INFO1-CE9416 Homework

Summer 2015 Section 2 (14 Saturdays)

  1. May 30, 2015. We did Installation, XML, Hello, RelativeLayout, and started the American flag in LinearLayout in the in-class examples. Install Android Studio and Genymotion on your Macintosh or Windows PC. (Mac users must install VirtualBox too.) If you installed Android Studio and Genymotion on a Windows PC, please email me ( the differences between the PC and Mac installations. The Facebook group for our course is App Development Intensive INFO1-CE9416.

    Create a free GitHub account and email me ( its name. Please add a picture of yourself to your GitHub account. Look at the GitHub accounts of your classmates and last semester’s students. Click on the Repositories tab of each student.

    Look at my Hello project and press the Download ZIP button in its lower right corner. Unzip the file if your web browser has not already unzipped it for you. Then in Android Studio, you can pull down
    File → Open…
    and select the Hello folder that was unzipped from the ZIP file.

    You’re probably dreaming of creating an app that reads and writes a remote database on a server somewhere. We’ll do that later in this course. For now, start looking at the databases at NYC OpenData, starting with the restaurant inspection results. If you want, you can see how we loaded the restaurant inspection results into an sqlite database last semester. On June 6th, we’ll have a brief in-class oral report about the New York City databases. (The only urban area in the United States that has a remotely comparable set of databases is the San Francisco Bay Area.)

    If you want more than the crude primary colors we made with 00, 80, and FF, the graphic design guidelines for Android—colors, margins, fonts—are here.

    Study XML. Run Hello and do the exercises in Hello, RelativeLayout, LinearLayout, but don’t hand them in. Do exercise 12 in LinearLayout, and upload it to your GitHub account. Look at the other students’ apps too.

  2. June 6, 2015. We did Bed, Before Objects, and Class. On June 13th, we’ll go over Class again, maybe with some improvements (e.g., error checking with throwing and catching exceptions).

    Want to learn to program? Write an app named Prev that has the class Date in Class. Add a no-parameter method named prev to the class. It will be just like the existing no-parameter method named next, except that it will make the Date object go backwards one day instead of forward one day. Test it with the following loop. Be sure to try out borderline cases like December 31, January 1, January 31, etc. Post this app on GitHub.

            for (;;) {
    	    int month = getInt("Month", "Type in the month (1 to 12).");
    	    int day = getInt("Day", "Type in the day of the month.");
    	    int year = getInt("Year", "Type in the year.");
                Date d = new Date(month, day, year);
                String output = "The day before " + d;
                output += " is " + d + ".\n";
                display("Previous day", output);

    Also write an entertaining app named Jun6 (not June6) and upload it to your GitHub account by June 13th. It’s okay if you want to start with the Bed app and modify it as we did all day long on June 6th. You can do input with the methods I wrote in that app: getInt, getLong, getBoolean, getFloat, getDouble, getString. You can do output with display, or with a piece of toast, or by writing into a TextView as we did in the last “isConnected” example in Before Objects. How about something totally idiotic like

            for (;;) {
                String response = getString("Knock-knock Joke", "Tell me a knock-knock joke.");
                response = getString("", "Who's there?");
                response = getString("", response + " who?");
                display("Ha ha", "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!");
    Or you could use an array of strings and a loop to display the lyrics to “A Partridge in a Pear Tree” or “Green Grow the Rushes O” or “There’s a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea” or something like that. Unicode characters like π or ש are always a plus. If you’re using more than one color, pick a set of related colors from the color palette, and browse around in this material design document.
  3. June 13, 2015. We did the class, object, and subclass examples in Class, the text examples in Text, and the listener examples in Click Listener, Key Listener, Change Listener, and SensorEvent Listener.

    Write something interesting named JUN13. For example, go to Change Listener and follow the links I made to the source code of the “Views → Rotating Button” example. Using that technology, make a SeekBar that moves a TextView upwards as in this animation.

    To prepare for the Programmatically app we will do on June 20th, look at our two examples of Views created by Java rather than by XML: the “Three TextViews” created by the for loop in Before Objects, and the row of TextViews created by the buildChart method of the MainActivity of this JUN6 project.

    On June 20th, I’ll bring in my Samsung Galaxy IIs phone and you can help me figure out how to make adb devices and Android Studio notice it.

