Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ I X52.9264

Summer 2000, Section 2 (Tuesday) Class Photo

Tuesday, May 30, 2000
48 Cooper Square, room 212.
The photo will be touch-sensitive after June 6, 2000, so you can click on the tip of each person's nose.

The other photo

  1. 00220002b.jpg

Not in photo, hidden, or unidentified

  1. zb222 Zachary Beatty
  2. dhc221 David H Coleman
  3. cd398 Conor Devlin
  4. ed38 Elizabeth Duchovni
  5. rj294 Randall Jasmin
  6. yk268 Yadin Kolitz
  7. yjk225 Young June Kwak
  8. bpw206 Bruno Wu