Spring 1999, Section 1 (Wednesday) Class Photo
Wednesday, February 10, 1999
Coooper Square,
room 206.
Click on the tip of each person's nose.
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tells how to make your own touch-sensitive imagemap.
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- cta205 Claude T Austin
- jb585 Jude Brennan
- pc375 Patricia Cohen
- rmc232 Robert M Cohen
- kd325 Kaylon Daniels
- rd333 Rona Dickman
- cjd202 Christopher J Dimaggio
- jd245 Joanne Doscas
- de261 Dan Even-Tal
- bg311 Bonnie Godfrey
- bah212 Brett A Hammond
- gh265 Gilbert Harris
- dli201 Darryl L Inge
- mk587 Masoud Kalani
- jyk3347 Jean Y Kimm
- al478 Anthony Lockwood
- pam220 Peter A Milford
- lap220 Louisa A Parks
- mr410 Mustapha Rahim
- ar492 Andric Rodriguez
- mt440 Marvin Tang
- et14 Eric Tse
- wgw202 Wei G Wu