June 11, 2012

Variable might be unused

If the is true, the variable texPerc will never be used. Never output whitespace immediately before a \n.

	cout<< "Enter the item's price:\n";
	float itemPrice;
	float taxPerc = 1.04375;
	cin >> itemPrice;

	if (!cin) {
		cerr << "The item's price must be a number \n\n";
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	cout << "Enter the item's price:\n";
	float itemPrice;	//uninitialized variable
	cin >> itemPrice;
	if (!cin) {
		cerr << "The item's price must be a number.\n\n";
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	const float taxPerc = 1.04375;

Redundant comparisons

As the weight increases, the cooking time goes down. Can’t store 18.75 in an int. Send error messags to cerr, then exit. Bug: if a tiny turkey weighs 3 pounds, it says “The turkey is too big!”.

	int time = 0;	// determine the cooking time
	if (weight >= 4 && weight <= 8) {
		time = 30;
		else if (weight >8 &&  weight <= 8) {
			time = 20;
			else if (weight >12 && weight <=16) {
				time = 18.75;
				else if (weight > 16 && weight <= 20) {
					time = 18;
					else if (weight > 20 && weight <= 24) {
						time = 17.5;
						else if (weight > 24 && weight <= 30) {
							time = 12.5;
						else cout << "The turkey is too big!\n";
	double time;	//cooking time in minutes; uninitialized variable

	if (weight < 4) {
		time = 0;
	else if (weight <= 8) {
		time = 30;
	else if (weight <= 16) {
		time = 18.75;
	else if (weight <= 20) {
		time = 18;
	else if (weight <= 24) {
		time = 17.5;
	else if (weight <= 30) {
		time = 12.5;
	else {
		cerr << "The turkey is too big!\n";
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

Easier to maintain with an array of structures.

	struct category {
		double pounds;
		double minutes;

	const category a[] = {
		{ 4,  0},
		{ 8, 30},
		{16, 18.75},
		{20, 18},
		{24, 17.5},
		{30, 12.5}
	const size_t n = sizeof a / sizeof a[0];

	double time;	//cooking time in minutes; uninitialized variable

	for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		if (weight <= a[i].pounds) {
			time = a[i].minutes;
			goto done; 

	cerr << "The turkey is too big!\n";