GPS. Or launch the Genymotion Shell in the Applications folder.

Genymotion Shell > help
Genymotion Shell > help gps

Genymotion Shell > gps getstatus
GPS status: enabled

Genymotion Shell > gps getaccuracy
GPS Accuracy: 0
GPS status: enabled

Genymotion Shell > gps setlatitude 40.712222
Genymotion Shell > gps setlongitude -74.008056

Genymotion Shell > gps getlatitude
Genymotion Shell > gps getlongitude