Install a DatePicker.OnDateChanged Listener into a DatePicker

Select a date using the yellow DatePicker. See the date you selected and the date that is 280 days later. Left, Samsung Galaxy S5. Right, Nexus 5.

Source code in

  2. activity_main.xml. Each TextView and CalendarView is enclosed in a vertical LinearLayout. The two vertical LinearLayouts are enclosed in a horizontal LinearLayout.
  3. strings.xml: unchanged.
  4. res/values/dimens/dimens.xml. I added the dimension resource margin.
  5. res/values-w820dp/dimens.xml. I added the dimension resource margin.
  6. AndroidManifest.xml
  7. build.gradle (Module: app)


  1. Pickers and Date pickers in the Material Design spec.
  2. Pickers and Date pickers in the User Interface guide.
  3. The Java class android.widget.DatePicker
    1. Documentation
    2. platform_frameworks_base/core/java/android/widget/ source code on GitHub
  4. The Java class android.widget.CalendarView
    1. Documentation
    2. platform_frameworks_base/core/java/android/widget/ source code on GitHub
  5. The Java class java.util.Calendar
    1. Documentation

Things to try

  1. The DatePicker occupies a lot of space on the screen. To make it disappear after you have entered the date, use a DatePickerDialog instead of a DatePicker. See Pickers.