    We will have a class on Sunday, August 9, 2015, because this course has only 13 Saturdays. See my Fall 2015 Android teaching schedule in my home page; although the courses have different numbers, they cover the same material you’re taking now.

                int color;
                if (i == 0) {
                    color = 0xFFFF0000;
                } else if (i == 1) {
                    color = 0xFFFF8000;
                } else if (i == 2) {
                    color = 0xFFFFFF00;
                } else if (i == 3) {
                    color = 0xFF00FF00;
                } else if (i == 4) {
                    color = 0xFF0000FF;
                } else if (i == 5) {
                    color = 0xFF4B0082;
                } else if (i == 6) {
                    color = 0xFF7F00FF;
                } else if (i == 7) {
                    color = 0xFF808080;
                } else if (i == 8) {
                    color = 0xFFD2B48C;
                } else {
                    color = 0xFF000000;
                int color;
                if (i == 0) {
                    color = Color.RED;
                } else if (i == 1) {
                    color = Color.rgb(0xFF, 0x80, 0x00);	//orange
                } else if (i == 2) {
                    color = Color.YELLOW;
                } else if (i == 3) {
                    color = Color.GREEN;
                } else if (i == 4) {
                    color = Color.BLUE;
                } else if (i == 5) {
                    color = Color.rgb(0x4B, 0x00, 0x82);	//indigo
                } else if (i == 6) {
                    color = Color.rgb(0x7F, 0x00, 0xFF);	//violet
                } else if (i == 7) {
                    color = Color.rgb(0x80, 0x80, 0x80);	//gray
                } else if (i == 8) {
                    color = Color.rgb(0xD2, 0xB4, 0x8C);	//tan
                } else {
                    color = Color.BLACK;

    See the Chinese years example here.

                int[] colors = {
                    Color.rgb(0xFF, 0x80, 0x00),	//orange
                    Color.rgb(0x4B, 0x00, 0x82),	//indigo
                    Color.rgb(0x7F, 0x00, 0xFF),	//violet
                    Color.rgb(0x80, 0x80, 0x80),	//gray
                    Color.rgb(0xD2, 0xB4, 0x8C)	//tan
                int color;
                if (0 <= i && i < colors.length) {
                    color = colors[i];
                } else {
                    color = Color.BLACK;

    The if statement can be telescoped to

                final int color = 0 <= i && i < colors.length ? colors[i] : Color.BLACK;
  4. June 20, 2015: up to Touch in the in-class examples. We also added one item to the options menu that already contained “Settings”. Write and upload a simple, interesting app named JUN20. For example, I still think that the most important app in the whole course is Listener. You could write an extended version of that app’s exercise 9, dedicated to Monty Hall. There would be three doors (Buttons) numbered 1, 2, and 3, and a TextView inviting you to pick one of the doors. Each door would lead you to a different screen, probably containing an ImageView or a view displaying graphics that you programmed yourself.

    Touch used a Java switch statement. I added a few switch examples to Before Objects.

    Later this semester, we’ll create a database containing a table containing the most recent inspection of each New York City restaurant. Here is the example that Sam Sultan told us how to do on June 20th.

    I’ll bring my Samsung Galaxy IIs phone on June 27th and you can figure out why Android Studio ignores it. Visit my one-day iOS tutorial on Monday, July 20th at the DevCon5 conference.

  5. June 27, 2015: up to ObjectAnimator in the in-class examples, except that we haven’t done Animation yet. I changed the listener in Puzzle from a View.OnTouchListener to a simpler View.OnClickListener.

    Write and upload an app named Jun27 that is similar to Collective. It will have a MainActivity that displays a Button that launches a second Activity. (In Collective, the second Activity is named MarkActivity.) The second Activity will do something interesting. (In Collective, the second Activity does three animations. Your second Activity could draw graphics, do animation, tell jokes, use the accelerometer, etc.) In addition, the second Activity will display nine buttons to launch nine other Activitys belonging to nine other apps.

    When you begin to create your Jun27 app, Android Studio will ask you for your Company Domain. Give it one of the following names, depending on who you are:


    Your Jun27 app will contain two subclasses of class AppCompatActivity. One subclass will be the usual MainActivity class we’ve had all along. The second subclass of AppCompatActivity will have one of the following names, depending on who you are:

    1. AbdoulayeActivity
    2. AlrickActivity
    3. AsaActivity
    4. DavidActivity
    5. DeepaliActivity
    6. JaxonActivity
    7. JeffreyActivity
    8. JoeyActivity
    9. KeenenActivity
    10. MarkActivity

    Your MainActivity should have a Button that launches your second subclass of AppCompatActivity. We saw how to do this in class on June 27th in this project; see the <activity> element in lines 22–26 of AndroidManifest.xml and the Intent object in lines 36–37 of (Read • To start an activity and • Explicit intents.) Your second subclass of AppCompatActivity should do something interesting. In addition, it should display nine Buttons that launch the nine other AppCompatActivitys in the above list.

