November 19, 2012

Retrieved two results and then ignored them

Homework 2.5a (Chapter 2, p. 142): class date with one int data member, day.

 const time_t t = time(0);	//Get the current date.
 const tm *const p = localtime(&t);
 int year = p->tm_year+1900;
 int month = p->tm_mon+12;
 day = p->tm_mday;
	const time_t t = time(0);	//Get the current date.
	const tm *const p = localtime(&t);
	const int year = p->tm_year+1900;
	const int month = p->tm_mon+12;

	day = 365 * year + p->tm_mday - 1;
	for (size_t m = 1; m < month;; ++m) {
		day += date_length[m];

Ignored the data members

Homework 2.4a (Chapter 2, p. 126): class date with three int data members, year, month, day. This member function ignores the object to which it belongs:

void date::julian(count) const
	int jd = count;
	cout << jd % 365;
int date::julian() const
	int jd = day;

	for (size_t m = 1; m < month; ++m) {
		jd += date_length[m];

	return jd;

No reason to keep m alive

Homework 2.4a (Chapter 2, p. 126): class date with three int data members, year, month, day. We have to keep j alive after teh loop is over. But there’s no reason to keep m alive after the loop is over.
void date::julian() const
	int j = day;
	int m = month;
	while (--m > 0) {
	j += date_length[m];
	cout << "Julian date is " << j << "\n";
int date::julian() const
	int j = day;

	for (size_t m = month - 1; m > 0; --m) {
		j += date_length[m];

	return j;