Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ I
X52.9264 (a.k.a Y12.1003)

Summer 2004, Section 1 (Monday) Class Photo

Monday, July 27, 2004
48 Cooper Square room 113.
Click on the tip of each person's nose.

  • eb775 Eric Bronnimann

    Other images

    1. A digitally altered version of the above photo
    2. The other photo

    Not in photo, hidden, or unidentified

    1. ac1738 Alan Curry
    2. nfi1016 Nicola F Iozzo
    3. cm102 Christopher Musso
    4. har233 Henry A Rossman
    5. js1645 Jason Skinder
    6. tus202 Tamaile U Stephenson
    7. esw241 Eric S Weiss
    8. mx221 Mao Xia