    To run your app, install your Jun27 app and your classmates’ Jun27 apps (including my Jun27 app) on your emulator or phone. Then run your Jun27 app.

    Sam Sultan’s beginning and intermediate Java courses need passwords. No class on Saturday, July 4, 2015.

    For the instructor’s 60th birthday hike on Sunday, July 12, 2015, take the 7:43 am Metro-North Hudson Division train from Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan to the Breakneck Ridge station in Dutchess County (arriving 9:09 am). Objective: the Mount Beacon Fire Tower, elevation 1602 feet above sea level. On the U. S. Geological Survey West Point quadrangle (in the 7½′ series), it’s the “Lookout Tower” on “South Beacon Mtn” at 41° 28′ 53.1″ North 73° 56′ 40.7″ West. On the Hudson Highlands State Park trail map, we’ll go from the Hudson River up to the fire tower along the white line (BR, the Breakneck Ridge Trail) closely following the Putnam/Dutchess border. We’ll go back down along the red (CT, the Casino Trail), probably getting back on the Hudson Division train at the Beacon station. See the Wikipedia articles for Breakneck Ridge, Mount Beacon, the Incline Railway, Bannerman’s Island, etc. The view will extend from the Freedom Tower to the Catskill Mountains; see PeakFinder and the view of the Beacon reservoir from the fire tower. Bring a full day supply of food and water. The last shot of Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest is a train entering the Breakneck Ridge tunnel. The official tree of Breakneck Ridge is the chestnut oak. Weather at the fire tower.

  6. July 11, 2015. up to Cursor in the in-class examples.

    Write an app named Jul11 (uppercase J, lowercase ul, eleven) containing at least two subclasses of class AppCompatActivity: MainActivity and YournameActivity, where Yourname is your first name as listed in last week’s assignment. When you begin to create the app with Android Studio, specify your company domain as The package statement at the top of your .java files will therefore say edu.nyu.scps.yourname.jul11. Your MainActivity will display a spinner with ten items or a list with ten items. Nine of them will run the MainActivity of the Jul11 apps of the other students (including David and me). The item with your name will run the YournameActivity of your Jul11 app. YournameActivity should do something interesting, probably involving graphics, animation, gesture recognition, beeping sounds, Spinners, ListViews, the contacts data base, etc. Change the string resource app_name in strings.xml to "Jul11 Yourname". For a complete example, see 8 Ball.

    Visit my one-day iOS tutorial on Monday, July 20th at the DevCon5 conference.

    Your instructor just put his very first app on his brand new Amazon fire HD6 tablet, with 6-inch display and ultra-fast quad-core processor, front and rear facing video cameras, and an incredible selection of over 33 million movies with free unlimited cloud storage. Here’s the screen shot (800 × 1280) and the list of threads:

    adb devices
    List of devices attached
    0088080744830RTG	device
    adb devices -l
    List of devices attached
    0088080744830RTG       device usb:14100000 product:full_ariel model:KFARWI device:ariel
    adb -s 0088080744830RTG shell
    Allow USB debugging?  OK
    shell@ariel:/ $ ps
    USER     PID   PPID  VSIZE  RSS     WCHAN    PC         NAME
    root      1     0     972    492   ffffffff 00000000 S /init
    root      150   1     518100 24508 ffffffff 00000000 S zygote
    u0_a0     3529  150   542972 29968 ffffffff 00000000 S edu.nyu.scps.hello
    shell@ariel:/ $ ps -t 3529
    USER     PID   PPID  VSIZE  RSS     WCHAN    PC         NAME
    u0_a0     3529  150   542972 29968 ffffffff 00000000 S edu.nyu.scps.hello
    u0_a0     3533  3529  542972 29968 ffffffff 00000000 S GC
    u0_a0     3534  3529  542972 29968 ffffffff 00000000 S Signal Catcher
    u0_a0     3535  3529  542972 29968 ffffffff 00000000 S JDWP
    u0_a0     3536  3529  542972 29968 ffffffff 00000000 S Compiler
    u0_a0     3537  3529  542972 29968 ffffffff 00000000 S ReferenceQueueD
    u0_a0     3538  3529  542972 29968 ffffffff 00000000 S FinalizerDaemon
    u0_a0     3539  3529  542972 29968 ffffffff 00000000 S FinalizerWatchd
    u0_a0     3540  3529  542972 29968 ffffffff 00000000 S Binder_1
    u0_a0     3541  3529  542972 29968 ffffffff 00000000 S Binder_2
    shell@ariel:/ $ exit
  7. July 18, 2015: up to Sqlite in the in-class examples. Cursor and CursorAdapter have been rewritten to update the screen automatically whenever the user adds a new contact.

