C++ Programming
Part I: X52.9264 / Y12.1005

Fall 2009, Section 1 (Monday) Class Photo

Monday, September 28, 2009
Meyer Hall, 4 Washington Place, room 157
Click on the tip of each person’s nose.

Not in photo, hidden, or unidentified

  1. vb664 Vijay Balasubramanian
  2. dmb410 Daniel M Bartolini
  3. eb1270 Elizabeth Batten
  4. ajg372 Aleksas J Gylys
  5. ch1369 Chaorui Huang
  6. oh300 Otakar Hubschmann
  7. yk900 Yuri Kasan
  8. ik573 Isamu Kato
  9. dl2004 David Lipshutz
  10. pearsy02 Yanthe E Pearson