Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ I
X52.9264 (a.k.a Y12.1003)

Fall 2002, Section 1 (Monday) Class Photo

Monday, September 23, 2002
High School for Health Professions & Human Services, 345 East 15th Street, room 403.
Click on the tip of each person's nose.

Not in photo, hidden, or unidentified

  1. na277 Neta Ashkenazi
  2. cqg2026 Christine George
  3. ash252 Alan S Haber
  4. mbh232 Matthew B Holzer
  5. csl2006 Carol Linde
  6. kll210 Kerry L Lyle
  7. em296 Shirley Edward Malcolm
  8. clm277 Charlana L McKeithen
  9. cim1412 Cecilia I Munguia
  10. im314 Ivor Muroff
  11. pjn209 Paul J Nash
  12. amn241 Anthony M Norris
  13. rdp231 Ralph D Pollard