    Play with the SQLite examples in Play with SQLite. I finished the example in the “Frequency” section. Click on the cartoon.

    Write an app named Jul25 that will create an SQLite database containing at least one table. The table must have a column declared as

    	_id integer primary key autoincrement
    Your app should create, update, and delete records from the table. For example, your table could have two columns,
    	x real,
    	y real
    to keep track of the points where the user touched the screen. (Use a View.OnTouchListener.)

  8. July 25, 2015: up to JSON in the in-class examples. We also did Gesture. As usual, write a simple but interesting app. For example, can you recognize the whole uppercase English alphabet?

    We took Joey’s Java program Hangman and turned it into an Android app. You would learn a lot about programming if you rearranged the logic so that the Game is the higher-level object and the Prompter is the lower-level object. For example, the play method, which contains the main loop of the game, belongs up in class Game, not in class Prompter. And low-level methods that perform and validate input, such as validateGuess, belong down in class Prompter. To sum up, the Prompter object should be plugged into (or contained by) the Game object, not vice versa.

  9. August 1, 2015. We did Stroker and Top, including the thumbnail image exercise. Also Dial and Speech.

    I just put my first cloud example online! Thank you for your help—there’s no way I could have done this on my own. Remember, I learned to program back in the punch card era. Run the example in Parse and select Refresh from the three-white-dots menu to see if anyone else is running the app. [Wednesday, August 5: at least one person has run the app so far! He or she changed “Bob Hope” to “Bob Despair”. But they spelled “Despair” wrong. Please update the row again.] Then write an app named Aug1 that will read and write rows in a table in the cloud at Would anyone like to investigate push notifications?

    The book I mentioned is Arduino + Android Projects for the Evil Genius by Simon Monk. My entire website (including the class website) has moved to

  10. August 8, 2015. We did a content provider containing an SQLite database, and a client that reads and writes the database. We also read and wrote a table in the cloud at using non-UI threads. I would love to see the Python program that serves the list of movie quotes (Star Wars, Casablanca, etc.) in this project. Write and upload a simple but interetsing app named Aug8 that does something. (Database? GPS? Google map? Regular expressions?)
  11. Sunday, August 9, 2015. We did Location (GPS) and Map in the in-class examples. Does Location run faster on a phone that’s out of doors? For an example of drawing graphics on a Google map using JavaScript, see day.html. The markers mark the spots were the sun is directly overhead and directly underground; you can hover over them with your mouse. For Google map tiles I created myself (e.g., 0_0_0.png and 1_0_1.png), go to mandelbrot.html and zoom and drag. For the tiles of the Unicorn tapestries, go to Capturing the Unicorn and search for the word “tile”. Is there any way we could get these Unicorn tiles? What would be an example of rows and columns of images we could display with Google maps? Or a series of images at different zoom levels that we could cut up into rows and columns?

    Newflash: [Tue Aug 11 19:53:30 EDT 2015] I just got the Java class MapView to work.

  12. August 15, 2015. The database in Violation is now created by one big script. The error messages are gone, and I even discovered why three of the markers are outside the bounds of zipcode 10003.

    Macintosh OS X 10.10.5 and Android 6.0 (API 23) are now available. In Android Studio, pull down
    Tools → Android → SDK Manager
    Launch Standalone SDK Manager
    For an example of a new build.gradle file, see the build.gradle of VideoView.

    Write something simple but interesting. Hey, we now know how to parse XML (see XML_Parser_Experiment and XML_Parser_Experiment-master) as well as JSON, right?

  13. August 22, 2015. We did Photo, VideoView, PhotoByIntent, MediaPlayer, and MediaPlayerService in the in-class examples. In VideoView exercise 5a, how can I make a WebView play an mp4 video file on the Genymotion Samsung Galaxy S5? I corrected MediaPlayer so that it re-creates a pristine AsyncTask and SeekBar when you change the orientation of the device.

    I updated the huge shellscript in Violation so that you would have to change only one line (selectedzipcode=10003) to retarget it for a different zipcode.

    Write something simple but interesting, probably involving still photos, video, or audio, and upload it to GitHub. We’ll have an in-class oral report about Android and Arduino on August 29th.

  14. August 29, 2015. Submit your course evaluation if you have not yet done so.