GitHub Accounts
Summer 2013 INFO1-CE9236 Section 1

Create a free personal account. Then set up git and generate ssh keys. Then create a repository. Then upload your Xcode project to the repository.

  1. Andrew Allred. Look at PixelDraw instead of Jun27.
  2. Jose Arzuaga
  3. Andrew Cheung
  4. Andrew Ehigiator
  5. Udo Hoppenworth
  6. Phil Jacobs
  7. Navid Karimeddiny: second in the class to create a Jun13 project!
  8. Kevin Lee
  9. Matt Leonard
  10. Mark Meretzky (instructor)
  11. David Morton
  12. Nelson Ricardo: first in the class to create a Jun13 project!
  13. Andrew Rodney
  14. Ricardo Salgado