Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ I
(a.k.a Y12.1003)
Fall 2002, Section 1 (Monday) Class Photo
Monday, September 23, 2002
High School
for Health Professions & Human Services,
345 East 15th Street,
room 403.
Click on the tip of each person's nose.
Not in photo, hidden, or unidentified
- na277
Neta Ashkenazi
- cqg2026
Christine George
- ash252
Alan S Haber
- mbh232
Matthew B Holzer
- csl2006
Carol Linde
- kll210
Kerry L Lyle
- em296
Shirley Edward Malcolm
- clm277
Charlana L McKeithen
- cim1412
Cecilia I Munguia
- im314
Ivor Muroff
- pjn209
Paul J Nash
- amn241
Anthony M Norris
- rdp231
Ralph D Pollard